
Terms for subject Construction containing | all forms
一种旧,十进烛光单法国光度计的标准,即1厘米²的铂在它的凝固点时所发射的光的1/20, =0.96 国际烛光decimal candle
对数seven-place logarithm
中心置调节centring control
中间sandwich digit
二液体边界电liquid-junction potential
二进scale of two
二进计数环binary ring
从各个水平置取出的液体试样all-level sample
代码信息code bit
优惠方方向privileged direction
丝测微计position-filar micrometer
传送bit traffic
digit pair
散射迁移率dislocation scattering mobility
地盘site plan
不同而产生的误差positional error
地址调用call by location
能位差potential head
面控制level control
低品耐火材料low-heat-duty clay
二进数eight-digit binary number
共轭交错alternate stage
冲床吨press capacity
出没磁方magnetic amplitude
删除疑符erasure locator
前进函数advanced potential
产量所需的工时man-hour requirement
恒等元素identical element
细胞unit cell
weight uint
危险方发射机danger bearing transmitter
original position
液面控制器high-low level control
电平调整器high-low level control
面控制high-low level control
双倍字长 工作单元double length working
双单duplex tube
双曲线定distance-difference measurement
双曲线定distance difference measurement
误差stand-off error
可再定的仿效器relocatable emulator
可变移式仪器variable-displacement device
素成分组成isotopic content
质谱仪素灵敏度abundance sensitivity
素纯的isotopically pure
素计算尺isotope handling calculator
exterior-interior angles
同时并行simultaneous carry
同轴联动多连gang potentiometer
复原,回动弹簧back-moving spring
回归到原的动作homing movement
图像正确置调节framing control
图解船推算法graphic dead reckoning
在目标处给飞机指示置的雷达台mouse station
地下水depressed water-table
地下水表面phreatic surface
地下水表面groundwater surface
地下水计表面piezometric surface
地下水静止phreatic water surface
声波定测距sound radar
装置reset attachment
long number
置换向配油multiple selector valve
多工钻床continuous drilling machine
滑阀完全进人离开极端extreme in position
工艺gauge hole
工艺孔冲头gauge punch
工件的locating point
点住,暂positioned weld
范围bearing zone
调整触点set feeler
para-ortho conversion
居住单dwelling unit
嵌件定insert pin
差 90°的相关系quadrature phasing
差-和定distance sum measurement
差和定distance sum measurement
平岸平槽,满槽,漫滩bankfull stage
平面环视扫描显示器plane position indicator
平面雷达显示器plan position indicator scope
平面坐标grid azimuth
复原式寻线机homing type line switch
式选择器homing type line switch
Y形错式交叉中间形成一个三角形crossing at triangle
total movement
抑制栅电suppressor potential
指状手动finger stop
打点式光存储器bit-by-bit optical memory
数字运算digitwise operation
进位step-by-step cany
插件插人card address
敞窗声学open window unit
敞窗单open window unit
数字二进比特脉冲digit bit pulse
数字式电digital potentiometer (器)
数据输出电分压器data potentiometer
定向准确度bearing accuracy
定向orientation diagram
dumb card
-高度显示器azel display
无线电定中的错误方位区bad-bearing sector
无线电方信标台radio compass station
晶体格子中distortion in the crystal lattice
样本四分sample quartiles
椭圆定系统distance sum measurement
椭圆测distance sum measurement
正向钳positive clamping
流量记录stage-discharge records
玻璃托gauge glass bracket
记录water stage register
波门window position
动座sliding seat
digit absorber
消光direction of extinction
指示器content gauge
deep level
不定点amphidromic center
玻壳管壁bulb potential
生产单production unit
contact series
计式光测高温计potentiometric optical pyrometer
跃变跳变jump in potential
电压振幅钳控制电路voltage-amplitude-controlled clamp
电容电分压器capacitance potentiometer
电极电electrode potentials
差90°的分量quadrature component
正交phase quadrature
相反置角alternate angle
寄存器carry flip-flop
损伤translocated injury
的除数shifted divisor
-错位的互作用vacancy-dislocation interaction
窗口脉冲window position
等效二进数字equivalent binary digit
细目说明detail bit
耒定地incertae sedis
航线方course bearing
被加数的被操作operated digits
试液旋塞gauge cock
赛波特黏度单厘泡Saybolt centistoke
超过存储单元最大长度的数capacity exceeding number
不合规章的超车offside overtaking
占用调查occupancy study
复位清除carry reset
移位 触发器carry flip-flop
适当相接人suitable phase switching
重定改变 relocation
重新分配relocation bit
放大器clamper amplifier
链锁循环,链式chain carry
错误误差多项式error-locator polynomial
阶式电step potentiometer
刻度标记zero mark
线路null circuit
调整zero set control
音调定tone localizer
预先给定的数格式preset digit layout
预定座系统seat reservation system
饱和极限sticking potential
共振high-lying resonance
高压high pressure head
高水开关high level switch
齿轮刀具变移距系数cutter change factor