
Terms for subject Technology containing 会社 | all forms | in specified order only
不用支票的社会checkless society
不能预测的社会情况problematic social situation
丰裕社会affluent society
临界社会价值marginal social value
临界社会价值critical social value
二元社会dualistic society
亚太经济和社会委员会Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
交通拥挤造成的社会费用social cost of congestion
人口的社会增长social increase of population
人类住区的社会、经济方面socioeconomic aspects of human settlements
人类社会经济系统human socioeconomic system
从社会借款borrowing from the public
低熵社会society of low entropy
体育社会化socialization of sports
全国住房信用社协会National Association of Housing Cooperatives
全国社区发展协会National Association for Community Development
全社会工资增长的幅度range of society-wide wage increases
全额社会所得税full social income tax
全额社会所得税entire social income tax
同质社会集团homogeneous social group
后工业化社会post-industry society
后工业化社会post-industrial society
吸收社会劳动力absorption of labour power
吸收社会劳动力absorption of labor power
商业化社会commercialized society
国民经济和社会发展计划national economic and social development planning
国际经济和社会事务部Department of International Economic and Social Affairs
地区经济社会的协调发展coordinated regional economic and social development
城市社会urban community
城市社会urban society
城市社会公益、福利规划social planning
城市社会学urban sociology
城市社会效益urban social benefit
城市社会文化决定论urban social and cultural determination
城市社会规划urban social planning
城市社会规划social planning
域社会学regional sociology
大型社会技术系统large-scale sociotechnical system
富士电机株式会社Fuji Electrical
富士电机株式会社Fuji Electric
小康社会affluent society
小康社会发展规划comparatively well-off social development planning
小康社会指标体系indicator system for moderately well-off society
居住小区的社会文化中心community center
工业社会industrial society
建设项目社会评价project social assessment
技术的社会效益评估assessment of the consequences of technology
政治社会因素factors of politics and society
文化社会环境cultural-social environment
最小社会影响minimize social impact
污染对人类和社会的影响pollution effect on man and society
污染对人类和社会的影响pollutant effect man and society
污染物对人和社会的影响pollutant effect on man and society
消费社会mass consumption society
消费社会consumer society
潜在的社会生产率potential social productivity
特定数量的社会需要quantitatively definite social need
环境保护社会效益social benefit of environmental protection
环境社会政策environmental social policy
环境社会经济指标environmental socioeconomic indicator
环境社会经济指标environmental society economic index
生态社会学ecologic sociology
生物技术的社会经济影响socioeconomic impact of biotechnologies
社会不经济social diseconomy (性)
社会与文化标志social and cultural indicator
社会主义市场机制socialist market mechanism
社会主义市场经济socialist market economy
社会主义市场经济socialist marker-oriented economy
社会主义建设socialist construction
社会主义现实主义socialist realism
社会人口统计socioeconomic graphics
社会人类学social anthropology
社会价值函数social value function
社会住房social housing
社会体育设施social physical training facilities
社会供应总量aggregate social supply
社会保健community health
社会保险基金social security funds
社会保险基金social insurance fund
社会保险税social security tax
社会保险统计statistics of social insurance
社会保险计划social security programme
社会保险计划social security program
社会保障和福利事业social security and welfare service
社会健康科学social health science
社会共同需要common needs of society
社会再生产的良性循环beneficial cycle in reproduction
社会净产值social net output value
社会净产值net social output value
社会分工division of labour in society
社会分摊资本social overhead capital
社会分裂social disruption
社会利益social fringe
社会利益social benefit
社会劳动力public forces
社会化的投资网络socialized network of investment
社会化经济部门socialized sector of the economy
社会区域环境social regional environment
社会卫生学health sociology
社会参与social participation
社会后备基金social reserve funds
社会商品价格总额total value of social commodities
社会商品可供量quantity of goods available for sale
社会团体废水institutional wastewater
社会固定资本social overhead infrastructure
社会国民收入social national income
社会圈social sphere
社会地理学sociologic geography
社会地理学humanity geography
社会城市social city
社会基本开支social overhead
社会就业纲领public employment programme
社会就业纲领public employment program
社会工业化social industrialization
社会平均价值social average value
社会平均支付水平social average expenditures standard
社会形态学social morphology
社会影响评价social impact assessment
社会影响评价social effect assessment
社会影响评价assessment of social effect
社会影响调查social affect survey
社会影响调査social impact survey
社会总产值total production of society
社会总产品total social product
社会总产量total product of society
社会总资本social overhead capital
社会慈善事业协会institutional society
社会成本会计social cost accounting
社会成本效益social cost-benefit
社会折现率social discount rate
社会指数social indicator
社会教育设施social educational facilities
社会教育设施social educational facility
社会服务系统social service system
社会本能障碍disorders of social instinct
社会机会费用social opportunity cost
社会核算分析social accounting analysis
社会核算矩阵social accounting matrix
社会消费community consumption
社会消费者系统communal consumer system
社会混乱social disruption
社会物质生活条件material conditions of social life
社会环境教育social environmental education
社会环境结构social environmental structure
社会环境要素social environmental element
社会瓦解social disruption
社会生活噪声noise of social activity
社会的补偿资本social replacement capital
社会盈利率social surplus rate of return
社会目标social objective
社会福利public welfare
社会福利事业social utility
社会福利决策social welfare decision making
社会福利功能的公理axiom for social welfare function
社会福利指标social welfare policy
社会福利设施social welfare facilities
社会福利设施social welfare facility
社会福利费social charges
社会系统工程social system engineering
社会纯收入收益率net income ratio of society
社会经济压力指数socioeconomic pressure index
社会经济压力指数social economic pressure index
社会经济发展socioeconomic development
社会经济变量socioeconomic variable
社会经济因素socioeconomic factor
社会经济技术sociometric technique
社会经济效益socioeconomic performance
社会经济效益social economic benefit
社会经济数据socioeconomic data
社会经济水平socioeconomic level
社会经济状态socioeconomic status
社会经济环境指标socioeconomic environmental indicator
社会经济现象socioeconomic phenomenon
社会经济的工具sociometric device
社会经济系统分析socioeconomic systems analysis
社会经济系统管理socioeconomic systems management
社会经济统计socioeconomic statistics (学)
社会经济统计系统socioeconomic statistical system
社会经济综合指标socioeconomic mix
社会经济综合指标socioeconomic index
社会经济计划socioeconomic planning
社会经济调查socioeconomic survey
社会经济调查social economic survey
社会经济趋势socioeconomic trends
社会经济问题socioeconomic problem
社会经济革命socioeconomic revolution
社会结构community structure
社会节余购买力surplus social purchase power
社会融资能力ability to accommodate social funds
社会规划social planning
社会计量分析sociometric analysis
社会计量描述sociometric description
社会计量检验sociometric test
社会计量法sociometric technique
社会评价social appraisal
社会调查social investigation
社会调查social survey
社会调查community survey
社会购买力social purchasing power
社会购买力指数index of social purchasing power
社会费用social cost
社会适应social adaptation
社会间接投资social overhead investment
社会集团的相互作用interaction in social group
社会需求social needs
社区协会community association
社团会所social club
系统的社会经济因素systematic socioeconomic factors
纯理论社会学pure sociology
经济和社会决定因素economic and social determinant
经济和社会利益economic returns and social benefits
经济和社会利益economic and social benefits
经济和社会发展战略economic and social development strategy
经济和社会发展计划economic and social development plan
经济和社会效益论证economic and social justification
经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一harmony of economic returns and contribution to society and environmental protection
经济社会学economic sociology
统一的社会主义市场single socialist market
统一的社会平均盈利率unified average social rate of profit
统筹社会保险基金overall raising of social insurance funds
老年化社会ageing society
老年化社会aging society
联合国亚太经济社会United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific
联合国社会防护研究所United Nations Social Defence Research Institute
联合国经济社会事务部United Nation Department of Economic and Social Affair
联合国经济社会理事会United Nation Economic and Social Council
联合国经济社会资料中心United Nations Centre for Economic and Social Information
自然社会系统nature-society system
虚价社会价值理论false social value theory
计算机化社会cybernated society
计算机化社会computerized society
财产关系的社会性质social nature of property relations
边际社会纯产值net marginal value of social output
边际社会费用marginal social cost
道路建设的经济和社会合理性economic and social justification for road development
部落社会tribal society
项目社会评价project's social value appraisal
高度情报化社会advanced information society