
Terms for subject Psychology containing 体型 | all forms
个体心理学personal psychology
个体心理学individual psychology
个体最佳功能区理论individual zone of optimal functioning theory
个体自我激发策略individual self-energizing strategy
体育临床治疗师physical therapist
体育天才physical genius
体育学习兴趣sport learning interest
体育学习动机sport learning motive
体育社会心理学social psychology of sport
体育运动目标参与问卷Goal Involvement in Sport Questionnaire
体育音乐疗法music-sport therapy
体能性项目fitness oriented sports
共同协作的体育运动coactive sports
具体环境中的领导特质situational leadership trait
具体目标specific goal
协作群体coacting group
团体性运动interactive sport
多维身体形象-自我关系问卷Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire
客体运动知觉object motion perception
巅峰体验peak experience
当前整体体验psychological present
拘束身体法physical restriction
整体人格特质global personality trait
整体学习法synthetic learning method
整体自信global self-confidence
机体觉organic sensation
社会体格焦虑social physique anxiety
社会体格焦虑量表Social Physique Anxiety Scale
自我决定连续体self -determination continuum
身体变位知觉body-positional-change perception
身体自我体验body ego
身体自我概念physical self-concept
身体自我知觉剖面图Physical Self-Perception Profile
身体适应body adaptation
躯体焦虑somatic anxiety
躯体状态焦虑state somatic anxiety
运动巅峰体验peak experiences in sport
运动本体预测self-motion pretest
运动集体亲合性cohesiveness of sport collective
运动集体的心理共性common mentality of sport collective
运动集体的心理相容mental compatibility of sport collective
运动集体的整体化与专门化consolidation and specialization of sport collective
部分与整体学习part and whole learning
集体心理学group psychology
集体心理学collective psychology
集体效能collective efficacy
集体自我效能collective self-efficacy
集体行为collective behaviour
高峰体验peak experience