
Terms for subject Nuclear and fusion power containing | all forms
置指示仪position indicating system
通风柜double fume chamber and hood
反应性单pcm (pour cent mille)
素天然丰度natural isotopic abundance
素萃取份额isotopic stripping fraction
坍塌水collapse level
基准液reference level
格架spacer grid
格架grid spring
格架栅元grid cell
locating tube
部件positioning part
aligning pin
培训on-the-job training
培训on-job training
控制棒棒指示control rod position indication
光点指示器rod position LED indicator
指示组件rod position indicator assembly
探测器rod position detector
数字显示器rod position digital display
法定计量单legal metrological unit
测量棒measured rod position
变送器water level transmitter
变送器liquid level transmitter
焊接position of welding
短寿命同short life isotope
破损燃料足见定检测系统failed fuel assembly location detecting system
程控水programmed water level
稳压器液控制系统pressurizer water level control system
营运单operating organization
行程终端限开关end-of travel limit switch
责任单responsible organization
超声波液ultrasonic liquid level meter
指示器valve position meter
开关position limit switch