
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
户服务的非营利机构nonprofit institutions serving households
低成本low-cost housing
宅建筑residential construction
household sector
户部门household sector
房和社区服务设施housing and community amenities
房抵押市场home mortgage market
其他传统的固定钉安排other conventional fixed peg arrangements IMF exchange rate classification system, 2006
取消钉汇率unpeg the rate
可变利率的房抵押贷款variable rate mortgage
可调整的钉adjustable peg
可调整的钉fixed but adjustable exchange rate
可调整的钉crawling peg
多种货币钉multicurrency pegging
多种货币钉multicurrency peg
按目的划分的为户服务的非营利机构的分类Classification of the Purposes of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households
水平波幅内的钉汇率pegged exchange rates within horizontal bands IMF exchange rate classification system, 2006
爬行式钉fixed but adjustable exchange rate
爬行式钉adjustable peg
爬行式钉crawling peg
硬钉hard peg
移动的钉moving peg exchange rates
美国联邦房抵押贷款公司Freddie Mac
美国联邦房抵押贷款公司Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
美国联邦房融资机构Federal Housing Finance Agency
被钉的货币peg exchange rates
货币钉pegged exchange rate
软钉soft pegging
软钉soft peg
pegged exchange rate
一种货币peg a currency to
一篮子货币basket pegging
一篮子货币composite peg
一篮子货币basket peg
某一种货币single-currency link
某一种货币unicurrency pegging
某一种货币unicurrency peg
某一种货币single peg
某一种货币single-currency pegging
汇率制度pegged regime
汇率制度currency peg
汇率制度pegged exchange rate regime
汇率制度pegged exchange arrangement
汇率安排pegged exchange rate regime
汇率安排pegged regime
汇率安排currency peg
汇率安排pegged exchange arrangement
汇率的调整adjustment of the peg