
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一个层的岩石/ 土壤比值rock/soil relationship for A horizon
丁氏可变瞬时单过程线ding variable instantaneous unit hydrograph
不对称电asymmetry potential
中程定系统medium range positioning system
中频及甚高频方测定站medium and very high frequency direction-finding station
临界同素反应堆、通用核工艺学critical isotope reactor, general atomics
移带principal displacement zone
亚洲货币单Asian Current Unit
交错层极点pole position of cross-beds
亮度值单brightness value unit
众数与四分数排列法mode and interquartile range method
传导方angle of train
传递单number of transfer units
传递单高度height per transfer unit
伦琴-同素-荧光分析方法roentgen-isotope-fluorescent method of analysis
估算calculate estimated positions
估计线estimated position of lines
伽马地貌瞬时单水位过程线gamma geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrographs
于地球月球轨道间的宇宙空间cislunar space
position value
/分bits per minute
势涡度potential vorticity
移陀螺仪displacement gyro
置尺度同变性location and scale equivariance
置属性废物site qualities
置时间计数器set time counter
置显示器position indicator
置说明position description
/英寸位密度单位bit per inch
低层low layered horizon
低水急流low level jet
低水期体系区lowstand system tract
低水系统区lowstand system tract
低潮low water
低英热单气体low British thermal unit gas
依据结构进行岩心重新定core reorientation by structures
倒逆自然电钻井泥浆含盐度大于地层水时,SP 特性与通常情况相反reverse spontaneous potential
假静止自然电pseudostatic spontaneous potential
偏斜自式偶极天线offset tilted dipole
像片内方元素elements of interior orientation
像片外方元素elements of exterior orientation
像片方azimuth of photograph
每秒megabits per second
每秒megabit per second
/秒megabit per second
光谱移控制反应堆spectral shift control reactor
全方井下电磁系统omnidirectional downhole EM system
全方方向自动指示器omnibearing indicator
全方距离导航系统omnibearing distance system
全球地质置标记目录global indicative list of geological sites
全球定参考系统World Position Reference System
全球定系统global positioning system (GPS <->)
全球定系统信息中心GPS Information Center
全球定系统推断的定位系统GPS inferred positioning system
冬季水winter water
冬季潮winter water
准备定prepare location
数直接回归direct regression of quantiles
分子式单formula units
分子式单unit cell
动全球定系统kinematic global positioning system
动力学溶剂同素效应kinetic solvent isotope effect
动力水dynamic water level
动态定kinematic positioning
动态定潜水固定船dynamically positioned diving support vessel
动态溶解同素效应kinetic solvent isotope effect
北美地层单对比计划Correlation of Stratigraphic Units of North America Project
北美地层对比单Correlation of Stratigraphic Units of North America
原则location principle
location quotient
显示器zone position indicator
理论location theory
location rent
区域单边际成本area-specific marginal costs
十进数字微分分析器decimal digital differential analyzer
千分之一原子质量单millimass unit
千分之-地球速率单Milli-Earth rate unit
X 单波长单位, = 10⁻¹¹厘米X-unit
1 KX = 1.00202Åkilo-X unit KX
体积能耗钻取单位体积岩石所消耗的能量specific energy
C.G.S. 单centimeter-gram-second system
s. centimeter-gram-second system of units CGS
咨询委员会Consultative Committee for Units
容量specific volume
成本unit costs
捕捞强度catch per unit effort
摄入率specific uptake rate
摄入量specific uptake rate
时间原子核变化events per unit time
时间定额quantity per unit time
晶胞formula units
标准大气含量unit standard atmospheric concentrations
氧利用率specific oxygen utilization rate
涌水量井的流量与相应的降深之比specific capacity
燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption
生产率specific productive index
矢量密度填图unit-vector density mapping
矿物生产率specific mineral productivities
long metre
能源消耗unit energy consumption
脉冲响应unit pulse response
质量发射率unit mass emission rates
质量响应函数unit-mass response function
输沙能力unit sediment transport capacity
造价unit costs
重量马力weight horsepower
需氧量specific oxygen demand
面积贷款量loan per unit
单点定single point positioning
单点定point positioning
卡路里量热单caloric heat unit
卫星定与跟踪系统satellite positioning and tracking
卫星定公司Satellite Positioning Corp
印度洋Indian Ocean Site
厄缶单用于地球物理勘探中的一个单位eotvos unit
厘米-克-秒单centimeter-gram-second system
厘米-克-秒单s. centimeter-gram-second system of units CGS
厘米-克-秒静电单electrostatic centimeter-gram-second unit
修正modified in situ
in situ
脱氮活度in situ denitrification activity
原子单atomic unit
双曲线多普勒测速与定系统hyperbolic dovap
双曲线定与潮汐校正程序hyperbolic position and tidal correction program
双曲线相导航系统Decca long range area coverage
反应性单=10⁻⁵pour cent mille
反应性单= 10⁻5pour cent mille
反相同素稀释reverse isotope dilution
合成同synthetic isotope
素分离功率isotope separation power
素动力装置isotope powered device
素射线照相系统isotope radiography system
素平衡比isotopic equilibrium ratio
素开发局美国,原子量委员会Office of Isotopes Development
素比值监测isotope ratio-monitoring
素比值监测气相色普-质谱法联用isotope ratio-monitoring gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
素比值质谱仪isotopes ratio mass spectrometers
素比示踪剂isotope ratio tracer
素污染isotopic contamination
素深海海流分析仪deep water isotopic current analyzer
素热源isotope heat source
素燃料冲击测试器isotope fuels impact tester
素相关isotopic correlation
素稀释分析器isotopic dilution analyzer
素稀释火花源、质谱仪isotope dilution spark source mass spectroscope
素稀释火花源质谱测定法isotopic dilution spark source mass spectrometry
素稀释结果isotope dilution results
素稀释质谱仪isotope dilution mass, spectroscope
γ 同素绘图系统gamma isotope mapping system
素重量isotropic weight
同质异能isomer shift
堆积指数tonnage accumulation index
吸光度单absorbance unit
吸收单absorbance unit
保证quality assurance
土地征用定测量site survey for land condemnation
土地管理单land management unit
地下水控制water-table management
地下水控制措施water table management practices
地下水深度water table depths
地学系统十进分类geosystems decimal classification
地形气候单水位过程线geomorphoclimatic unit hydrograph
地形等高线绘制飞机定系统TERCOM aircraft positioning system
地志学综合地理编码与定topologically integrated geographic encoding and referencing
地球场调查任务geopotential research mission
地球卫星置的数字显示Position of Earth Satellites in Digital Display
地球定系统Earth Fixed System
地球方参数earth orientation parameters
地球转速率单等于每小时15度Earth rate unit
地理置不利国家Geographically Disadvantaged States
地理定geographic locator
地表张裂隙surface crack opening displacement
地貌单水文过程线geomorphological unit hydrograph
地貌气候瞬时单水文过程线geomorphoclimatic instantaneous unit hydrograph
地貌瞬时单水位过程线geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph
地面移形状矢量ground displacement shape vector
坐标方grid azimuth
坐标方grid bearing
外延表观电精细谱法extended appearance potential fine spectroscopy
多普勒定与测距系统Doppler location and range system
多普勒测速与定系统Doppler Velocity and Position System
多普勒相同步跟踪系统Doppler phase lock
多目标相跟踪和测距系统multi-object phase tracking and ranging system
多飞机定系统multiple aircraft positioning system
大地测量定系统geodetic positioning system
大型放射性同素热源容器large radioisotope heat source capsule
大潮高水high water, springs tide
天.体自动跟踪、辨认和定计算机automatic stellar tracking, recognition and orientation computer
奥米伽远程导航系统定omega position location equipment
孔隙度单1 %的孔隙度porosity unit
宗地location of cadastral parcel
万用测量仪position-indicating general measuring instrument
position finder
定向测量系统position and azimuth determining system
指令和遥测location, command, and telemetry
月球科学站emplaced lunar scientific station
、标引和存储alignment, indexing and memory
符号分度线setting mark
锚泊系统position mooring system
露式浮标exposed location buoy
实际单unit real
小潮最高低水highest low water of neaptides
布莱顿同素动力系统brayton isotope power system
布鲁克黑文线性加速器同素生产器源brookhaven liner isotope producer
平均mean water level
平均总单成本average total unit cost
平均瞬时海水mean instantaneous sea level
年平均海水mean annual sea level
年最低天文潮lowest astronomical tide of the year
广域差分全球定系统wide-area differential global positioning system
应用同素研究中心美国佐治亚大学Center for Applied Isotope Studies University of Georgia
座标方grid azimuth
同分异构体isomer shift
微分相和微分增益differential phase and differential gain
房屋单housing unit
exclusive or
按序定系统order location system
振幅/相调制amplitude/phase modulation
接地电earth potential difference
控制电库仑测量control potential coulometry
推力最小方自动调整auto heading for minimum thrust
摄影投影平面置显示器photographic projection plan position indicator
摄氏热单caloric heat unit
改进的距离换modified distance transpose
放射性同radio isotope
放射性同推动radioisotope sail
放射性同素动力装置radioisotope power devices
放射性同素含油沉积物示踪radioisotopic sediment tracing
放射性同素含油砂层示踪系统radioisotopic sand tracing (system)
放射性同素工程应用中心Center for Engineering Applications of Radioisotopes
放射性同素标记的含油砂层示踪装置radioisotope-tagged sand tracer
放射性同素源radioactive isotope power supply
放射性同素热核发生器radio isotope thermonuclear generator
放射性同素热源装置radioisotope heater unit
放射性同素示踪器radioisotope tracer
放射性标准、单和常数联合委员会Joint Commission on Standards, Units, and Constants of Radioactivity
数字置模型digital situation model
数据汇集与定系统data collection and location system
数据汇集与平台定系统data collection platform location system
数量性状quantitative trait locus
断层错机理mechanism of fault dislocation
斯奈德斯瞬时单过程线Snyders Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph
新型变动瞬时单水位过程线new variable instantaneous unit hydrograph
新型船只声学定系统acoustic ship positioning-advanced
不均性比azimuthal inhomogeneity ratio
各向同性azimuth isotropy
各向异性azimuth anisotropy
和距离bearing and distance
compass rose
定向装置azimuth orientation unit
控制放大器azimuth control amplifier
控制系统azimuth control system
时差azimuth moveout
显示器azimuth indicator
orientation points
角各向异性累积分布函数azimuthal anisotropy cumulative distribution function
角和仰角azimuth and elevation
角时差校正azimuth moveout
距离azimuth range
-速度-高度无线电定向装置radio course detecting set
-速度-高度无线电定向装置azimuth, speed and altitude
量子数azimuthal quantum members
晚期高水体系区late highstand systems tract
晚期高水体系域late high system territory
景象置显示器雷达pictorial position indicator
晶格特征和分析贯入系统site characterization and analysis penetrometer system
晶格优选方lattice preferred orientation
最低二进制数least significant bit
水库的最低运行水minimum operating level
最佳定星历表数据磁带best-fit ephemeris data tape
最右least significant digit
最大航运maximum tonnage capacity
最小对流能点least convection potential energy point
最高二进制数most significant bit
最高有效数most significant digit
最高洪水highest high water level
最高洪水highest high water
最高设计水highest design water level
最高高水highest high water level
月最低天文潮lowest astronomical tide of the month
有效临界水痕迹effective critical mark
未选定no preferred location
机载雷达和多普勒定系统Airborne Radar and Doppler Position System
杰克逊烛光单Jackson Candle Unit
极低水higher low water
极高水higher high water
枯水low water
标准单响应函数normalized unit response function
标准格式数据单standard formatted data unit
校正平均潮corrected mean tide level
核同量异nuclear isobar
核辅助电源系统/热离子同素电源system for nuclear auxiliary power/thermionic isotope power
橡树岭大学同素分离器university isotope separator at oak ridge
次重小量素安全监督技术minor isotopes safeguard techniques
欧洲货币记账单European Monetary Unit of Account
正常保持水normal conservation level
正常层极点pole position of normal beds
正常水normal conservation level
每加仑卡热单caloric heat unit/gallon
每单时间转数revolution per unit time
每单时间转数number of turns in unit of time
每平方英尺每分英热单British thermal units per square foot per minute
每平方英尺每度温度差每小时英热单British thermal units per square foot per degree of temper a ture difference per hour
每磅卡热单caloric heat unit/pound
每立方英尺英热单British thermal units per cubic foot
气动阻尼复控制系统damped aerodynamic righting attitude control system
氘化铍配化合物beryllium complex deuterated
氘单tritium units
氧同素阶段Oxygen Isotopic Stages
water table
上涨water-level rise
下低water-level lowering
升高water-level rise
曲线curves of water level
痕迹water mark
记录计water-level recorder
遥测系统water level telemetry system
降低water-level lowering
水下地震检波器定系统hydrophone location system
水下水ground water table
水力学地貌瞬时单水位过程线hydraulically based geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph
水文单hydrologic unit code
水文响应单hydrologic response units
水深和置指示器depth and position indicator
水管理单water management units
水资源单water resources unit
水道测量定hydrographic position
面,窗oil level
洋底扫描声波定ocean bottom scanning sonar
测绘定公式plotting position formulae
浮心垂向vertical location of the center of buoyancy
海上自动横向定marine autotraverse positioner
海底坡度-移估算器ocean slope-displacement estimator
海底放射性同素电源undersea radioisotope power supply
海洋与湖泊水管理处sea and lake levels branch
海洋定系统configurable marine system
消失电谱法disappearance potential spectroscopy
fluid level
发射机level transmitter
指示玻璃gauge glass
指示玻璃gage glass
gauge glass
gage glass
湖泊水振荡指数index of lake level oscillation
湿势涡度moist potential vorticity
溶出计时电stripping chronopotentiometry
潜水深度water table depths
中心热带海洋全球大气试验Sea Level Center TOGA
sea level indicator
照相伦琴单photo roentgen unit
物体动补偿body motion compensation
特征识别和定实验摄像机feature identification and location experiment
环境影响单environmental impact units
环境污染中心单central unit on environmental pollution
环境费用单environmental cost units
环形坝移动传感器circular-displacement transducers
生境单habitat units
生态参照单ecological reference unit
生态标准单ecological reference unit
生态演化单ecologic evolutionary units
生态系统响应单ecosystem response unit
用于稳定同素萃取的激光消融取样器laser ablation sampler for stable isotope extraction
电势electric potential
electrical differential
difference of potential、
差比法potential drop ratio
电极系测井所用之电极距normal curve spacing
降比potential drop ratio
电子-同素光谱仪electron/isotope spectrometer
电子定指示器electronic position indicator
电流氧溶岀计时电current oxidizing stripping chrono-potentiometry
电磁型同素分离器加利福尼亚大学迥旋加速器California University Cyclotron
电磁定系统electromagnetic position-fixing systems
电磁水electromagnetic level indicator
英国商用电能单=1千瓦小时Board of Trade Unit
百万单million unit
百万电子伏/原子质量单million electron volts/atomic mass unit
百万英国热量单Million British Thermal Units
砂质岩体规模年代地层单Sandy Body Scale Chronostratigraphic Units
研究和制备同素的反应堆research and isotope reactor
碳同素分析carbon isotope analysis
碳、氧、氮和硫的同isotopes of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur
磁方系统magnetic aspect system
磁角方magnetic bearing
磅卡热单pound calorie heat unit
福曼辛浊度单formazin turbidity unit
离散单过程线discrete unit hydrograph
稳定同素比值分析stable isotope ratio analysis
空中置显示器air-position indicator
空气品应力指数air quality stress index
空气品指数air quality index
空气品模拟模式air quality simulation model
空气品目标air quality objective
空气品相关值air quality-related value
空气品管理系统air quality management system
空气品自动监测系统air quality automatic monitoring systems
空气品评价模式air quality assessment model
符号单和名词委员会Symbol Units and Terminology Commission
等价径流单equivalent runoff unit
等效单equivalent unit
等熵势涡度isentropic potential vorticity
等离子板中心部central part of the plasma sheet
等高平面置指示器constant platitude plan position indicator
簇射长度单shower unit
米-克-秒单metre-gram-second system
米-千克-秒单meter-kilogram-second (units)
米-千克-秒单metre kilogram second system
米-千克-秒-安培单meter kilogram second ampere
精确地球定系统Precision Earth-Pointing System
精确测accurate position finder
紧急定探测发射机emergency locator transmitter
絮凝单flocculation units
纳希瞬时单过程线Nash Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph
纵坐标方grid azimuth
线性移测量仪linear displacement gauge
线性移测量仪linear displacement gage
线性可变移变换器linear variable displacement transducers
缺乏某种同素的元素depleted material
网格垂直net vertical displacement
网络和地球定数据系统Grid and Earth Location Data System
美国石油学会单自然伽马测井及中子测井的计数率单位American Petroleum Institute Unit
肥料品fertilizer grade
脉冲置调制器系统pulse position modulator system
推算法dead reckoning
航标定记录aid positioning record
船只声学定系统acoustic ship positioning system
船只运行与定系统ship motion and positioning system
船载声波定boat-mounted acoustic locating device
芬森单紫外线辐射强度单位finsen unit
虚基底virtual basement displacement
水位计的行移误差line shift error
表观电appearance potential
裂隙张crack opening displacement
评价定和测量设备的高值带阻方法rejecting-high-value steady method of estimate location and measure set
离子空negative ion vacancy
质点移全息摄影术particle displacement holography
资源定信息处理器resource allocation processor
超高频多普勒测速测UHF dovap
锚泊生产系统turret anchored production system
转换单number of transfer units
软 X 射线表观电光谱仪soft X-ray appearance potential spectrometer
载波相测量carrier phase measurement
载重吨dead weight tons
载重吨dead weight ton
载重吨deadweight capacity
辐射率单每平方米每球面度瓦数radiance unit
迁移方transport direction
近地相Near Earth Phase
适应移直方图adaptive shifted histograms
通量单flux unit
速度定与跟踪系统speed position and track
造斜部kick-off point
体交换色谱ligand exchange chromatography
场稳定能ligand field stabilization energy
数据控制configuration data control
重力定空间实验卫星gravity anchored space experiments satellite
重心垂向vertical location of the center of gravity
针的同素 Po211actinium C
电平转换level switch
钻孔定装置boring fixture
铀堆单pile unit
镭同素热电发生器radioisotope thermoelectric generator
长吨单long ton unit
防洪水flood control level
陆棚低水系统区shelf lowstand system tract
陆面资源单land resource unit
陶普生单dobson unit
aural null
静态定fixed aspect stills
静态自然电static spontaneous potential
静态自然电法测井static spontaneous potential log
非线性nonlinear potential
风暴潮潮storm tide elevation
风速方显示器velocity azimuth display
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