
Terms containing 低成本 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.为求最佳经济福利,必须在最低平均成本点上生产necessity for operation at point of lowest average cost, for optimum economic welfare
UN亚洲最低成本温室气体排放计划Least-Cost Greenhouse Gas Emission Plan in Asia
China, law以低于成本的价格at prices below cost
busin.以历史成本或可变现净值低者为准lower of historic cost or net realizable value
busin.以成本或市价孰低为准存货计价法之一lower of cost or market
busin.以按类别计算的总成本或总市价低者为准lower of total cost or total market by group
textile估计最低成本minimum cost estimating
tech.估计最低成本minimum-cost estimating
busin.低于成本below cost
busin.低于成本价格at less than cost
China, law低于成本的价格below cost price
tech.低劳动成本low labour cost
tech.低劳动成本low labor cost
met.低成本low cost
econ.低成本low cost
space低成本一次使用运载火箭low cost expendable launch vehicle
el.低成本互连low cost interconnection
econ., agric.低成本产品low cost product
logist.低成本优势领先地位low-cost leadership
logist.低成本优势领先地位low-cost advantage
avia.低成本低空分配器low cost low altitude dispenser
IMF.低成本住房low-cost housing
environ.低成本住房low-cost housing Residences built at minimal expense and designed to keep the rental rate or price of purchase affordable for persons with limited means, usually determined by an annual income level set below the local median (最小成本建设的公寓,旨在保持出租率或购买价格为小户收入者负担得起,这种小户通常由一年收入低于当地平均水平来确定。)
econ.低成本住房计划low-cast housing project
el.低成本光纤low cost fiber
telecom.低成本光纤局域网low cost optical fiber LAN
el.低成本光纤系统fiber-optic low cost system
el.低成本分组无线网low-cost packet radio network
space低成本助推技术low cost boost technology
el.低成本反装甲子母弹low cost anti-armor submunition
avia.低成本发射飞行器low cost launch vehicle
el.低成本固态逻辑技术low cost solid logic technology
textile低成本国家low-cost country
busin.低成本国家招发展中国家low cost country
el.低成本图形终端low cost graphics terminal
proj.manag.低成本地位low-cost position
el.低成本多芯片组件low-cost multichip module
el.低成本太阳能电池阵列low-cost solar array
el.低成本导弹系统low cost missile system
el.低成本小型测试仪low-cost compact tester
avia.低成本巡航导弹防御low cost cruise missile defense
space低成本布撒器low-cost dispenser
mining.低成本开发系统low cost development system
avia.低成本微型巡航导弹low cost mini cruise missile
avia.低成本惯导系统low cost inertial
space低成本惯性制导系统low cost inertial guidance system
space低成本战术成像仪low cost tactical imager (美国军用技术试验卫星)
adv.低成本战略cost leadership strategy
el.低成本打印机low cost printer
interntl.trade.低成本技术low-cost technologies
fin.低成本技术low-cost technology
busin.低成本技术low cost technology
avia.低成本拦截器low cost interceptor
securit.低成本指数追踪型基金low-cost index tracker
avia.低成本效率因素cost effective factor
el.低成本最佳无源光学元件low-cost optimized optical passive components
avia.低成本机翼low cost wing
space低成本模件式航天器low-cost modular spacecraft
avia.低成本模件航天器low cost modular spacecraft
el.低成本模块low cost module
avia.低成本模拟试验台low cost simulation testbed
el.低成本武器投射系统low-cost weapon delivery system
avia.低成本燃烧室研制计划low cost combustor development program
econ.低成本生产low cost production
busin.低成本生产者low-cost producers
el.低成本电子战套件low cost electronic warfare suite
mil., air.def.低成本电子战装备low cost electronic warfare suite
IT低成本low cost code
el.低成本硅太阳能电池阵列计划Low-Cost Silicon Solar Array Project
avia.低成本空中巡逻运载器low cost loitering carrier
space低成本空中目标low cost air target
avia.低成本空中靶子low cost air target
space低成本精确杀伤low cost precision kill
avia.低成本系统办公室low cost systems office
el.低成本红外探测阵列low-cost arrays for the detection of infrared
el.低成本终端low cost terminal
space低成本综合导航系统LOCI NS low cost integrated navigation system
el.低成本综合导航系统low cost integrated navigation system
space低成本自主攻击系统low-cost autonomous strike system
space低成本自主攻击系统Low Cost Autonomous Attack System
interntl.trade.低成本自动化low cost automation
busin.低成本自动化low-cost automation
el.低成本自动导引头low cost seeker
avia.低成本航空训练器low cost aerial trainer
fin.低成本融资low-cost finance
el.低成本视觉系统low-cost vision system
space低成本进入太空cheap access to space
el.低成本长期军火供应计划low cost competent munition program
proj.manag.低成本防御型low-cost defender
el.低成本非致冷传感器样机low cost uncooled sensor prototype
space低成本靶机low cost air target
avia.低成本飞机low cost aircraft
avia.低成本飞行制导low cost flight guidance
food.serv.低成本食品low-cost food
anim.husb.低成本饲养low cost feeding
busin.低成本、高收益的投资low-cost high-return investment
el.低成本高效益设备cost effective equipment
avia.低成本高效飞行cost effective flight
textile低生产成本low production costs
busin.低生产成本low production cost
fin.低的生产成本low production cost
econ.使生产成本降低一半halve the production cost
chem.先进低成本工艺advanced low cost technology
el.全球低成本中继global low cost relay
UN, polit.公路交通事故记录, 分析和低成本补救措施讨论会Seminar on Road Traffic Accident Recording, Analysis and Low-cost Remedial Measures
tech.减低利息成本reduced interest cost
econ.减低至最低成本minimization of cost
corp.gov.制定最低成本计划least cost scheduling
tech.制订成本降低计划institute cost reduction programme
tech.制订成本降低计划institute cost reduction program
proj.manag.加工过程中制品的废料、溢料可回收使用、以降低生产成本、更合乎环保原则The remaining materials can be recycled during the finishing process to reduce the production cost for the sake of environmental protection
busin.单项资本低位构成lower composition of an individual capital
tech.历史成本与可变现净值孰低lower of historical cost or net realizable value
tech.历史成本与可变现净值孰低lower of historic cost or net realizable value
fin.历史成本与可实现净值孰低lower of historic cost or net realizable value
securit.压低平均成本average down
tech.可比产品成本降低任务cost reduction target on comparable products
busin.可比产品成本降低指标cost reduction target on comparable product
busin.可比产品成本降低率rate of reduction of cost of comparable products
tech.可比产品成本降低率cost reduction percentage of comparable products
tech.可比产品成本降低额reduced cost of comparable products
textile可比产品成本降低额reduced amount of cost of comparable pro ducts
tech.可比产品成本降低额reduced amount of cost of comparable products
econ.合理降低成本reasonable cost down
fin.固定最低成本要求fixed minimum capital requirement
econ.在最低平均成本点上生产pure competition cost
busin.存货按成本或市价孰低计价reduction of inventory to lower of cost or market
avia.寿命周期低成本航空电子设备low life cycle cost avionics
el.小型低成本截击设备small low-cost interceptor device
busin.市价低于成本的存货item of inventories of which market value is lower than cost
el.带动力装置的低成本自主攻击系统powered low cost autonomous attack system
tech.平均成本最低least average cost
tech.总成本与总市价孰低lower of total cost or total market
fin.总成本或总市价孰低lower of total cost or total market
busin.总成本或总市价孰低法lower of total cost or total market method
busin.总成本或总市价孰低法lower of total cost or total market
agric.成本[降]低cost reduction
econ.成本或市价孰低法at the lower of cost or market
fin.成本与市价孰低cost or market whichever is lower (cost or/of market rule)
econ.成本与市价孰低估价法the valuation at cost or market
busin.成本与市价孰低估价法valuation at cost or market
securit.成本与市价孰低原则the lower of cost and market
busin.成本与市价孰低的规则rule of cost or market
fin.成本与市价孰低规则whichever is lower cost or market price
securit.成本与市场价孰低法low of cost or market
securit.成本与市场价孰低法在资产负债表中,披露有价证券投资价格时,在投资成本与市场价两者中选价格低者进行公布lower of cost or market
fin.成本与市场孰低的原则rule of cost or market
busin.成本价与市价孰低cost or market whichever is lower
busin.成本价与市价按低价cost or market whichever is lower
busin.成本价与市价按低价的存货计价法指一种存货计价方法,即对库存商品或产品,其成本低于市价, 按成本价计算,如高于市价,则按市价计算的一种计算法cost or market whichever is lower method of inventory valuation
busin.成本价与市价按低价盘存计价法cost or market whichever is lower method of inventory valuation
securit.成本价与市场价孰低计价valuation at lower of cost or market
tech.成本估算的咼低法high low method of cost estimation
securit.成本低效cost inefficiency
busin.成本低的low cost
commer.成本减低率rate of cost reduction
securit.成本和市价孰低法cost or market whichever is lower
busin.成本或低于成本原则cost or-less principle
securit.成本或低于成本的原则cost-or-less principle
busin.成本或市价孰低cost or market whichever is lower
fin.成本或市价孰低法at the lower of cost or market
fin.成本或市价孰低法低者为准lower of cost or market the lower-of-cost or market rule: cost or markets whichever is lower
busin.成本或市价孰低法lower of cost or market method
commer.成本或费用降低cost reduction
fin.成本或较低原则cost or less principle
busin.成本效益低即投入高于效益cost ineffective
oil成本最低化cost minimization
textile成本最低化minimization of cost
busin.成本最低化minimize cost
busin.成本较低区域lower-cost region
tech.成本较低的区域lower-cost region
econ.成本降低cost reduction (program, 方案)
environ.成本降低cost reduction The lessening or lowering in the amount of money incurred or asked for in the exchange of goods and services (在货物及服务交易中,引发资金总额的下降或减少。)
fin.成本降低cost reduction
textile成本降低cost down
busin.成本降低cost decrease
busin.成本降低原理cost reduction principle
shipb.成本降低措施measurement of cost reducing
textile成本降低方案cost reduction program
avia.成本降低曲线cost reduction curve
busin.成本降低法cost reduction method
tech.成本降低率decrease rate of cost
tech.成本降低率cost decreasing rate
busin.成本降低率cost reduction rate
econ.成本降低率rate of cost reduction
shipb.成本降低率cost reducing rate
corp.gov.成本降低的行业decreasing cost industry
fin.成本降低计划cost reduction programs
busin.成本降低计划cost reduction plan
avia.成本降低选择性研究cost reduction alternative study
econ.成本降低金额amount of cost reduction
tech.成本降低额decrease quantum of cost
fin.成本降低额amount of cost reduction
shipb.成本降低额amount for cost reduction
busin.成本降低额cost reduction
shipb.成本降低额amount of cost-reduction
busin.成本降到最低限.度cost minimization
busin.成本预测高低点法high-low method of cost estimation
busin.投入最低成本组合least cost combination of input
fin.投资价值或现行成本孰低lower of investment value or current cost
chem.按年度最低成本minimum annualized cost
fin.按成本与市价孰低估价valuation at the lower of cost or market
busin.按成本或低于成本计算原则cost-or-less principle
proj.manag.按成本或市价孰低计价at the lower of cost or market
busin.按成本或市价孰低计价valuation at lower of cost or market
fin.按类别的总成本或总市价孰低lower of total cost or total market by group
interntl.trade.按过去较低成本规定现行产品价格的政策rollback policy
fin.按项目的成本或市价孰低lower of cost or market by item
textile接受低于成本价格的订货acceptance of an order at belowcost price
interntl.trade.接受低于成本的订货acceptance of an order at below cost prices
busin.接受低于成本的订货acceptance of an order at a price below the cost
tech.接受低于成本的订货acceptance of an order at below-cost price
UN, account.效率高成本低的cost-effective
econ.新时代成本降低cost reduction in the new era
tech.低成本cost minimization
textile低成本least cost
fin.低成本minimum cost
textile低成本lowest possible cost
textile低成本minimal cost
econ.低成本与估算明细表least cost and estimating schedule
telecom.低成本估算least cost estimation
tech.低成本估算least cost estimating
econ.低成本估算与日程安排系统least-cost estimating and scheduling system
el.低成本估算与计划调度least cost estimating and scheduling
el.低成本估算与计划调度系统least-cost estimating and scheduling system
busin.低成本估算与调度方案least cost estimating and scheduling
tech.低成本估算与调度法least-coat estimating and scheduling system
el.低成本估算与调度系统least cost estimating and scheduling system
tech.低成本估算与调度系统least-coat estimating and scheduling system
gen.低成本估算及计划系统least cost estimating and scheduling
avia.低成本估算和计划系统least cost estimating and scheduling system
econ.低成本估计minimum cost estimating
busin.低成本估计与安排Least-cost Estimating and Scheduling
busin.低成本估计与安排系统Lest-cost Estimating and Scheduling System
busin.低成本估计与调度系统least cost estimating and scheduling system
archit.低成本估计与预定least cost estimating and scheduling
space低成本估计算与调度系统least cost estimating and scheduling system
econ.低成本使用期minimum cost life
econ.低成本分析minimum cost analysis
econ.低成本分析least cost analysis
busin.低成本和估算计划法least cost and estimating scheduling
busin.低成本和估算计划法least cost and estimating schedule
busin.低成本寿命minimum cost life
busin.低成本寿命分析minimum-cost-life analysis
met.低成本废钢配料程序least cost scrap mix program
busin.低成本投入组合least cost input combination
anim.husb.低成本日粮least-cost ration
corp.gov.低成本时程least cost scheduling
textile低成本least cost method
busin.低成本least costing
tech.低成本minimum-cost rule
econ.低成本法则minimum cost rule
busin.低成本法则minimum-cost rule
busin.低成本least cost point
el.低成本minimum cost rate
busin.低成本生产法least cost method of production
econ.低成本的组合least cost combination
el.低成本相控阵电路cost minimized phased array circuit
AI.低成本策略least-cost strategy
textile低成本组合least outlay combination
tech.低成本组合least cost combination
earth.sc.低成本经济规划least cost utility planning
environ.低成本规划minimal cost planning The process of making arrangements or preparations to facilitate the production of goods or services at an output that would require the lowest possible expenditure of money, time or labor (在商品生产和服务的筹备和准备过程中,要求使用尽可能最低的成本、时间或劳动力支出。)
econ.低成本规划minimum cost programming
earth.sc.低成本规划least-cost planning
interntl.trade.低成本计划least-cost programs
commer.低成本计算法least average costing
dril.低成本设计minimum cost design
space低成本设计/航天运载火箭minimum cost design/space launch vehicle
desert.低成本路径least-cost path
telecom.低成本路由least cost route
comp., MS低成本路由least-cost routing (A process that performs reverse number lookup on one-number calls and then routes the call over an IP connection to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) gateway that is nearest to the location of the destination phone number)
el.低成本路由选择least cdst routing
el.低成本路由选择lowest cost routing
telecom.低成本路由选择least cost routing
econ.低成本路线least cost route
avia.低成本路线least cost routine
dril.低成本钻井minimum cost drilling
anim.husb.低成本饲料配方least-cost formulation
busin.最低估计成本minimum-cost estimating
space最低全寿命周期成本lowest life cycle cost
tech.最低单位成本minimum unit cost
textile最低可能成本lowest possible cost
econ.最低平均成本lowest average cost
busin.最低平均成本least average cost
el.最低平均成本信号选择minimum average cost signal selection
earth.sc.最低年成本minimum annual cost
econ.最低总成本lowest total overall cost
busin.最低总成本least total cost
tech.最低总成本法least total cost method
busin.最低材料成本minimum material cost
econ.最低生产成本lowest production cost
busin.最低相当成本least equivalent cost
busin.最低营销成本minimum marketing cost
econ.最低资源成本the minimal resource cost
econ.最低资源成本minimal resource cost
busin.最低运输成本minimum transport cost
busin.最低运输成本点minimum transport cost point
dril.最低钻井成本minimum cost drilling
environ.最小成本加最低损失防火理论least cost plus loss fire protection theory
environ.最小成本加最低损失防火理论economic fire protection theory
busin.材料成本最低化minimization of material cost
avia.低成本空中骚扰飞行器very low cost harassment vehicle
footwear模具的短周期、高质量和低成本是企业参与市场竞争的先决条件Short period, high quality and low cost of dies are premier conditions on which enterprises participate in market competition
navig.浮式低成本惯性平台floated low-cost inertial platform
expl.爆破成本降低reduced blasting cost
econ.独占性竞争未能做到最低平均成本monopolistic competition failure to attain lowest average cost
busin.生产成本最低化minimization of production cost
tech.生产成本最低化cost minimization
tech.生产成本最低的车型base vehicle
tech.生产成本降低cost decrease
tech.生产成本降低一半halve the production cost
tech.生产要素得最低成本least factor-cost for producing
econ.生产要素的最低成本least factor-costs for producing
econ.生产要素的最低成本least factor costs
busin.生产要素的最低成本least factor-costs for production
expl.由于有降低成本的需要、重视矿工的健康和安全的问题以及随着毕业生技术水平的日渐提高、导致我们在20世纪的80年代末和90年代初越来越关注炸药技术的应用An ongoing need to reduce costs, and an increasing emphasis on the health and safety of mineworkers,together with the growing influence of technically skilled graduates resulted in increased attention being paid to explosives technologies during the late eighties and early nineties of the previous century
mil., air.def.红外探测用低成本阵列low-cost array for the detection of infrared
avia.组件式低成本钛结构buildup low cost advanced titanium structure
textile综合成本降低计划integrated cost reduction program
busin.综合成本降低计划integrate cost reduction program
busin.营销成本最低化minimization of marketing cost
proj.manag.详尽与准确的销售资料将有助于减少存货、 以降低营运成本Detailed and accurate sales data can help to reduce stock level and thus the operating cost
manag.较低劳务成本low labor cost
econ.运输成本最低化the minimization of transportation cost
busin.运输成本最低化minimization of transport cost
manag.运输成本的最低化minimization of transportation cost
tech.逐步降低的成本diminishing cost
avia.通用低成本轻型战斗机common affordable lightweight fighter
auto.低成本reduction in costs
proj.manag.低成本costs reduction
busin.低成本reduced cost
tech.低成本cost reduction
tech.低成本cutback cost
agric.低成本falling cost
tech.低成本diminishing cost
tech.低成本lower cost
tech.低成本reduce cost
busin.低成本cut back cost
met.低成本cut cost
busin.低成本cut the cost
busin.低成本cutting down cost
busin.低成本let-down cost
econ.低成本cost down
econ.低成本cost reduction (费用)
fin.低成本reduction of cost
textile低成本cut the costs
textile低成本cutting down costs
textile低成本reduction of costs
textile低成本reduce costs
econ.低成本cost saving
gen.低成本drive costs down
proj.manag.低成本产品cost reductions
textile低成本余额法reduction of balance of cost method
tech.低成本余额法reducing cost balance method
busin.低成本原理cost minimization principle
earth.sc.低成本投资支出cost-reduction expenditure
fin.低成本措施cost down policy
shipb.低成本措施measurement of cost reducing
busin.低成本支出cost reduction expenditure
busin.低成本政策cost down policy
commer.低成本方案cost-reduction programs
econ.低成本cost minimization principle
fin.低成本的投资支出cost reduction expenditure
avia.低成本研究cost reduction study
econ.低成本联盟Cost Reduction Alliance
oil低成本计划cost-reduction program
tech.低成本计划cost reduction program
tech.低成本计划cost reduction programme
tech.低成本计划cost reduction plan
busin.低成本运动cost reduction campaign
busin.低成本reduced cost amount
fin.降低借贷成本reduce borrowing costs
textile降低利息成本reduced interest costs
busin.降低利息成本reduced interest cost
textile降低生产成本reduce the production costs
manag.降低生产成本reduce the production cost
commer.降低生产成本reduction in production costs
busin.降低生产成本lowering production cost
busin.降低生产成本reduce production cost
textile降低生产成本reduce production costs
busin.降低生产成本cut back production cost
busin.降低生产成本cut down the cost of production
busin.降低生产成本lower production cost
agric.降低生产成本reduction of production costs
fin.降低融资成本reduce its financing costs
fin.降低行政成本decrease administrative costs
China, polit.降低行政成本reduce government overhead
busin.降低行销成本cutting down marketing cost
busin.降低进出口成本cut down the cost of import and export
fin.降低进口成本reduce the cost of imports
shipb.降低造船成本reduce shipbuilding cost
busin.集体资本低位构成lower composition of group capital
el.高可靠低成本集成电路high reliability low cost integrated circuit
busin.高需求与低生产成本原理principle of high demand and the lowest production cost
busin.高需求与最低生产成本原理principle of high demand and the lowest production cost
econ.高需求与最低生产成本的原理principle of high demand & the lowest production cost