
Terms for subject Geophysics containing 估 量 | all forms
估算位置calculate estimated position
估算的延迟estimation delay
信号参数旋转不变性方法估算estimation of signal parameter rotation invariance techniques
原始振幅估计raw amplitude estimate
测井分析软件包地压估算软件geopressure estimation software
岩心阿奇参数估算值core Archie parameter estimate
广义最小二乘估算generalized least squares estimation
振幅估算amplitude estimate
最佳速度估算和叠加偏移migration for optimum velocity evaluation and stacking
最大似然估计maximum likelihood estimation
最大损失估计maximum loss expectancy
最大熵能谱估计maximum entropy spectral estimation
未完成测井项目的统计估算statistical estimate for incomplete logging
测井分析软件评估Log Analysis Software, Evaluation
渗透率估算permeability estimate
近地表估计的射线反演法ray inversion for near-surface estimation