
Terms for subject Environment containing 估 量 | all forms
产品评估product evaluation
农业低估agricultural undervaluation The underrating or diminishing in value of agricultural or farming goods and services (对农业产品和农业服务价值的低估。)
平均寿命估计average life evaluation
影响冲击评估impact assessment Evaluation of the effect of a project upon the environment (项目对环境影响的评估。)
技术评估evaluation of technology No definition needed (无需定义。)
损害预估damage assessment The evaluation or determination of losses, harm and injuries to persons, property or the environment (对个人、财产或环境的损失、危害或伤害的评估或判定。)
森林资源评估forest resource assessment
正规安全评估formal safety assessment
毒理学评估toxicological assessment The process of characterizing and evaluating the inherent toxicity of a chemical substance, a poison, etc. (表征和评估一种化学物质、一种毒物等的固有毒性的过程)
污染评估pollutant assessment
海岸线清洁评估小组shoreline cleanup assessment team
火险估测仪fire danger meter
火险估测仪danger meter
环境健康影响评估environmental health impact assessment Assessment of impacts caused by an action on the health conditions of a population (人类行为对于特定族群健康状况的影响评估。)
环境影响评估environmental impact assessment Analysis and judgement of the effects upon the environment, both temporary and permanent, of a significant development or project. It must also consider the social consequences and alternative actions (对环境的重大进展或方案的临时性和永久性分析与判断。必须考虑社会因果关系和可选行为。)
环境影响评估EIA The identification, evaluation and appraisal of the ecological consequences of a proposed project or development in a city, town or region, and the measures needed to minimize adverse effects; local (对都市、城镇、区域所提议的项目或者开发的生态影响,以及将不良后果的影响最小化的方法进行辨别、评估和评定。)
环境影响评估指令EIA directive Council Directive of 27 June 1985 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment (85/337/EEC). The Directive applies to projects which are likely to have significant effects on the environment by virtue of their nature, size or location (1985年7月27日议会指令,用来评估某公共和私人项目对环境的影响(85/37/EEC)。 该指令应用于对环境可能有显著影响的计划,环境影响则依据公共和私人项目的自然价值、规模或位置。)
环境影响评估法EIA law Law concerning the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, based on the EC Directive n. 85/337 (基于EC(欧洲共同体)指令85、337,关于公共或者私人计划对环境影响的评估法规。)
环境经济评估environmental economic valuation The assessment, evaluation, or appraisal of business performance in matters involving ecology and finances (涉及生态和财政的商业绩效评估、评量或评价。)
环境评估environmental assessment The evaluation or appraisal of ecological or natural resources (对生态或自然资源的评价或者评估。)
环境评估准则environmental assessment criterion Principle or standard for the evaluation or appraisal of ecological or natural resources (对生态或自然资源评价或者评估的原则或标准。)
环境风险评估environmental risk assessment Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the risk posed to the environment by the actual or potential presence and/or use of specific pollutants (对于由于特定污染物的实际风险或者潜在对环境造成的风险的定性和定量的评估。)
生态毒性评估ecotoxicological evaluation Evaluation of the adverse effects of chemicals, physical agents, and natural products on population and communities and plants, animals and human beings (指化学物质、物理代理和天然产品等,对族群、社区、动植物和人类所造成的负面效应的评价。)
生态评估ecological assessment Ecological assessment consists in monitoring the current and changing conditions of ecological resources from which success or failure of the ecosystem can be judged without bias; understanding more fully the structure and function of ecosystems in order to develop improved management options; developing models to predict the response of ecosystems to changes resulting from human-induced stress from which possible ecosystem management strategies can be assessed and assessing the ecological consequences of management actions so that decisionmakers can best understand the outcomes of choosing a particular management strategy (生态评估包括监测生态资源的现状及变化,以便正确地判断生态系统的成功或失败;更充分了解生态结构及功能,以开发更新的管理机制;建立模式以预测因人为压力所造成生态系统变化的回应,进而评估可能的生态系统管理策略,以及评估管理行动完成之后所造成的生态结果,让决策者更容易了解选择某一特定管理策略的结果。)
综合的环境评估integrated environmental assessment
自然遗产评估natural heritage assessment Evaluation of the natural structures, resources and landscapes to ensure their careful management and preservation (对自然结构、资源和风景的评估,以保证对它们的精心管理和保存。)
臭氧迁移评估小组Ozone Transport Assessment Group
行业环境评估sector environmental assessment
评估evaluation No definition needed (无需定义。)
评估书appraisal An expert or official valuation (专家或官方的评估。)
评估方法evaluation method No definition needed (无需定义。)
货币评估monetary assessment Financial determination, adjustment, estimation, or appraisal for purposes of levying a tax, charge or fine (为征收税款、收费或罚款目的的金融决定、调整、估计或评价。)
部门评估sectoral assessment
风险评估risk assessment The qualitative and quantitative evaluation performed in an effort to define the risk posed to human health and/or the environment by an action or by the presence or use of a specific substance or pollutant (针对对人类的健康和/或环境造成风险的行为或使用特殊物质或污染物的定性和定量的评估。)