
Terms for subject International trade containing 作为M | all forms | in specified order only
为求得更多的保障起见而作成的拒绝承兑证书protest for better security
以有价证券作为抵押获得贷款take up loan on securities
作为票据上的保证good as aval
作为共同海损予以补偿的损失loss made good as general average
作为共同海损得到的补偿loss allowed as general average
作为共同海损得到补偿的损失damage made good a general average
作为共同海损得到补偿的灭失、损害和费用loss made good as general average
作为共同海损的损失loss allowed as general average
作为共同海损的补偿allowances charged to general average
作为共同海损补偿的损失allow make good a loss as general average
作为共同海损补偿的金额amount to be made good as general average
作为恩惠ex gratia
作为抵消的债权claim for set-off
作为抵消而提出的债权claim made by way of set-off
作为... 的担保in security for
作为警告in terrorem
作为资本支出的费用capitalized expense
作成责成被告完成具体行为的判决enter a judgement providing for specific performance
凭借债权作为抵消rely on a claim for the purpose of set-off
提出债权作为抵消assert a set-off
援引自己的时效期满的债权作为对原告诉权的辩护set off a barred claim in defense of an action
援引债权作为抵销rely on a claim for purpose of set-off
通融办理让步作为例外stretch a point