
Terms for subject Mining containing 作为M | all forms
一次起下作业、双层砾石充填作业single trip, dual zone gravel pack
一次起下作业、双层砾石充填系统single-trip, dual-zone gravel pack system
一次起下多层作业砾石充填single trip multi-zone gravel pack
三作用泵抽系统triple-action pumping system
二次耕作〔加工〕second working
井下工具高级操作工downhole tools senior operator
人工举升综合分析工作站comprehensive lift analysis workstation
其他公司采油封隔器作业production packer service others
具系统失效保护作用的安全技术的应急关闭系统system fail-safe action safety technology emergency shut down system
内加压操作【控制】的internal-pressure operated
卡箍式压力计工作筒gauge holding mandrel
贝克公司压力操作测试阀pressure operated testing valve
双作用泵抽系统dual action pumping system
套管清洗作业casing clean out operation
安全工作压力safety working pressure
工作【操作】压力working pressure
平均工作压力average working pressure
平衡作用 【效应】counterbalance effect
开发与作业协调文件development and operation coordination documents
开发与作业协调文件development and operation coordination document
手轮操作的handwheel operated
持续作用sustained action
无人工作面开采minerless mining
无限作用【边界】径向流infinite acting radial flow
最大额定工作压力maximum normal working pressure
最高作业【使用】压力maximum service pressure
最高工作压力maximum working pressure
最高工作压力maximum operating pressure
最高工作电压maximum working voltage
有效作用区service area
有效作用时间time of useful function
正常工作压力normal working pressure
气举阀工作筒gas lift mandrels
水击作用消除器water hammer eliminator
水力式阀座工作筒hydro-seat barrel
水力清洗作业hydraulic cleanout service
江斯顿采油封隔器作业production packer service Johnston
油井作业支援队well operations support team
油井作业数据交换well operating data exchange
注入和举升双作用系统dual injection and lifting system
注水泥作业回收系统cementing operations retrieval system
泵抽作业pump job
环空压力操作循环阀annulus pressure-operated circulating valve
石油开采技术合作方oil recovery technical partner
英国石油技术工作者协会Institute of Petroleum Technologists
砂子及磨蚀作用监测系统sand and erosion monitoring system
租借矿区【油田】作业lease operations
蒸气工作压力steam working pressure
蒸气工作压力steam service pressure
西部公司西部防砂作业Western Sand Control Services
计算机辅助生产作业computer-aided production operation
试井作业well testing services
试油【井】操作工well testing operator
贝克公司采油封隔器作业production packer service Baker
美国贝克一休斯井下作业公司Baker Hughes Treatment Services
过油管泄压桥塞作业的双计时器dual timer through tubing bleed off bridge plug service
远距离操纵长壁工作面〔采掘设备〕remotely operated longwall face (equipment)
国际石油工程师协会专业会议采油作业专题讨论Production Operation Symposium
采油封隔器作业production packer service
重力驱一水驱相互作用gravity drainage waterflood interaction
集装箱式测试作业房containerized testing services cab
预期最大操作压力maximum expected operating pressure
高温氧化作用下的混相空气驱high temperature oxidation-miscible air flooding
高温氧化作用下的非混相空气驱high temperature oxidation-immiscible air flooding
高温氧化作用下的高压注high temperature oxidation-high pressure air injection
高级试井操作工senior well testing operator