
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing | all forms
上层滞水perched water level
上層滯水perched water level
上游最高水maximum headwater
上游水线upstream water line
上游水库水level of upperpond
上部层higher level
下滑down-slope displacement
下降水falling water level method
中水median stage
临界品boundary value
临界水critical water level
乾單dry unit weight
well site
drill site
井水well-water level
井水抽降well drawdown
井水波动曲线well hydrograph
交通置图index map
于边界上的井limitrophe well
elevation head
头梯度elevation gradient
移传感器displacement indicator
移传送系数displacement transmission coefficient
移反应因素displacement response factor
移向量displacement vector
移地层displaced ground
移地震仪displacement seismograph
移地震计displacement seismometer
移地震计displacement meter
移带disturbed belt
移异常displaced anomaly
移扰动displacement disturbance
移指示器displacement indicator
移曲线displacement curve
移极限displacement limit
移法deflection method
移系数displacement coefficient
移脉冲displacement pulse
移荷载displacement load
移计movement meter
移计displacement gauge
移速率displacement rate
置图location map
置图locality map
置圖location plan
置条件location condition
置测量location survey
置示意图location diagram
错地震dislocation earthquake
错层dislocation layer
错断层dislocation fault
错运动dislocation movement
沼泽low land moor
沼泽土fen soil
低地下水phreatic low
低水基准面low-water datum
低水流量low flow
低水线low water line
低潮neap tide
低潮low tide level
体积单重量bulk unit weight
倾向方dip azimuth
允许极限水permissive critical water level
充气水记录仪pneumatic water-level recorder
全球卫星定系统global positioning system
初始水initial water table
初始测压水original piezometer level
初始稳定水initial steady level
初见水original water level
剪切shearing displacement
剪切移发生面plane shear surface
海洋钻探动力定系统dynamic positioning system
动力弹性elastodynamic displacement
动态水dynamic water table
动水dynamic level
动水动态dynamic level regime
区域性地下水下降regional descent of groundwater level
位移unit displacement
unit volume
体积中的浓度volume concentration
侧阻力unit shaft resistance
储水量specific storage
出水量specific well yield
出水量specific water yield
吸浆量unit take
吸浆量specific grout absorption
增温梯度unit temperature gradient
时间降雨量intensity of rainfall
水文曲线unit hydrograph
流量unit rate of flow
流量specific rate of flow
涌水量specific capacity
膨胀率specific unit expansion
释水系数specific storage
降深unit drawdown
面积端阻力point resistance pressure
压力单pressure unit
剪切试验in-situ shear test
加密in-place densification
加州承载比试验in situ CBR test
十字板试验in-situ vane test
soil in situ
土工试验in situ soil testing
孔隙比in-place void ratio
孔隙率in-situ porosity
密度试验in-situ density test
应力in situ stress
应力状态in situ stress state
应力释放release of in-situ stress
岩体推剪试验in situ thrust test
测定in-place measurement
测斜仪in-place inclinometer
测试in situ measuring
测试in-situ measurement
渗透率in-place permeability
渗透试验in-situ permeability test
試驗in-situ testing
试验in situ test
试验in-situ testing
试验in-situ field testing
原水original water level
原点shift of origin
地层equivalent layer
equivalent beds
isotopic element
素反射密度仪back scatter densimeter
素含水量-密度测定仪moisture-density nuclear gauge
素土密度测定仪nuclear densometer
素地温计isotopic geothermometer
素地热温标isotopic geothermometer
素地置换isotopic geothermometer
素地质学isotope geology
素水文学isotopic hydrology
素法isotope method
素温标isotope temperature scale
素示踪测定isotope-tracer measurement
素试验radioactive testing
含水地层单hydrostratigraphic unit
含水层water-bearing level
含水层water-bearing horizon
樁面阻力unit shaft resistance
端阻力point resistance pressure
重量unit weight
土体滑动land movement
土体displacement in earth mass
土的原试验in situ soil testing
土的层soil horizon
地下水groundwater stage
地下水surface of underground water
地下水phreatic level
地下水groundwater line
地下水free water surface
地下水free water elevation
地下水上升phreatic rise
地下水下降groundwater lowering
地下水下降decline of underground water level
地下水下降漏斗cone of water-table depression
地下水剖面图water-table profile
地下水变化change of groundwater level
地下水groundwater stage graph
地下水抽降区area of pumping depression
地下水曲线groundwater stage graph
地下水洩降錐線cone of water-table depression
地下水漏斗线cone of water-table depression
地下水界面groundwater divide
地下水等高线water-table isohypse
地下水等高线groundwater contour
地下水location of groundwater
地下水观测网groundwater level network
地下水降落drop in groundwater level
地下水水phreatic water surface
地下水水phreatic surface
地下水等线groundwater isopiestic line
地下水等水线groundwater contour
地层层geological horizon
地层岩性单lithostratigraphic unit
地理geographic setting
地质geological setting
地质单geological unit
地震earthquake displacement
地震移场earthquake displacement field
地震earthquake location
地震earthquake dislocation
地震波记录的相phase of seismogram
地面ground displacement
地面移监测ground displacement monitoring
dam location
多井水降深drawdown of multiple wells
多点变multipoint deformeter
天然同natural isotope
天然同素丰度natural isotopic abundance
天然潜水natural water table
套管接箍定casing coupling locator
drill site
position location
position indicator
setting out plan
spot hole
spacing hole
king pile
alignment stake
dowel pile
系统position fixing system
定方试样oriented sample
尾水水tail water level
尾水水level of tail water
线line of stratification
层系配matching of succession
岩溶喀斯特karst water level
岩溶喀斯特水水karstic water table
岩相单facies unit
岩石移动错爆破primary blasting
岩芯定core orientator
平面planimetric displacement
年平均水yearly water level
年平均水mean annual water level
度盘circle setting
异常anomalous sea level
异常潮anomalous sea level
弹性错elastic dislocation
微观microscopic displacement
恒定水permanent water level
打桩到drive home
承压水level of hydraulic pressure
承压水pressure surface
承压水pressure head
承压水artesian level
排水水discharge level
排泄水discharge level
接合电junction potential
接触式移计contact type displacement gauge
摩擦friction head
攜帶式地下水測定儀portable dipmeter
放射性碳同素年代测定法radiocarbon dating
oblique displacement
断层移量magnitude of fault displacement
断层fault position
断层fault location
断层方fault orientation
晶架单lattice unit
晶架方lattice orientation
迄今最低水lower everknown water level
最低水extreme low water
最低水minimum level period
最后定final location
最大maximum displacement
最大水降深maximum decline of water level
最大洪水maximum flood level
最大蓄水maximum retention level
最常见水most frequent water level
最高壅水maximum water level
最高水highest stage
最高水extreme high water
最高水crest-stage indicator
最高洪水highest high-water
有效significant figure
有效significant digit
有效原上覆压力effective in-situ overburden pressure
有效單effective unit weight
板式水平移计horizontal plate gauge
极限水critical water level
构造structural situation
构造单structural unit
构造部structural level
标准层marker formation
标准层horizon marker
标准层datum horizon
标准层配matching of marker beds
校核洪水checked flood lever
勘测bridge survey
公差pile tolerance
桩定pile fork
桩的移方程pile-displacement equation
气力水pneumatic water-level indicator
气力水记录仪pneumatic water-level recorder
water table level
liquid level
water surface
gauge height
上升water-level rise
下降lowering of water level
地下下降water lowering
下降water-table decline
下降water-table drawdown
下降water table drop
下降fall of water level
下降head decline
下降decline of water level
下降decline period of water table
下降曲線drawdown curve
下降曲线water-table depression curve
下降期falling stage
下降比drawdown ratio
传导系数level conductivity coefficient
剖面water-level profile
动态water level regime
升高raising of water level
变化water stage fluctuation
变化引起风化作用water level weathering
water table map
坡降water table gradient
depth gauge
stage rod
depth gage
线level course
fluid potential
恢复water recovery
恢复water level recovery
指示器water indicator
指示器stage indicator
控制器level controller
-时间变化曲线stage-duration curve
标尺stage gauge
标志water level mark
head ratio
波动water-level fluctuation
-流量关系曲线gauge-discharge curve
-流量关系表stage record
流量曲线stage-discharge curve
流量曲线discharge-rating curve
流量记录stage discharge record
测定装置water locating device
测量water leveling
涨落water table fluctuation
痕迹water level mark
瞬时降深transient drawdown
竖管water standpipe
等深线water-table isobath
玻璃sight glass
线water line
过程线stage hydrograph
落差water table drop
stage indicator
level detector
stage gauge
depth gauge
depth gage
记录water level record
记录仪stage recorder
记录仪level recorder
趋势water-level trend
钻井降低drawdown of well
降深fall depth of water level
降落falling of watertable
降落fall of water level
降落漏斗depression cone
高度height of water level
高度gauge height
水井单出水量specific well capacity
水平horizontal movement
水平变tangential dislocation
水库最高水top water level
水文地质单hydrogeologic unit
水文零gauge zero
水文零gage zero
深度ditch grade
河流水stage of river
洪水flood water level
洪水flood elevation
洪水flood discharge level
洪水预报flood-stage forecast
流体fluid potential
流动flow potential
position finder
测压水变化曲线峰点piestic high
测压水变化曲线谷点piestic low
测压水降落漏斗pressure-relief cone
测定船position fixing
浮动潮float-operated tide gauge
浮子水float gauge
浮标式水float-type indicator
浮标水float gauge
海水变化sea level change
消光extinction position
level indicator
level gauge
渗流电streaming potential
潜水phreatic table
潜水groundwater line
潜水groundwater elevation
潜水上升raising of groundwater
潜水上升phreatic rise
潜水下降phreatic decline
潜水变化周期phreatic cycle
潜水波动phreatic fluctuation
潜水等深线isobath of water table
潜水水phreatic level
变动带tidal zone
tide staff
tide pole
标记tidal mark
预测表admiralty tide table
潮水标高tide water level
炮眼spot hole
下降法fall of potential method
potential method
测井potential logging
自然测井electric potential log
电极子测井normal log
移传感器electrical displacement transducer
记录仪potentiometric recorder
电化学电electrochemical potential
电容潮electrical capacitance tide gauge
电极电potential electrode
电泳电migration potential
电阻潮electrical resistance tide gauge
瞬时移计transient displacement gauge
确定井hole siting
碳同radio carbon
碳同素地球化学carbon-isotope geochemistry
碳14同素年代测定carbon-14 dating
spot hole
稳定水steady water table
稳定水standing level
稳定水permanent water level
扩散diffusion of vacancy
空间方dimensional orientation
电法勘探equipotential prospecting
线法equipotential line method
等值水equivalent water level
等水线water-table contour
等水线water-table isohypse
等水线water table map
等水线iso-hypsometric curve
等水线contour of water table
等水线图water-table contour map
等水线图contour map of water table
等测压水线isopiestic line
管道定pipe locator
荷载■移曲线load-displacement curve
薄膜電membrane potential
表层移矢量surface displacement vector
警戒水danger line
displacement method
负静止水negative state water level
走向变strike shift
起始zero position
钩式水hook gauge
钩式精密液hook gauge
的山脉mountains of dislocation
降低地下水falling groundwater level
降低地下水groundwater lowering
降落的地下水depressed water table
fix plate
震中epicentre location
震中epicenter location
震中定epicentre location
震中定epicenter location
震源hypocentral location
static water level
静止水rest water level
静水standing level
静水static water table
静水still water level
静水rest level
静水nonpumping water level
静水位移监测计hydrostatic profile gauge
顺层bedding-plane movement
顺层变bedding-plane movement
预测水forecasting water level
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