
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 体系 | all forms | in specified order only
个体近交系数inbreeding coefficient of an individual
中型机械化体系medium mechanization system
丹尼尔体系deniers system
二体加系disomic addition line
企业管理体系enterprise management architecture
体壁神经系统integumental nervous system
[活]体外系统in vitro system
体系systematics (systematica)
体系set up
体系突变systemic mutation
体系突变systematic mutation (mutatio systematica)
体系结构architectural structure
体细胞无性系变异somaclonal variation
体细胞杂种无性系库somatic cell hybrid clone panel
体长系数body length-coefficient
作物智能栽培学的教学体系建设instruction system construction of intelligent crop production
作物栽培学体系crop production system
DNA 供体-受体系DNA donor-receptor system
保护体系结构protection architecture
T偶系噬菌体T-even phage
光合电子传递体系photosynthetic electron transport system
光系 II 突变体photosystem II mutant
光系 I 突变体photosystem I mutant
六倍体系hexapioid series
农业工程体系agricultural engineering system
农业知识创新体系agricultural knowledge innovation system
农业科技体系agricultural scientific and technical system
体系rigid system (systema rigida)
创新体系innovation system
动态可伸缩结构体系dynamic scalable architecture
单倍-二倍体系haplo-diploid system
单倍体品系haploid strain
单倍体的无性[繁殖]系繁殖clonal propagation of haploid
单无性 [繁殖]系抗体monoclonal antibody (McAb,mab)
单无性系抗体monoclonal antibody
可持续发展指标体系index system of sustainable development
叶绿体- 线粒体系chloroplast-mitochondria system
同系交配群体endogamic population
噬菌体系bacteriophage system
噬菌体整合系统phage integration system
噬菌体表面表达系统bacteriophage surface expression system
四倍体系tetraploid series
四倍体品系tetrapioid strain
团体联机情报系统community on-line intelligence system
固氮酶体系nitrogenase system
基-塘体系dike-pond system
多倍体系polyploid series
多同步数字体系结构pleiochronous digital hierarchy
多媒体智能化专家系统expert system of multimedia intellectualization
多干体系multistem system
多性染色体系multiple sex chromosome system
多无性系抗体polyclonal antibody
多环体系polycyclic system (systema polycyclica)
多金属多配体系multiple-metal multiple-ligand system
天气体系synoptic regime
T奇系噬菌体T-odd phage
实体联系方法entity relationship approach
家系与个体综合选择combined family and individual selection
密闭呼吸的气体系closed respiratory gas system
小麦多倍体系wheat polyploid series
小麦异倍体系wheat heteroploid series
异倍体系heteroploid series
异倍体品系heteroploid strain
体系结构microarchitecture (microarchitectura)
性染色体-常染色体平衡系统X-chromosome-autosome balance system
总发育体系epigenotype (epigenotypus)
抗原抗体系antigen-antibody system
支持体系support system
支持体系aid scheme
数据通信网络体系data communication network architecture
整体信息系统overall information system
整倍体系euploid series
无性系繁殖体clonal variant
无性繁殖体纯系clonal pure line
星体制导系统stellar guidance system
村社只有制体系communal tenure system
核糖体系ribosomal system
气体溶解度系数gas-solubility coefficient
激体离解系统activator-dissociation system
特殊噬菌体重组系统special phage recombination system
生控体系cybernetic organism
生物圃体系bionursery systems
田-塘体系field-pond system
体系in vitro system
种系体germ line body
种系嵌合体germ line chimera
种系染色体germ-line chromosome
科学技术体系systematics of science and technology
科学研究体系创新scientific research and system innovation
科技体系scientific and technical system
稻多倍体系rice polyploid series
类生物体系bioid (bioides)
繁育体系有性生殖突变的变量组成部分breeding system
[染色体]级系群体hierarchical population
纯系群体pure-line population
线粒体系chondriome (chondrioma)
线粒体蛋白质合成系统mitochondrial protein synthesizing system
经络科学体系Jin-Luo scientific system
综合生产体系integrated production systems
综合肥料体系comprehensive fertilizer system
体系coefficient of population
体系population system
群体[突变频率]探测系统population monitoring system
群体回归系数population regression coefficient
群体近交系数inbreeding coefficient of a population
体系colloidal system
脂粒体系lipochondrion (lipochondrioma)
脂粒体系lipochondriome (lipochondrioma)
自体平衡系统homeostatic system
自体调节系统homeostatic system
解离-激体系dissociation-activator system (Ds-Ac system)
试验体系test system
体系plastidome (plastidoma)
质量管理体系quality management system
身体微生物区系body flora (corpoflora)
体系指脂的一类,源自 Mollusca 软体动物mollu series
远系繁殖群体outbreeding population
遗传质体系plastid system of heredity
配子体系gametophytic system
防洪体系flood control system
非整倍体系aneuploid series
非整倍体细胞系aneuploid cell line