
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
交易transaction balances
residual item
balance SNA93, accounting
amount outstanding
使用基金组织信贷outstanding use of Fund credit
使用基金组织信贷outstanding Fund credit
借方debit balance
借款outstanding borrowing
债务outstanding liabilities
债务outstanding obligation
债务outstanding stock of liabilities
债务outstanding debt
债权outstanding claim
充分就业预算盈full employment budget surplus
全球经常账户额统计差异工作小组Working Party on the Statistical Discrepancy in World Current Account Balances
公债outstanding government debt
公债outstanding public debt
出口盈export surplus
价值surplus value
方差residual variance
方差unexplained variance
期限remaining maturity Debt Guide, 1993, FSIG
期限residual maturity
周转working balance
国际收支总overall balance
国际收支总overall balance of payments
基本primary balance
基本primary fiscal balance
基本盈primary surplus
基金组织的信贷outstanding use of Fund credit
基金组织的信贷outstanding Fund credit
外国人持有的foreign-held balances
官方结算official settlement balance
实际额效应Pigou effect
实际额效应real balances effect
平均日average daily balance
overall balance
overall fiscal balance
按债务工具划分的债务outstanding debt by type of debt instrument
按债务持有者划分的债务outstanding debt by type of debt holder
从基金组织的提款outstanding drawings on the Fund
操作operational balance
操作operational fiscal balance
政府债务outstanding government debt
政府债务outstanding public debt
未提undrawn balance
未清outstanding balance
项目residual item
消费者剩consumer surplus
现有balance on hand
现金cash balance
现金盈cash surplus
生产者剩producer surplus
社会剩net social benefit of production
社会剩social surplus
经常账户或差额balance on current account
经常账户或差额current account balance
美元dollar balances
营业operating profit or loss
营业operating position
营业operating balance
营业盈operating surplus
营运working balance
财政budget surplus/deficit
财政budgetary balance
财政fiscal balance
财政基本primary balance
财政基本primary fiscal balance
财政操作operational balance
财政操作operational fiscal balance
财政盈/赤字budgetary balance
财政盈/赤字budget surplus/deficit
财政盈/赤字fiscal balance
购买outstanding purchases
贷方credit balance
贷款outstanding loans
运行净net operating balance
闲置idle balances
预算差额budget surplus/deficit
预算差额budgetary balance
预算差额fiscal balance
预算或差额中的周期性因素cyclical component of budget balance
预算节budget surplus realized surplus
预防性precautionary balances