
Terms for subject Project management containing 会 期 | all forms
会计分期accounting period
会计结算日期accounting date
参议院星期三晚些时候在休会之前就此议案开始审议The Senate began considering the bill late on Wednesday before adjourning
在软件初始安装期间下载的电子许可证会一直保留在计算机上、 而且不会过期The e-license they downloaded during initial setup of the software remains resident on their computer perpetually and does not expire
多伦多移民就业委员会还为职业移民者组织了为期4 个月的辅导计划TRI EC also organizes a four-month mentoring scheme for professional immigrants
当你跟他们确立一个长期的合作关系之后、 将会享受到意想不到的价格折扣、 以及更好的待遇It's amazing how much of a discount and better treatment you receive when you're 'willing to commit to a long-term relationship
这种跌幅将会使价格回落到与长期趋势相符Such a fall would bring prices back in line with the long-term trend