
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
宅区residential quarters
宅建设housing constructing
宅按揭residential mortgage
宅楼宇租金指数domestic rental index
宅物业价格指数domestic property price index
户开支household expenditure
户收人household income
residential building
lodging quarters
在华盛顿过两年以后、 我常常对好莱坞的现实主义和真诚的生活充满渴望After two years in Washington I often long for the Realism and sincerity of Hollywood
签证residence visa
许可证residence permit
residence permit
您可以禁止"自动填充"、方法是按 Ctrl 键的同时拖动选定两个或更多单元格的填充柄You can suppress series AutoFill by holding down Ctrl as you drag the fill handle of a selection of two or more cells
现场营地与camps and housing
业主津贴owner-occupier allowance
解压缩时、请再次记要指定保留目录信息Again, remember to specify to retain directory information when you unpack
请选择不超过15个字符的您可以记的单词、此口令会用于确认某些交易或对您进行身份验证Please choose a memorable word of no more than 15 characters. This may be used to confirm certain transactions or to verify your identity
预制prefabricated house