
Terms for subject Sports containing | all forms
赢得比赛losing game
不大成功的尝试试做一件困难的事a long shot
世界国际 女子职业网球协Women's Tennis Association
世界上所有最优秀的铅球运动员都参加了这届奥运的比赛All the world's best shot-putters competed together at this Olympic Games
世界业余健美运动员协World Amateur Bodybuilders' Association
世界业余高尔夫球理事World Amateur Golf Council
世界中学生运动World Middle School Students Games
世界军体大World Military Games
世界冰上溜石联合World Curling Federation
世界冰壶联合World Curling Federation
世界国际象棋联合Federation Internationale des Echecs; World Chess Federation
世界大学生运动Jeux Mondiawx Universitaires
世界大学生运动大运会college students' athletics meet
世界大学生运动World University Games
世界大象马球协World Elephant Polo Association
世界奥林匹克运动World Olympic Games
世界拳击联合World Boxing Federation
世界教学工作者组织联合World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession
世界旅游协联合会Federation Universelle des Associations d'Agences de Voyages
世界桥牌联合World Bridge Federation
世界特殊奥林匹克运动Special Olympics World Summer Games
世界空手道组织联合World Union of Karate Do Organization
世界第二大体育用品制造商阿迪达斯是奥运12个官方赞助商之一,拥有在全球范围内使用奥运标识的权力Adidas, the world's second-biggest sports goods maker, is one of the 12 official sponsors of the Games, with the right to use the Olympic logo globally
世界网球协World Tennis Association
世界羽毛球联合World Badminton Federation
世界自然运动协World Natural Sports Association
世界花式撞球协World Pool-Billiard Association
世界跆拳道联合World Taekwondo Federation
世界跳棋联合Federation Mondiale du Jeu de Dames
世界运动World Games
美国 业余体操协Amateur Gymnastics Association
业余体育协Amateur Athletic Association
英国业余体育协Amateur Athletic Association
美国业余体育联合Amateur Athletic Union
业余健美协Amateur Bodybuilding Association
业余拳击协Amateur Boxing Association
业余竞赛联合amateur league
业余足球协Amateur Football Association
东亚运动East Asian Games
东亚运动EA Games
东南亚半岛运动South East Asian Peninsula Games
东南亚半岛运动South-East Asian Peninsular Games
东南亚半岛运动SEAP Games
东南亚运动Southeast Asian Games
东南亚运动SEA Games
美国 东部大学体操联合Eastern Intercollegiate Gymnastic Leage
美国 东部大学体育联合Eastern College Athletic Conference
美国东部大学体育联合Eastern College Athletic Conference
美国 东部联合Eastern League
美国东部联合Eastern League
中华人民共和国体育运动委员State Physical Culture and Sports Commission
中华人民共和国体育运动委员Commission for Physical Culture and Sports of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国体育运动委员Physical Culture and Sports Commission of the People's Republic of China
中华全国体育总All-China Sports Federation
中华全国总工体育部Sports Department of All-China Federation of Trade Union
中国 掷球协Chinese Multi Bowls Association
中国乒乓球协Chinese Table Tennis Association
中国体操协Chinese Gymnastics Association
中国体育科学学China Sports Science Society
中国信鸽协Chinese Racing Pigeon Association
中国健美操协Chinese Aerobic Association
中国全国城市运动National Urban Games of the People's Republic of China
中国全国城市运动National Urban Games
中国击剑协Chinese Fencing Association
中国台球协China Billiards & Snooker Association
中国奥林匹克委员Chinese Olympic Committee
中国拳击协Chinese Boxing Association
中国排球协Chinese Volleyball Association
中国曲棍球协China Hockey Association
中国柔道协Chinese Judo Association
中国桥牌协China Bridge Association
中国桥牌协Chinese Bridge Association
中国武术协Chinese Wushu Association
中国毽球协Chinese Shuttlecock Association
中国游泳协Chinese Swimming Association
中国滑冰协Chinese Skating Association
中国澳门奥林匹克委员Olympic Committee of Macau, China
中国田径协Chinese Athletic Association
中国田径协Chinese Athletics Association
中国田径运动员刘翔在男子110米跨栏决赛中以 12 秒91的成绩打破奥运纪录、平世界纪录、在第 28 届奥运会田径比赛中他为中国获得一块金牌Chinese athlete Liu Xiang finished first in the men's 110m hurdles final in 12.91 seconds, breaking the Olympic record and equalling the world record. He won a gold medal for China at the 28th Olympic Games
中国登山协Chinese Mountaineering Association
中国篮球协Chinese Basketball Association
中国网球协China Tennis Association
中国网球协Chinese Tennis Association
中国羽毛球协Chinese Badminton Association
中国自行车协Chinese Cycling Association
中国自行车运动协Chinese Cycling Association
中国赛艇协Chinese Rowing Association
中国足球协Chinese Football Association
中国跆拳道协Chinese Taekwondo Association
中国轮滑协Chinese Roller Skating Association
中国运动员在第 28 届奥运上获得 32 枚金牌Chinese athletes won thirty two gold medals at the 28th Olympic Games
中国运动心理学China Society of Sports Psychology
中国钓鱼协Chinese Angling Association
中国铁人三项运动协China Triathlon Sports Association
中国香港体育协暨奥林匹克委员会Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China
中国马术协Chinese Equestrian Association
中国龙舟协Chinese Dragon Boat Association
中学校际运动interhighschool meet
中美洲加勒比海运动Central American and Caribbean Games
中美洲网球联合Confederation de Tennis Centro america Caribe
中美洲运动Central American Games
美国 中部大学校际体育协Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association
美国中部大学校际体育协Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association
临时代表extraordinary congress
主办比赛的体育organizing association
主办协organizing association
主持preside over a meeting
举办奥林匹克运动、世界锦标赛、世界杯赛以及洲际、地区或区域性锦标赛、应任命下列国际官员:At Olympic Games, World Championships and World Cups, Continental, Regional or Area Championships, the following officials should be appointed internationally:
举办奥运hold the Olympic Games
举办运动hold a sports meeting
乌克兰健美联合Ukrainian Federation of Bodybuilding
乔伊纳・克西在 1988 年汉城现改名首尔奥运上赢得了女子跳远金牌Joyner Kersee won the gold medal in the women's long jump in Seoul in 1988
使 adjourn
员协会member association
员卡membership card
员国member nation
员组织member organization
场秘书field secretary
场管理field manager
"放松的"潜水者"unbendable" diver
flag of the game
association's emblem
organization's symbol
议厅conference hall
议室meeting room
membership dues
体育公sports council
体育协athletic association
体育盛magnificent sports meet
体育科学研究scientific council of physical education
entrance fee
全国专业健美运动员联合National Federation of Professional Trainers
英国 全国业余健美运动员协National Amateur Bodybuilders Association
美国全国外衣运动衣协National Outerwear and Sportswear Association
美国 全国射击运动基金National Shooting Sports Foundation
美国 全国射箭协National Archery Association of the United States
全国少数民族运动National Games for Ethnic Minorities
美国 全国猎狐者协National Fox Hunters Association
全运national games
全运national athletic meet
全非运动All Africa Games
列席attend a meeting without voting right
制造机create openings
前奥运选手former Olympian
北京奥运Beijing Olympic Games
北美、中美洲和加勒比田径联合North American, Central American and Caribbean Athletic Association
北美健美协American Bodybuilding Federation
北美洲、中美洲和加勒比海田径联合North American, Central American and Caribbean Athletic Association (NACAC)
北美自然健美协North American Natural Bodybuilding Association
北美运动心理学North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity
区运area games
医务委员medical commission
医务委员Medical Committee
医学社工作者medical social worker
协助国际田联进行赛外兴奋剂检查是任何员协会或其官员的责任It is the duty of any Member or officer of a Member to assist the IAAF in carrying out out-of-competition testing
协调委员coordination commission
南太平洋协游泳组织Southern Pacific Association
南美洲田径联合Confederacion Sudamericana de Atletismo
南美洲足球联合Confederation Sudamericana de Futbol
南美网球联合Confederation Sudamericana De Tennis
南美运动South American Games
南非自然健美协South African Natural Bodybuilding Association
各国奥林匹克委员会徽Emblems of National Olympic Committees
各国奥林匹克委员常设总会Permanent General Assembly of National Olympic Committees
各国奥林匹克委员总会Association of National Olympic Committees
合格的eligible membership
名次排列委员ranking committee
告别farewell party
在跳高比赛时、横杆放在最初的起跳高度上、每名选手有三次机跳越横杆In the high jump, the bar is set at a starting height and each competitor has three chances to clear it
在较大规模的运动中、决赛前有3次试掷跳等机会、以便决定哪些选手有参加决赛资格In a large athletic meet a prior set of 3 throws jumps is used in a preliminary trial to determine the finalists
在重大的田径比赛中、例如奥运、通常包括马拉松赛跑In major competition, such as the Olympics, the marathon is included in athletics competitions
地中海运动Mediterranean Games
地区运动如亚洲运动会regional games
地区运动如亚运会regional games
地区运动regional games
坐式排球委员The Committe of Sitting Volleyball
坦桑尼亚奥林匹克委员Tanzania Olympic Committee
塞拉利昂奥林匹克及侨民运动委员Sierra Leone Olympic and Overseas Games Committee
夏季奥林匹克运动Olympic Summer Games
夏季奥林匹克项目体育联合总会Association of Summer Olympic International Federations
夏季奥运Olympic Summer Games
夏季运动summer games
general membership meeting
主任manager of the meeting
器材official equipment
管理委员会committee of management of the meeting
组织者organizer of the meeting
美国大学体育事务管理员协College Athletic Business Managers Association
美国大学体育情报主任协College Sports Information Directors of America
美国大学校际体育协Intercollegiate Athletic Association
美国大学校际女子体育运动协Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women
大学校际女子击剑协intercollegiate Women's Fencing Association
美国 大学校际女子运动协Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women
大学校际运动intercollegiate meet
大学校际运动interuniversity sports
大学校际运动intercollegiate meeting
大学生运动university games
大学运动联合universities sports federation
大洋洲奥林匹克委员总会Oceania National Olympic Committees
大洋洲棒球联合Baseball Confederation of Oceania
大洋洲田径联合Oceania Athletic Association (OAA)
大洋洲网球联合Oceania Tennis Federation
大西洋沿岸国家运动联合Atlantic Coast Conference
大量练习某些专项动作、 将提高这些专项动作的反应时Reaction time in specific movements will improve as a result of extensive practice of those movements
太平洋运动Pacific Games
play the song of the meet
奥林匹克Olympic emblem
奥林匹克Olympic anthem
奥林匹克代表大Olympic Congress
奥林匹克及国外运动委员Olympic and Overseas Games Committee
奥林匹克夏季运动Games of the Olympiad
奥林匹克委员Olympic Committee
奥林匹克委员会徽Emblem of Olympic Committee
奥林匹克晚Olympic soiree
奥林匹克标志、旗、格言、歌的知识产权rights to the Olympic symbol, flag, motto and anthem
奥林匹克百年大Centennial Olympic Congress
奥林匹克科学大Olympic Science Congress
奥林匹克运动The Olympic Games
奥林匹克运动Olympic Games
奥林匹克运动组织委员会organizing committee of the Olympic Games
奥林匹克运动组织委员会OCOG Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games
奥林匹克运动反兴奋剂条例医学委员Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code and Medical Commission
奥林匹克运动委员总部IOC General Headquarters
奥林匹克项目国际联合International Federations of Olympic Sports
奥运Olympic Games
奥运专用地铁线Olympic subway
奥运主体育场Olympic stadium
奥运主办城市Olympic city
奥运主题歌Olympic theme song
奥运五环旗five-ring flag of Olympics
奥运产品Olympic product
奥运产权rights over the Olympic Games
奥运代表Olympic Games representative
奥运会旗Olympic flag
奥运先生Mr. Olympic
奥运全球总体影响Olympic Games global impact
奥运冠军Olympic champion
奥运冠军Olympic Games champion
奥运前比赛pre-Olympic competition
奥运前预选赛Olympic qualification match
奥运吉祥物Olympic mascot
奥运后国际比赛after-Olympic competition
奥运后在原地举行的国际比赛post Olympics
奥运周期Olympic cycle
奥运Olympic city
奥运奖牌Olympic medal
奥运奖状Olympic diploma of merit
奥运安全指挥中心Olympic Security Command
奥运宣誓词Olympic oath
奥运工作报告Olympic Games official report
奥运市场开发Olympic marketing
奥运Olympic year
奥运彩票Olympic Lottery
奥运手册Olympic Games handbook
奥运新闻报道media coverage of the Olympic Games
奥运新闻服务Olympic News Service
奥运Olympic Cup
奥运柔道赛Olympics Judo Tournaments
奥运模拟赛Olympic Simulations
奥运正式成绩纪录表official list of Olympic Games record
奥运比赛项目Olympic Games events
奥运火炬Olympic torch
奥运特许纪念品专卖店Olympic Superstore
奥运现代五项比赛Olympic modern pentathlon competition
奥运田径比赛the athletics competitions of the Olympic Games
奥运电视档案局Olympic Television Archive Bureau
奥运电视研究中心Olympic Television Research Centre
奥运的飞毛腿注释:fleet-footed runner 飞毛腿是一种生动、形象的说法,有时用于体育报道Olympic' fleet-footed runners
奥运秩序册Olympic Games handbook
奥运竞赛手册Olympic explanatory brochure
铁人三项奥运竞赛距离Olympic distance
奥运纪录an Olympic record
奥运纪录Olympic record
奥运纪录Olympic Games record
奥运组委会organizing committee of the Olympic Games
奥运组委会OCOG Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games
奥运组织委员会Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games
奥运组织管理organization and administration of the Olympic Games
奥运艺术比赛Olympic art exhibition
奥运裁判员Olympic judge
奥运赛前比赛pre-Olympic competition
奥运身份卡Olympic identity card
奥运身份注册卡Olympic Identity and Accreditation Card
奥运身份注册卡附带权利rights attached to the Olympic Identity and Accreditation Card
奥运选手Olympic contestant
奥运选拔赛Olympic trial
奥运邮票Olympic stamp
奥运闭幕式closing ceremony of the Olympics
奥运非正式计分Olympic non-official scoring
奥运项目指单项Olympic sport
奥运项目指大项Olympic programme
奥运项目决赛finals in the Olympic events
奥运预演赛Pre-Olympic test events
奥运预选赛Olympic trial
奥运预选赛Olympic qualification
奥运预选赛Olympic qualification match
奥运代表团选拔委员Olympic team selection committee
学校运动school sports (meet)
少年奥林匹克运动Junior Olympics
尼日利亚奥林匹克委员Nigeria Olympic Committee
古希腊人每隔一年举行的尼米恩体育音乐Nemean Games
帆船比赛协Yacht Racing Association
希腊奥林匹克委员Hellenic Olympic Committee
常务委员standing committee
常务委员permanent committee
常设技术委员permanent technical committee
常青藤联合Ivy League
意大利奥林匹克委员Comitato Olympico Nazionale Italiano
成绩统计仲裁委员classification jury
成绩统计委员classing committee
我们想成为国际的、专业的运动品牌,这是一个好机It's a good opportunity for us, as we want to become an international, specialist sports brand
所有国家的全国性协必须将正式报名表寄给国际田联秘书处All national associations shall send to the IAAF Secretariat the official entry forms
执委会议executive board meeting
执行委员executive board
教练trainer's council
教练员委员coaches' committee
教练委员coaches' committee
8 月 3 日、陈跃玲在巴塞罗那奥运女子 10 公里竞走决赛中夺魁、成绩是 44 分 32 秒、她为中国夺得第一块奥运会田径比赛金牌Chen Yueling won China's first ever gold medal in Olympic Games track and field competition with a victory in the women's 10-kilometer walk final in Barcelona on August 3rd. She clocked 44 minutes 32 seconds
有获胜机in the running
均等even up
均等equal opportunity
校际运动interscholastic meet
欢迎welcome party
欢送seeing-off meeting
欢送send-off meeting
欢送farewell party
欢送farewell meeting
欧洲台球联合Confederation Europeenne de Billiard
欧洲大陆运动Continental Games
欧洲奥林匹克委员European Olympic Committees
欧洲射击联合European Shooting Confederation
欧洲拳击联合European Boxing Union
欧洲曲棍球联合Federation Europeenne de Hockey
欧洲曲棍球联合European Hockey Federation
欧洲柔道联合Union Europeenne de Judo, European Judo Union
欧洲柔道联合European Judo Union
欧洲棒球联合European Baseball Union
欧洲游泳联合Ligue Europeen de Natation
欧洲田径教练员联合European Track and Field Coaches Federation
欧洲田径联合European Athletic Association (EAA)
欧洲网球协Tennis Europe
欧洲羽毛球联合European Badminton Union
欧洲警察体育联合Union Sportive des Polices d'Europe
欧洲足球协联盟Union des Associations Europeennes de Football, Union of European Football Associations
欧洲龙舟联合European Dragon Boat Federation
水上运动aquatic sports meet
洛佩斯以2:09:21的成绩跑完 42.195 公里马拉松赛程打破了奥运纪录Carlos Lopes finished the 42.195-kilometre course marathon course in an Olympic record time of 2:09:21
洲田径联合continental athletic associations (confederations)
洲运动Continental Games
爱尔兰橄榄球联合Irish Rugby Football Union
瑞士健美联合Swiss Bodybuilding Federation
申办奥运bid for the Olympic Games
申办委员bidding committee
申诉仲裁委员jury of appeal
申诉委员appeals commission
申诉委员jury of appeal
申诉委员panel of appeal
申诉委员appeal jury
申诉委员appeal committee
电子游戏电子竞技运动e-sports games
世界 男子职业网球协Association of Tennis Professionals
研究比赛orientation meeting
交往social communication
体育mass sport
动机social motive
动机测验social motivation test
压力social stress
压力social pressure
反应调查表social reaction inventory
地位social status
康复social rehabilitation
影响social influence
心理压力psychosocial stress
心理发展psychosocial development
态度social attitude
态度调查表social manner inventory
态度调查表social attitude inventory
成熟social maturity
期望social desirability
气氛social atmosphere
焦虑social anxiety
相互作用social interaction
知觉social perception
行为social behavior
认可social approval
适应social adjustment
需要social desirability
第29届奥林匹克运动29th Olympic Games
紧急urgent meeting
紧急emergency meeting
网球与墙球协Tennis and Rackets Association
网球联合女子团体赛Federation Cup
罗得西亚津巴布韦 全国奥林匹克委员National Olympic Committee of Rhodesia
罗马尼亚奥林匹克委员Comite Olympique Roumania
老人运动sports meet for quinquagenarians
老将委员Masters' Committee
聋人奥林匹克运动Deaflympic Games
职业壁球协Professional Squash Association
职业壁球协世界巡回赛PSA World Tour
职业壁球协大师赛PSA Masters
职业射箭运动员协Professional Archers' Association
职业潜水教练协Professional Association of Diving Instructors
游戏party game
聚精神的with great concentration
英国 草地网球协Lawn Tennis Association
萨尔瓦多全国奥林匹克委员Comite Nacional Olimpico, El Salvador
调查委员investigating committee
调查委员enquiry committee
资格审查委员credential committee
资格审查委员nominations commission
赛前动员pep rally
F1 赛车制造商协Formula One Constructors' Association
退出withdraw from a meeting
退出walk out of a meeting
选拔委员selection committee
队员碰头team talk
队员转transfer of player
阿拉伯运动Arab Games
际帆船竞赛联合lnternational Yacht Racing Union #
院校运动intramural meet
非正式的学术讨论skull session
非洲体育最高委员Conseil Superieur du Sport en Afrique
非洲奥林匹克委员总会Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa
非洲最高体育运动理事Supreme Council of African Sports
非洲棒垒球协African Baseball and Softball Association
非洲田径联合African Athletic Confederation (AAC)
非洲网球联合Confederation of African Tennis
非洲足球联合Confederation Africane de Football
非洲足球联合African Football Conference
非洲运动African Games
非洲运动协African Sports Confederation
鸡尾酒问题cocktail party problem
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