
Terms for subject Securities containing 会社 | all forms | in specified order only
中国特色的社会主义Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
企业承担社会责任enterprises burdened with social responsibility
企业社会责任corporate social responsibility (CSR)
使资本社会化socializing capital
全国社会保障基金National Social Security Fund
全国社会保障基金理事会National Council for Social Security Fund China
公司社会责任corporate social responsibility (CSR)
减轻企业的社会负担alleviate enterprises'social burdens
株式会社kabushiki kaisha (Japanese)
沉重的社会负担heavy social burdens
社会一般资金social overhead capital
社会主义市场体系socialist market system
社会主义市场理论socialist market theory
社会信用登记系统social credit registry system
社会公众general public
社会失调social maladjustment
社会意识共同基金socially conscious mutual fund
社会经济基础建设socio-economic infrastructure
社会经济指数socioeconomic index
社会良知型共同基金不投资于有害于社会环境产业的基金social consciousness mutual fund
社会责任投资social responsibility investment
社会责任方式social responsibility approach
社会资本再生产social capital reproduction
社会间接资本social capital
社会集资social collection of funds
社会集资funds raised in society
资本的社会机会成本social opportunity cost of capital
资本社会化分配social allocation of capital