
Terms for subject Mathematics containing | all forms
一致consistent estimator
一致无偏计量uniformly unbiased estimator
不一致计量inconsistent estimator
不可容许的计量inadmissible estimator
中位数无偏计量median unbiased confidence interval
二次计量quadratic estimator
休伯计量Huberised estimator
休伯计量sandwich estimator
休伯计量Huberized estimator
休伯计量Huber estimator
计一次和二次积分approximating first and second integrals
计值的标准误standard error of estimate
计方程estimating equation
计机差probable error of estimate
计的可靠度estimation reliability
计的按近程序closeness in estimation
计误差error of estimation
计转换应需之计算机时间estimating computer time for conversion
L 计量L-estimator
允许计量permissible estimator
全面,总估计值overall estimate
准则计矩阵criteria estimation matrix
区间interval estimation
卡普兰―迈耶计量Kaplan-Meier estimator
同时simultaneous estimation
同阶有偏计量same order bias estimators
唐顿计量Downton's estimators
回归regression estimate
图解计量graphical estimator
均方连续波动计量mean square consecutive fluctuation estimator
复比计量double sampling
多重计法multiple-estimate approach
多阶段multi-stage estimation
容许计量admissible estimator
密度density estimation
对称计法symmetric estimation method
平均似然计量mean likelihood estimator
平方根计量root estimator of a mean
广义古典线性计量two-stage least squares
广义古典线性计量generalized classical linear estimators
广义古典线性计量generalised classical linear estimators
广义最小平方计量generalized least squares estimator
广义最小平方计量generalised least squares estimator
广义极大似然计量generalized maximum likelihood estimator
广义极大似然计量generalised maximum likelihood estimator
序贯sequential estimation
强一致计量strongly consistent estimator
德宾多级方差计两Durbin-Watson statistic
拟极大似然quasi-maximum likelihood estimator
斯皮尔曼计量Spearman estimator
无偏计方程unbiased estimating equation
无偏推定量,无偏unbiased estimator
最佳计量optimum statistic
最佳计量best estimator
最佳渐近正态计量best asymptotically normal estimator
最佳线性无偏计量best linear unbiased estimator
最大似然maximum likelihood estimator
最大概率计量maximum probability estimator
最小二乘方least-squares estimation
最小平方计量least squares estimator
最小方差线性无偏计量unbiased minimum variance estimator
最小方差线性无偏计量minimum variance linear unbiased estimator
最小最大minimax estimation
最小最大稳健计量minimax robust estimator
最小正态数卡方计量minimum normit chi-square estimator
最小范数二次无偏计量MInimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimation
最有效计量most efficient estimator
有偏计量biased estimator
有效计量efficient estimator
样条计量spline estimate
kernel estimator
kernel estimate
格拉布斯计量Grubbs' estimators
正则计量regular estimator
正则最佳渐近正态计量regular best asymptotically normal estimator
比克―霍奇斯计量Bickel-Hodges estimator
比率计量ratio estimator
淅近无偏计两asymptotically unbiased estimator
淅近有效计量asymptotically efficient estimator
温泽化的Winsorized estimation
温泽化的Winsorised estimation
point estimation
皮特曼计量Pitman estimator
相容计量consistent estimator
计量moment estimator
稳健计量robust estimators
穆德―布朗Mood-Brown estimation
K 级计量k-class estimator
线性计量linear estimator
经验贝叶斯计量empirical Bayes' estimator
…作一估计make an estimate of
绝对无偏计量absolutely unbiased estimator
联合simultaneous estimation
自行加权计值self-weighted sample
自行加权计值self-weighting sample
艾特肯计量Aitken estimator
莫蒂计量Murthy's estimator
西尔混合回归计量Theil's mixed regression estimator
贝叶斯Bayes' estimation
较优同阶有偏计量better same order bias estimator
较低价有偏计量lower order bias estimator
近似最佳线性计量nearly best linear estimator
适应核计量adaptive kernel estimation
非正规计量non-regular estimator
顺序sequential estimation
马尔可夫计值Markov estimate