
Terms for subject Technology containing 位降 | all forms | in specified order only
下降极限限位器【机】lowering height limiter
下降水位falling Sage
下降水位falling level
下降深度限位器lowering limiter
井抽水时地下水位降落面cone of influence of well
井点降低地下水位法well point method
井点降低地下水位法well-point method
人工降低地下水位artificial dewatering
fall of potential
区域性地下位水下降descent of regional ground water table
区域性地下水位下降descend of regional groundwater level
升降机肘节销定位螺钉elevator wrist pin keeper
位降unit rainfall
位降雨历时unit rainfall duration
单位开采下降值decrease of specific mining quantity
单位时间单位面积上的降水量amount of precipitation per unit area and time
单位时间降雨量intensity of rain (fall)
单位沉降量unit settlement
单位流量降深specific drawdown
单位涌水量降深关系曲线curve of specific well yield-drawdown
单位距离的水温下降值value of water temperature drop per unit distance
单位面积降雨流量specific discharge of rainfall
反差阴极电位降abnormal cathode fall
反常阴极电位降abnormal cathode fall
可利用的最大水位降maximum allowable drawndown
位降down grading
地下水位降phreatic decline
地下水位降lowering of the water table
地下水位降lowering of the groundwater
地下水位降groundwater lowering
地下水位降falling of water table
地下水位下降decline of water table
地下水位下降lowering ground water table
地下水位下降groundwater depression
地下水位下降decline of groundwater level
地下水位下降曲线ground water recession curve
地下水位升降water-table fluctuation
地下水位升降water table fluctuation
地下水位升降groundwater table fluctuation
地下水位升降变化phreatic fluctuation
地下水位升降变化groundwater fluctuation
地下水位坡降water-table gradient
地下水位坡降gradient of groundwater table
地下水位持续下降groundwater drawdown continuously
地下水位持续下降原因cause of groundwater continuous drawdown
地下水位比降gradient of water table
地下水位的降落depression of water table
地下水位等降深图equal drawdown map groundwater
地下水水位降低工程groundwater lowering works
地下水水位降groundwater drawdown
地下水水位降groundwater drawdown
地下水水位下降groundwater drawdown
地下水水位泄降groundwater drawdown
地面沉降位置position of ground subsidence
坡降水位流量关系fall-stage-discharge relationship
坡降水位流量关系fall-stage-discharge relation
坡降水位流量关系曲线fall-stage-discharge relation curve
垂降就位的梁drop in beam
大气降水同位素成分meteoric-water isotope composition
天然水位的平均降速average velocity of nature water level drawdown
定位桩升降滑轮spud-hoisting sheaves
实际水位降深值real value of drawdown
实际水位下降值real water-level decrease
容许降水位permissible drawdown
库水位降reservoir drawdown
库水位下降reservoir drawdown
库水位泄降reservoir drawdown
开采区中心水位降water-level drawdown at the center of mining area
抽水孔的水位降drawdown of water level in pumping well
方位增益降低azimuth gain reduction
最大允许水位下降值maximum allowable water table decrease
最大水位降maximum drawdown
比降一水位一流量关系slope-stage-discharge relation
位降water lowering
位降深值value of drawdown
位降深历时曲线drawdown-time curve
位降深次数frequency of drawdown
位降fall of water-level
位降落区area of influence of well
位降落曲线drawdown curve
位降落曲线curve of depression
位降速场field of water-level falling velocity
水井最大水位降maximum water-level drawdown in well
水位下降lowering of water-level
水位下降recession of level
水位下降degradation of level
水位下降fall of water-level
水位下降water-level depression
水位下降water-level lowering
水位下降decline of water-level
水位下降曲线water-level lowering curve
水位下降曲线water-level descent curve
水位下降曲线drawdown curve of water-stage
水位下降曲线drawdown curve of water-level
水位下降期falling Sage
水位下降期period of water-level decline
水位下降期decline period of water table
水位下降漏斗cone of water table depression
水位下降线line of water-level decline
水位下降试验test lowering (地下水)
水位下降速率dropping rate of water-level
水位变幅-降雨量比值法method of water-level variation-precipitation ratio
水位急降sudden drawdown
水位突降sudden drawdown
水位累积下降值accumulated decrease of water table
水位骤降rapid drawdown
沉降中心位置position of subsidence center
河渠水位等速升降water-level rising or falling at same velocity in rivers and canals
泄降水位流量曲线drawdown-discharge curve
洪水位下降reducing of flood
洪水水位下降系数coefficient of flood recession
涌水量水位降深曲线方程equation discharge-drawdown curve
涌水量水位降深曲线类型type of discharge-drawdown curve
液位控制降低depression of surface level
漏斗单位下降值法method of specific drawdown within funnel
潜水位降落锥water-table depression cone
潮位升降tidal undulation
位降potential decrease
位降比法potential-drop-ratio method
位降fall-of-potential method
电位下降drop of potential
瞬时水位降instantaneous drawdown
瞬时水位下降instantaneous drawdown
石灰位测定降水酸碱度的标准lime potential
絮凝沉降单位flocculating unit
补给层水位下降water-level decline of recharge layer
补给层水位不下降non-water level decline of recharge later
观测孔的水位降drawdown of water level in observation well
设计的水位降深值value of drawdown designed
运河船闸水位升降调节机canal lift
钻井水位降drawdown of well
钻孔水位降drawdown of hole
防止地下水位持续下降preventing groundwater continuously drawdown
降低地下水位water lowering
降低地下水位lowering of water table
降低地下水位lowering of underground water
降低地下水位lowered ground water level
降低地下水位法groundwater lowering
降低地下水位设备dewatering installation
降低地下水水位的装置groundwater lowering installation
降低水位groundwater lowering (指地下水)
降低水位的井点系统well-point dewatering system
降低潜水位lowing phreatic level
降低的地下水位depressed water-table
降落水位reduced level of water
降落的地下水位depressed water-table
风降水位lowering of water by effect of wind