
Terms for subject Marketing containing 会社 | all forms
乌托邦与艰难社会技术utopias and dystopias
人 口与社会分析demographic & sociological analysis
心理社会系统psycho-social system
没有预见到的经济和社会政治发展unforeseen economic and socio-political developments
社会事业性广告institutional advertising
社会变迁social change
社会和文化环境culture and social environment
社会安全费social security cost
社会指标social indicator
社会测验social test
社会范围营销societal marketing
社会行销social marketing
社会要求socail desirability
社会阶级social class
社会阶级social classes
社会预测social forecasting
面向市场的社会主义market-oriented socialism