
Terms for subject Economy containing 会社 | all forms | in specified order only
上层社会great world
上流社会select societ
上流社会rank and fashion
下层社会rank and file
下层社会the great unwashed
下层社会great unwashed
不使用现金的社会cashless society
不同经济和社会制度国家间的贸易the trade among countries having different economic and social systems
不成文社会法规unwritten social rules
世界社会主义universal socialism
丰裕社会an affluent society
乌托韩社会主义utopian socialism
乡村会社rural association
乡村社会rural society
联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
联合国亚洲太平洋地区经济与社会委员会Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific
人类社会经济系统human socio-economic system
传统社会the traditional society
促进社会主义现代化建设promote the socialist modernization program
信贷计划的社会目标social objectives of credit programmes
先前社会经济形态older socio-economic formation
全国经济社会研究所National Institute of Economic and Social Research
全社会劳动生产率法whole-society-productivity method
全社会的商品生产关系relations of commodity production embracing society as a whole
全社会综合平均数字society-wide composite average
共产主义社会communist society
军事竞赛的经济和社会后果economic and social consequences of the arms race
农业合作社联合会Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives
农业社会主义agrarian socialism
农业社会安全计划agricultural social security scheme
分配的社会化the socialization of distribution
初期社会主义early socialism
前欧洲社会主义经济缩写为FSEformerly socialist economies of Europe
剩余社会化论theory of the socialization of the flow
动态社会dynamic society
动态社会经济学dynamic social economics
劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Labour and Social Security
劳动的直接社会形式immediate social form of labour
劳动社会化the socialization of labour
劳动社会化socialization of labor
劳工社会主义pure socialism
劳工社会主义labour socialism
原始社会primitive society
双重社会dual society
发展社会生产力develop social productive forces
后工业社会经济学post-industrial society economics
后续社会经济形态new socioeconomic formation
哥伦比亚田园社会rural Colombian community
商业社会commercial community
商品的社会平均资金占用量social average amount of funds embodied in a commodity
商品社会commodity society
坚持社会主义道路的原则the principle of persisting along the socialist road
垄断资产阶级的社会主义monopoly-bourgeois socialism
垄断资产阶级的社会主义monopoly bourgeois socialism
增进社会的公共福利promote the general good of the community
大社会Great Society (美国总统约翰逊在任内提出的施政口号)
大社会美国总统约翰逊在任内提出的施政口号Great Society
大社会学macro sociology
大规模社会资本计划large social overhead capital project
奴隶社会slavery society
好的社会good society
家庭福利会社family welfare societies
家庭福利社会Family Welfare Societies
密执安大学社会研究所Institute for Social Research University of Michigan
富裕的社会affluent society
富裕社会an affluent society
富足社会affluent society
小资产阶级社会主义petty bourgeois socialism
履行社会责任fulfilment of social responsibility
工业化以后的社会post-industrial society
工业化社会industrialization society
市场社会主义the competitive socialism
平均社会必要劳动时间labour-time that is on an average socially necessary
年社会产值annual social productive value
1935 年美国社会保障法案Social Security Act, 1935
应用社会学application sociology
应用社会学applied sociology
心理社会系统a psychosocial system
悠闲社交集会pink tea
打击社会财富战略performance value strategy
打击社会财富战略counter value strategy
扩大的社会参与the enlarged community participation
扩大的社会参与enlarged community participation
提高社会福利increase social benefits
政府国民抵押会社government national mortgage association
新社会秩序new social landscape
旅社会计师协会Hotel Accountants' Association
无成长的社会no-growth society
无支票社会checkless society
最大社会福利maximum social welfare
最大社会福利the maximum social welfare
最理想的社会主义产品交换制most many, much 的最高级 ideal socialist exchange of products
未获准的经济与社会目标non-qualified economic and social objectives
根据协议,任何一方对社会公敌引起的任何损毁都不承担责任Either party shall not take up responsibility for any damage caused by the public enemy according to the agreement
每年社会生产价值annual social productive value
比较成熟的社会主义公有制more developed form of socialist public ownership
流量社会化论theory of the socialization of the flow
消费水平高的社会high consumption society
消费社会化socialization of consumption
温和派社会主义moderate socialism
爬行社会主义用来描绘政府对工业的完全占有和经营creeping socialism
特定数的社会需要quantitatively definite social need
现在的社会制度present social system
生产力的社会管理social management of the productive forces
生产力社会化social nature of the productive forces
生产的社会性social nature of production
生产的社会性和生产资料私人占有的固有矛盾inherent contradiction between social production and private owner ship
生产的社会性质social character of production
生产的社会物质关系social material relationship of production
田园社会rural society
田园社会学rural sociology
真正社会成本real social costs
社会一体化social integration
社会不稳定social instability
社会专利social monopoly
社会中有职业的那一部分人an active and employed sector of society
社会主义产品交换关系socialist exchange of products
社会主义企业socialist enterprise
社会主义全民所有制socialist ownership by the whole people
社会主义全民所有制ownership by whole people under socialism
社会主义全民所有制经济sector of socialist economy under ownership by the whole people
社会主义公有制socialist public ownership
社会主义公有制public ownership system of socialism
社会主义公有制public ownership under socialism
社会主义再生产的比例关系proportions in socialist reproduction
社会主义再生产的比例关系proportion in socialist reproduction
社会主义初级阶段the primary stage of socialist
社会主义初级阶段socialist elementary stage
社会主义原则socialist principle
社会主义国家所有制socialist state ownership
社会主义国有化socialist nationalization
社会主义国营企业socialist state run enterprise
社会主义基本经济规律basic economic law of socialism
社会主义大家庭socialist community
社会主义建设the socialist construction
社会主义建设事业work of building socialism
社会主义扩大再生产socialist extended reproduction
社会主义改造socialist transformation
社会主义政策socialistic policy
社会主义法制a socialist legal system
社会主义派socialist school
社会主义流通socialist circulation
社会主义现代化建设the socialist modernization development
社会主义现代化建设socialist modernization (development)
社会主义生产力socialist productive force
社会主义生产理论的目的purpose of socialist production theory
社会主义的经济秩序socialist economic order
社会主义经济socialist economy
社会主义经济体制的自我改进与自我完善the self-improvement and self-perfection of socialistic economic system
社会主义经济制度socialized economy
社会主义经济国家socialist economics
社会主义经济基础socialist economic base
社会主义经济成份socialist sector of economy
社会主义经济效果effects of socialist economy
社会主义集体所有制socialist collective ownership
社会习俗social usage
社会事业social undertaking
社会事业的概念sociobusiness concept
社会产品使用额amount of social products used up
社会产品平衡表balance sheet of domestic products
社会产品平衡表balance of social product
社会产品总值gross value of social products
社会人social man
社会价值social value
社会价值准则体系system of values
社会价值判断social value judgement
社会优先的职能social preference function
社会会计the social accounting (学)
社会使用价值social use value
社会保险social security (制度)
社会保险Old Age, Survivors, Disability and Hospital Insurance
社会保险丧失能力救济金social security disability benefits
社会保险信托基金social insurance trust funds
社会保险基金social security
社会保险基金social security relief
社会保险基金social security fund
社会保险支出social security expenditure
社会保险费扣除额social insurance premiums deduction
社会保险费用social charges
社会保险金缴费social insurance tax
社会保障性养老金social security-type pensions
社会保障的付款social security payment
社会保障税social security tax
社会保障转移social protection transfer
社会信贷运动social credit movement
社会储蓄social saving
社会公益social service
社会再生产过程social reproductive course
社会冲突conflict social
社会冲突the conflict social
社会冲突social conflict
社会净效益net social benefit
社会分工social division of labour
社会分工social division of labor
社会分权资本social overhead capital
社会利得成本分析social benefit/cost analysis
社会利益social advantage
社会动乱social unrest
社会劳动social labour
社会劳动生产力的一定比例分配the distribution of social labour productive forces in definite proportion
社会劳动体social body of labour
社会劳动生产率productivity of social labour
社会劳动生产率social productivity of labour
社会劳动生产率productivity of social labor
社会劳动资源平衡表balance sheet of domestic labour resources
社会势力social forces
社会化服务socialized services
社会化生产socialized production
社会化的分配the socialization of distribution
社会化的分配socialization of distribution
社会协定social compact
社会占有生产资料social appropriation of the means of production
社会变革sociological change
社会史history of society
社会商品social commodities
社会商品价值总额total value of social commodities
社会商品零售价格总额total retail prices of commodities in society
社会商品零售额volume of domestic retail sales of commodities
社会因数social variable
社会因素贴现率social discount rate
社会团体储蓄saving of society
社会固定资金fixed social funds
社会地位social scale
社会地位social rank
社会基础social basis
社会基础设施费用the social overhead cost
社会失调social disharmony
社会契约the social compact
社会契约social compact
社会学social studies
社会安全social security
社会安全保险费social security payment
社会安全保障social security
社会实践Social practice
社会就业social office
社会工作public work
社会工作labour of love
社会工商资本social industrial and commercial capital
社会平均价值average social value
社会平均价值the social average value
社会平均加工盈利率rate of profit on the average processing costs in society
社会平均劳动熟练程度和强度average degree of skill and intensity prevalent at the time
社会平均劳动耗费标准standard of average social labour consumption
社会平均化social equalization
社会平均必要的耗费量average socially necessary expenses
社会平均资金利润率average social profit rate on funds
社会张力social tension
社会得益计算social profitability calculation
社会必要产品a socially necessary product
社会必要劳动the socially necessary labour
社会必要劳动socially-necessary labour
社会必要劳动时间labour-time that is socially necessary
社会性支出social expenditure
社会总产值gross social production value
社会总产品gross social product
社会总产品aggregate social product
社会总体劳动者all workers in society
社会总劳动collective labour of society
社会总所得social dividend
社会总生产资金的平均利润率average profit rate of the total stock of productive social capital
社会总资本aggregate social capital
社会总资本的再生产和流通the reproduction and circulation of aggregate social capital
社会恐慌social panic
社会意识socially conscious
社会或机会成本social or opportunity cost
社会所得social income
社会所得税social income tax
社会所拥有的劳动量amount of labour available to society
社会所有制social ownership
社会所能支出的劳动量amount of labour society can afford to expend
社会技术理论sociotechnical theory
社会技术系统sociotechnical system
社会技术系统方法sociotechnical system approach
社会折现率贴现率social rate of discount
社会支付能力society's purchasing power
社会收入social return
社会改革social reform
社会效用social utility
社会效益social benefit
社会效益分析social benefit-analysis
社会效益成本分析social benefit/cost analysis
社会效益费用分析social benefit/cost analysis
社会效能social efficiency
社会救济事业social relief facilities
社会救济法规social security laws
社会数学计算技术social numerical technique
社会文化系统sociocultural system
社会无异曲线community indifference curve
社会晋升social promotion
社会最佳social optimum
社会最终产品final social product
社会最适social optimum
社会最适境界social optimality
社会有机体说organic conception of society
社会服务community service
社会服务social service
社会机会成本social opportunity cost
社会构成social composition
社会构成composition of society
社会民主主义social democracy
社会水平community level
社会治安security of society
社会流动性social mobility
社会消费基金social consumption relief
社会消费基金public consumption fund
社会物质基础material foundation of society
社会物质资料再生产society's material reproduction
社会物质资料再生产processed society's material reproduction
社会犯罪率已上升了 20%Crimes in society have risen by 20%
社会状态state of society
社会独占social monopoly
社会生产social production
社会生产public production
社会生产两大部类tow major parts of social production
社会生产力social productive power
社会生产力social productive forces
社会生产控制数字control figures
社会生产的一定形式particular form of social production
社会生产的无政府状态the anarchic state of social production
社会生产资本的平均利润率average profit rate of the social production capital
社会生活community life
社会生活形态forms of social life
社会生活形态form of social life
社会用产品product for society
社会病态socioeconomic diseases
社会的再生产social reproduction
社会的压力pressure of society
社会的基本构成单位fundamental unit of society
社会的成本social cost
社会的无差别community indifference
社会的评价sociological evaluation
社会的适应性social compatibility
社会盈余social surplus
社会盈益率social surplus rate of return
社会目标social goal
社会直接劳动direct social labour
社会直接占有生产资料society's direct possession of the means of production
社会矛盾social contradiction
社会福利social utility
社会福利community welfare
社会福利事业social welfare
社会福利函数social welfare function
社会福利开支welfare cost
社会福利的课税原则social welfare principle taxation
社会福利职能social welfare function
社会福利部community welfare department
社会科学social science
社会科学调查委员会social research council
社会程序social process
社会等级step in social scale
社会等级pecking order
社会组织fabric of society
社会经济social economy
社会经济community economy
社会经济体socioeconomic groups
社会经济动态social economic dynamics
社会经济动态学social economic dynamics
社会经济参数social-economic variable
社会经济地位低下阶层socially under-privileged group
社会经济基础a socioeconomic base
社会经济学social economy
社会经济学social economics
社会经济形态socioeconomic formation
社会经济形态social-economic formation
社会经济指标socioeconomic index
社会经济指标socioeconomic indicators
社会经济指标socioeconomic indicator
社会经济构成体economic formation of society
社会经济测量sociometric measurement
社会经济状况the socioeconomic condition
社会经济状况发展socioeconomic condition development
社会经济理论theory of socialist economy
社会经济病症socioeconomic diseases
社会经济病症socioeconomic disease
社会经济的工具装置sociometric device
社会经济破坏socioeconomic disruptions
社会经济结构socioeconomic structures
社会经济统计资料social and economic statistics
社会经济背景socioeconomic background
社会结构social formation
社会结构social framework
社会结构structure of society
社会结构scheme of society
社会统计概要Compendium of Social Statistics
社会股息social dividend
社会舆论造成的通货膨涨social inflation
社会范围行动act performed on a social scale
社会规划social programs
社会评价social evaluation
社会调查social investigations
社会调查费用public accounting fee
社会调査social survey
社会调査social investigations
社会财富the wealth of society
社会财富social wealth
社会货销social dumping
社会贴现率social discount rate
社会资本社会间接资本,即基础设施social overhead capital
社会资本social capital
社会资本财social capital goods
社会资本运营策略strategy of social capital operation
社会赢利性分析social profitability analysis
社会边际生产效率social marginal productivity
社会达尔文主义Social Darwinism
社会过程social process
社会通货膨胀social inflation
社会道德social morality
社会间接资本social overhead
社会间接资本social overhead capital
社会间接资本social overheads
社会阶层social rank
社会阶级social rank
社会集体劳动social collective labour
社会集团social groupings
社会集团购买力institutional purchases
社会需求social want
社会需要social demand
社会需要构成pattern of social wants
社会静态经济学social static economics
罢工、租税等引起的社会风险social risks
私人劳动和社会劳动private labour and social labour
科学社会主义scientific socialism
科学社会主义者scientific socialist
空想社会主义utopian socialism
竞争性社会主义competitive socialism
联合国经济及社会理事会Economic and Social Council (United Nations)
联合国经济及社会理事会UN Economic and Social Council
联合国的经济及社会理事会Economic and Social Council
经济及社会理事会Economic and Social Council
经济和社会后果economic and social consequences
经济和社会部门的改组the restructuring of economic and social sector
经济和社会部门的改组restructuring of economic and social sector
经济的社会间接资本economic social overhead capital
经济社会基本设施成本social overhead cost
美国的社会、政治、经济制度American way
美洲经济与社会理事会Inter-American Economics and Social Council
美洲经济及社会理事Inter-American Economic and Social Council
职业构成和社会结构occupational and social structure
/联邦国民抵押会社federal national mortgage association
苏联社会主义经济问题economic problems of socialism in the USSR
营利社会acquisitive society
虚假社会价值理论false social value theory
会社会主义the guild socialism
会社会主义guild socialism
讲坛社会主义派socialism of the chair
财产的社会性质social nature of properties relations
贴现社会收益current social return
费边社会a fabian society
费边社会主义Fabian socialism
资本主义对社会主义capitalism versus socialism
边际社会成本marginal social cost
边际社会效益marginal social benefit
那些经济拮据的公司向社会呼吁求助These lame duck companies are appealing to society for help
金钱社会gold coin society
雇主对社会保险的捐献employer contributions for social insurance
面向市场的社会主义market oriented socialism
面向社会的规划socially-oriented programmes
面向社会的计划socially-oriented programmes
预期的社会劳动节省程度the anticipated extent to which social labour is economized
马克思社会主义Marxian socialism
高密度经济与社会high-density economy and society
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