
Terms for subject Business containing 作为 | all forms | in specified order only
作为的义务duty of abstention
为调解所作出的努力mediatory efforts
以权益或资产净值作为证券计价的依据equity basis of valuation of securities
票据上作为保证good as aval
作为共同海损得到的损失补偿damage made good as general average
作为共同海损得到的损失补偿damage allowed as general average
作为共同海损所获补助金额amount to be made good as general average
作为动态过程的竞争competition as a dynamic process
作为市场经济特征的竞争competition as a feature of the market economy
作为抵押as collateral
作为抵押品的资产asset held as collateral
作为抵销提出的债权claim made by way of set-off
作为抵销的债权claim for set-off
作为担保serve as collateral security
作为担保serve as cover
作为…担保in security for
作为特别照顾as a special accommodation
作为独立实体的合伙partnership as a separate entity
作为生产因素的资本capital as factor of production
作为…的替代in lieu (of)
作为统计单位的家庭household as statistical unit
作为职工报酬的股票选购权和购买计划compensatory stock option and purchase plan
作为试用on probations
作为配售品be under allocation
作为商品销售的commercially saleable
少算百分之一作为漏损allow one percent for leakage
工作行为job behavior
把薪金和利息作为费用salaries and interest as expenses
接受…作为抵偿take... out in