
Terms for subject Business containing 低成本 | all forms | in specified order only
以历史成本或可变现净值低者为准lower of historic cost or net realizable value
以成本或市价孰低为准存货计价法之一lower of cost or market
以按类别计算的总成本或总市价低者为准lower of total cost or total market by group
低于成本below cost
低于成本价格at less than cost
低成本国家招发展中国家low cost country
低成本技术low cost technology
低成本生产者low-cost producers
低成本自动化low-cost automation
低成本、高收益的投资low-cost high-return investment
低生产成本low production cost
单项资本低位构成lower composition of an individual capital
可比产品成本降低指标cost reduction target on comparable product
可比产品成本降低率rate of reduction of cost of comparable products
存货按成本或市价孰低计价reduction of inventory to lower of cost or market
市价低于成本的存货item of inventories of which market value is lower than cost
总成本或总市价孰低法lower of total cost or total market method
总成本或总市价孰低法lower of total cost or total market
成本与市价孰低估价法valuation at cost or market
成本与市价孰低的规则rule of cost or market
成本价与市价孰低cost or market whichever is lower
成本价与市价按低价cost or market whichever is lower
成本价与市价按低价的存货计价法指一种存货计价方法,即对库存商品或产品,其成本低于市价, 按成本价计算,如高于市价,则按市价计算的一种计算法cost or market whichever is lower method of inventory valuation
成本价与市价按低价盘存计价法cost or market whichever is lower method of inventory valuation
成本低的low cost
成本或低于成本原则cost or-less principle
成本或市价孰低cost or market whichever is lower
成本或市价孰低法lower of cost or market method
成本效益低即投入高于效益cost ineffective
成本最低化minimize cost
成本较低区域lower-cost region
成本降低cost decrease
成本降低原理cost reduction principle
成本降低法cost reduction method
成本降低率cost reduction rate
成本降低计划cost reduction plan
成本降低额cost reduction
成本降到最低限.度cost minimization
成本预测高低点法high-low method of cost estimation
投入最低成本组合least cost combination of input
按成本或低于成本计算原则cost-or-less principle
按成本或市价孰低计价valuation at lower of cost or market
接受低于成本的订货acceptance of an order at a price below the cost
低成本估算与调度方案least cost estimating and scheduling
低成本估计与安排Least-cost Estimating and Scheduling
低成本估计与安排系统Lest-cost Estimating and Scheduling System
低成本估计与调度系统least cost estimating and scheduling system
低成本和估算计划法least cost and estimating scheduling
低成本和估算计划法least cost and estimating schedule
低成本寿命minimum cost life
低成本寿命分析minimum-cost-life analysis
低成本投入组合least cost input combination
低成本least costing
低成本法则minimum-cost rule
低成本least cost point
低成本生产法least cost method of production
最低估计成本minimum-cost estimating
最低平均成本least average cost
最低总成本least total cost
最低材料成本minimum material cost
最低相当成本least equivalent cost
最低营销成本minimum marketing cost
最低运输成本minimum transport cost
最低运输成本点minimum transport cost point
材料成本最低化minimization of material cost
生产成本最低化minimization of production cost
生产要素的最低成本least factor-costs for production
综合成本降低计划integrate cost reduction program
营销成本最低化minimization of marketing cost
运输成本最低化minimization of transport cost
低成本let-down cost
低成本reduced cost
低成本cut the cost
低成本cutting down cost
低成本cut back cost
低成本原理cost minimization principle
低成本支出cost reduction expenditure
低成本政策cost down policy
低成本运动cost reduction campaign
低成本reduced cost amount
降低利息成本reduced interest cost
降低生产成本reduce production cost
降低生产成本cut down the cost of production
降低生产成本lowering production cost
降低生产成本lower production cost
降低生产成本cut back production cost
降低行销成本cutting down marketing cost
降低进出口成本cut down the cost of import and export
集体资本低位构成lower composition of group capital
高需求与低生产成本原理principle of high demand and the lowest production cost
高需求与最低生产成本原理principle of high demand and the lowest production cost