
Terms for subject Finances containing 会社 | all forms | in specified order only
不断完善社会主义市场经济体制constantly improve the socialist market economy
中国特色社会主义socialism with Chinese characteristics
中国特色社会主义道路path of socialism with Chinese characteristics
从社会上借款borrow from the public
促进社会包容promote social inclusion
促进社会和谐稳定strive for social harmony and stability
促进社会和谐稳定promote social harmony and stability
促进社会稳定promote social stability
促进经济社会发展advance economic and social development
保持合理的社会融资规模keep financing from all sources at an appropriate level
信用合作社世界理事会World Council of Credit Unions (世界性的信用合作社同业协会及服务组织,是国际信用合作社体系的最高组织)
信用社全国协会Credit Union National Association
全国社会保障基金National Social Security Fund (我国中央政府集中的国家重要的战略储备,主要用于弥补今后人口老龄化高峰时期的社会保障需要)
全社会零售物价总指数society-wide general retail price index
全面建成小康社会finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects
全面建设小康社会build a Xiaokang society in all respects
全面建设小康社会build a moderately prosperous society in all respects
共同促进国际社会的努力jointly promote efforts of the international community
农村社会养老保险rural social endowment insurance
制约经济社会发展constrain economic and social development
加快经济社会发展speed up economic and social development
合会储蓄放款协会,信用合作社saving-and-Ioan association
国家社会保险基金national security fund
国民经济和社会发展national economic and social development
国际社会global community
国际社会压力international pressure
国际社会的批评international criticism
坚持和发展中国特色社会主义maintain and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics
增强全球化的社会涵盖范围strengthen the social dimension of globalization
增强国际社会对世界经济复苏和发展的信心boost the confidence of the international community in global economic recovery and development
增强经济社会发展内在活力strengthen the internal vitality of economic and social development
大幅度提高社会保障水平substantially increase social security benefits
大规模社会动荡mass social unrest
夯实社会发展的物质基础strengthen the material foundation for social development
完善和创新经济社会发展的理念、体制、模式improve and innovate one's thinking, system and mode for advancing economic and social development
小康社会moderately prosperous society
建设小康社会build a moderately prosperous society
引发社会动荡lead to social unrest
损失分担社会化socialization of damage allocation
旅社会计师协会hotel accountants1 association
有中国特色的社会主义民主政治socialist democratic politics with chinese characteristics
欧洲社会基金组织Composite Social Fund
社会不安定social unrest
社会与经济变革social and economic transformation
社会主义制度的优势socialist system's advantages
社会主义现代化socialist modernization
社会主义经济理论theory of socialist economy
社会会计public accounting
社会会计,国民会计social accounting
社会会计的国际标准化international standardization of social accounting
社会保险信托基金social insurance trust fund
社会保险费social security contributions
社会保障支付social security payment
社会信托community trust
社会决算social audit
社会安全保险税social security tax
社会审计social audit
社会投资non-governmental investment
社会投资non-government investment
社会投资基金social investment fund
社会文化教育和科学事业费expenditure on social services, culture, education and science
社会消费品零售总额total retail sales of social consumer goods
社会生产能力social productivity
社会福利金social security tax
社会老龄化ageing society
社会议价进程social bargaining process
社会责任会计social responsibility accounting
社会责任投资socially responsible investment
社会资金social finance
稳健而善于适应的政治、社会和法律体制robust and adaptable political, social and legal institutions
经济社会发展economic and social development
经济社会发展的体制system for advancing economic and social development
经济社会发展的模式mode for advancing economic and social development
经济社会发展的理念thinking for advancing economic and social development
经济社会发展趋势economic and social development trends
经济社会长远发展long-term economic and social development
统筹经济社会发展和环境保护coordinate economic and social development and environmental protection
维护社会公平正义uphold social equity and justice
美国社会保险税U.S. social security tax
老龄化社会greying society
联邦住宅抵押贷款会社federal home loan mortgage association
讲求社会效益pay attention to social effect
试编社会保险基金预算compile budgets for social security funds on a trial basis
金融社会主义financial socialism
阿拉伯经济与社会发展基金会Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (区域性货币金融合作组织,成立于1971年,秘书处设在科威特)
高水平的社会信任度和凝聚力high level of social trust and cohesion
高水平的社会福利high levels of social welfare