
Terms for subject Environment containing 会社 | all forms
工业社会industrial society A large-scale community with diverse manufacturing sectors and an infrastructure and economy based on the science, technology and instrumental rationality of the modern West (以现代西方科学、技术与理性手段为基础,具有不同制造部门与公共设施与经济条件的大型社区。)
植物社会学phytosociology The study of vegetation, including the organization, interdependence, development, geographical distribution and classification of plant communities (植被研究,包括植物的组织、相互依存、发展、地理分布和植物群落的分类。)
环境、健康、安全与社会经济的environment, health, safety and socio-economic
环境和社会成本/社会的成本environmental and social cost
环境和社会成本/社会的成本societal cost
生物技术的社会经济影响socioeconomic impact of biotechnologies Biotechnology is the application of biological and technical solutions to problems, and often refers to the industrial use of microorganisms (perhaps genetically altered) to perform chemical processing, for example of waste or water, or to manufacture hormones or enzymes for medicinal and commercial purposes. Biotechnology offers great potential to increase farm production and food processing efficiency, to lower food costs, to enhance food quality and safety and to increase international competitiveness (生物技术是应用生物学和技术的办法以解决问题,往往指的是用微生物工业(也许是转基因)进行的废弃物或水的化学处理,或制造荷尔蒙或酵素医药作为商业用途。生物技术提供了巨大的潜力,增加农业生产和粮食加工效率,降低粮食成本,提高食品质量和安全,并提高国际竞争力。)
社会society Human group of people, more or less large and complex, associated for some common interest and characterized by distinctive hierarchical relationships (人类群体,或多或少庞大而复杂,与一些共同利益相关,以及有等级关系和独特的特点。)
社会不平等social inequality Unequal rewards or opportunities for different individuals within a group or groups within a society. If equality is judged in terms of legal equality, equality of opportunity, or equality of outcome, then inequality is a constant feature of the human condition (不等的奖励或集团内不同的个人或团体在社会上的机会。如果是在平等的法律平等,机会均等,或者是结果的平等来判断,那么不平等是人类状况的不变的特征。)
社会代表social representation A system of values, ideas and practices established to orient individuals in their community and culture and to provide them with naming, classification and communication codes (在他们的社区建立面向个人和文化的价值体系,想法和做法,并提供命名,分类和交流法规。)
社会价值social value Regarding social values, distinctions are often drawn between values, which are strong, semi permanent, underlying, and sometimes inexplicit dispositions, and attitudes, which are shallow, weakly held, and highly variable views and opinions. Societies can usually tolerate highly diverse attitude, whereas they require some degree of homogeneity and consistency in the values held by people, providing a common fund of shared values which shape social and political consensus (关于社会价值,区别往往在固定的,半永久性的,潜在的价值之间,有时在含糊的,浅,弱,充满变数的看法和意见中。社团通常可以容忍的态度非常不同,而他们需要某种同质性和一致性,人们持有的价值度,提供了一个共同的价值观,形成社会和政治共识的公共的基础。)
社会保护social protection The monies and programs a society enacts through either public or private entities to provide economic security and general welfare for its members, often on account of old age, unemployment, health, disability or death of a spouse, parent or other benefactor (一个社会通过公共或私人实体颁布的款项和方案,提供其成员经济安全和公众福利,这些成员往往因年老、失业、医疗、残疾或配偶,父母或其它行善者的死亡。)
社会保障,社会保险social security
美国社会保障署Social Security Administration
社会分化social differentiation A concept associated with evolutionary theories of history and with structural functionalism. Societies are seen as moving from the simple to the complex via a process of social change based on structural differentiation (与历史进化理论和结构功能相关的一个概念。社会被视为正在通过以结构分化为基础的从简单到复杂的社会改变过程。)
社会分析social analysis No definition needed (无需定义。)
社会动态social dynamics The pattern, change, development and driving forces of a human group, community or society (一个人类群体,社区或社会的模式,改革,发展和动力。)
社会医学social medicine Medicine as applied to treatment of diseases which occur in certain social groups (适用于治疗发生在特定社会群体中的疾病的医学。)
社会参与social participation Collective, civic action shared and performed by a significant number of the community or general population (集体,公民共同的行动和由社区或总人口大量进行的行动。)
社会发展social development The state of nations and the hystorical processes of change experienced by them. The concept of development subsumes associated cultural and political changes as well as welfare measures which reflect distribution of goods, wealth and opportunities (各国国家元首和他们经历的各种历史进程的改变。发展的概念归结于相关的文化和政治的变化以及福利措施,反映在商品,财富和机会的分配。)
社会团体social group A collection of people who interact with one another and share a certain feeling of unity (人互动,分享彼此的团结之感的集合。人们相互交流以及分享团体感受的一个集合。)
社会学sociology The study of the development, organization, functioning and classification of human societies (人类社会的发展,组织,运作和分类的研究。)
社会心理学social psychology Study of the effects of social structure on cognition and behavior, of processes of face-to-face interaction, and of the negotiation of social order (对社会结构在认知和行为方面的影响的研究,以面对面的互动过程,对社会秩序的谈判。)
社会意识的行为social-minded behaviour
社会成本social cost The price paid or the loss incurred to acquire, produce or maintain an objective or goal in a group, community or society (为了一个群体,社区或社会获得,产生或保持的目标而付出的代价或招致的损失。)
社会政治方面sociopolitical aspect Any part, feature or quality of society that combines governmental dimensions with inter-personal or inter-group dynamics (社会的特点或者功能的一部分,它动态地结合了人际或群体间的政府层面。)
社会政策social policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which seeks to ensure that all people have acceptable working or living conditions by providing social security, welfare, health care, insurance, fair employment practices, low cost housing or educational opportunities (一种通过了政府,企业或其他组织的行动方针,其目的是确保所有的人都可以接受社会提供的工作或生活保障,福利条件、医疗、保险、公平就业、低成本住房或教育机会。)
社会救济social relief Public assistance especially financial given to persons in special need or difficulty (公共援助,特别是在财务方面的有特殊需要或困难的人。)
社会教育活动socioeducational activity Instruction or events designed to offer learning or cultural experiences to populations without access to traditional educational institutions due to social or economic barriers (由于社会或经济障碍,设计教学或活动而不是传统教育以给人们提供学习或文化经验。)
社会文化小组socio-cultural group A collection of people who interact and share a sense of unity on account of a common ethnic, ancestral, generational or regional identity (人们交流和分享一个共同的种族,血缘,世代或区域标识帐户的团结意识的集合。)
社会服务social service Welfare activities organized by the state or a local authority and carried out by trained personnel (由国家或地方当局组织实施由受过训练的人员进行的公益活动。)
社会状况social condition An existing circumstance, situation or state affecting the life, welfare and relations of human beings in community (现有的环境,情况或状态影响生活,福利和人类社会的关系。)
社会福利social welfare The prosperity, well-being or convenience of a community. It embraces the primary social interests of safety, order, morals, economic interest, and non material and political interests (一个社区的繁荣,幸福或便利。它包含了安全的首要社会利益、秩序、道德、经济利益和非物质和政治利益。)
社会福利指标social indicator Easily identified features of a society which can be measured, which vary over time, and are taken as revealing some underlying aspect of social reality. In general, the most commonly used indicators are derived from official statistics, and include unemployment figures, health and mortality data, and crime rates (容易识别的,可以衡量的,随着时间的推移而有所不同,并作为揭示社会现实的一些基本方面的社会特征。一般来说,最常用的指标是来自官方的统计数字,包括失业数字,健康和死亡率数据,以及犯罪率。)
社会科学social science The study of society and of the relationship of individual members within society, including economics, history, political science, psychology, anthropology, and sociology
社会系统social system The concept of system appears throughout the social and natural sciences and has generated a body of literature of its own (general systems theory). A system is any pattern of relationships between elements, and is regarded as having emergent properties on its own over and above the properties of its elements (该系统的概念似乎存在于整个社会科学和自然科学,并产生了其自己的文明(一般系统论文艺团体)。一个系统是任何元素之间的关系模式,在元素的属性方面,被认为有意外的特征。)
社会经济socioeconomics Economic and social structure of communities, tax rates, characteristic types of development (社区的经济和社会结构、税率、发展的特色类型。)
社会经济因素socioeconomic factor An essential element in a society's make-up, organization or behavior that combines financial dimensions with inter-personal or inter-group dynamics (一个社会的组成,组织或行为的基本要素,它结合了人际或群体间的财务方面。)
社会经济方面的人类住区socioeconomic aspect of human settlements
社会结构social structure A term loosely applied to any recurring pattern of social behaviour; or, more specifically, to the ordered interrelationships between the different elements or a social system or society (基本适用于任何社会行为循环模式的术语,或者更具体地说,适用于区分不同的元素或一个社会制度或社会的有序的相互关系的术语。)
社会结构social framework The underlying structure that connects and supports the various members and parts of a community or human organization (连接并支持各成员和部分社区或人类组织的基本结构。)
社会行为social behaviour A person or community's general treatment, manner of conduct or action toward others as individuals or as members of variously identified groups (一个人或社会的一般待遇,行为方式或对个人或作为个人或各种确定团体的成员对他人的行为。)
社会设施social facility Any structure designed, built or installed to provide space for living or interaction among persons in a community (提供空间给社区的人交流或生活的任何结构设计,建造或装置。)
社会调查social survey Data collections that employ both interviewing and sampling to produce quantitative data-sets, amenable to computer-based analysis (同时采用访谈和抽样而产生的定量数据集的数据集合,适于计算机基础分析。)
社会调查sociological survey Research on social questions or problems, especially focusing on cultural and environmental factors (研究社会问题,特别是以文化和环境因素为重点。)
社会过程social process A continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner and pertaining to the life, welfare, and relations of human beings in a community (一个连续的动作、操作或发生在确定行为中和有关的生活,福利发生的一系列变化,以及人类在社区中的关系。)
社会运动social movement A organized effort by a significant number of people to change (or resist change in) some major aspect or aspects of society (一个由相当多的人,改变(或抗拒改变)一些社会的主要方面或各方面的有组织的力量。)
社会问题social problem A generic term applied to the range of conditions and aberrant behaviours which are considered to be manifestations of social disorganization and to warrant changing via some means of social engineering. Typically, these problems include many forms of deviant behaviour (such as crime, juvenile delinquency, prostitution, mental illness, drug addiction, suicide) and of social conflict (ethnic tension, domestic violence, industrial strife, and so forth) (一个适用于各种条件下和异常行为的通用术语,被认为是社会解体的表现,并保证通过社会工程的某种手段来证明变化。这些问题通常包括多种形式越轨行为(如犯罪、少年犯罪、卖淫、精神疾病、吸毒、自杀)和社会冲突(种族关系紧张、家庭暴力、工业冲突,等等)。)