
Terms for subject Economy containing 低成本 | all forms | in specified order only
为求最佳经济福利,必须在最低平均成本点上生产necessity for operation at point of lowest average cost, for optimum economic welfare
低成本low cost
低成本产品low cost product
低成本住房计划low-cast housing project
低成本生产low cost production
使生产成本降低一半halve the production cost
减低至最低成本minimization of cost
合理降低成本reasonable cost down
在最低平均成本点上生产pure competition cost
成本或市价孰低法at the lower of cost or market
成本与市价孰低估价法the valuation at cost or market
成本降低cost reduction (program, 方案)
成本降低率rate of cost reduction
成本降低金额amount of cost reduction
新时代成本降低cost reduction in the new era
低成本与估算明细表least cost and estimating schedule
低成本估算与日程安排系统least-cost estimating and scheduling system
低成本估计minimum cost estimating
低成本使用期minimum cost life
低成本分析minimum cost analysis
低成本分析least cost analysis
低成本法则minimum cost rule
低成本的组合least cost combination
低成本规划minimum cost programming
低成本路线least cost route
最低平均成本lowest average cost
最低总成本lowest total overall cost
最低生产成本lowest production cost
最低资源成本the minimal resource cost
最低资源成本minimal resource cost
独占性竞争未能做到最低平均成本monopolistic competition failure to attain lowest average cost
生产要素的最低成本least factor-costs for producing
生产要素的最低成本least factor costs
运输成本最低化the minimization of transportation cost
低成本cost reduction (费用)
低成本cost saving
低成本cost down
低成本cost minimization principle
低成本联盟Cost Reduction Alliance
高需求与最低生产成本的原理principle of high demand & the lowest production cost