
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing 会合 | all forms | in specified order only
世界保护动物联合会Federation Mondiale pour la Protection des Animaux
世界信用合作社理事会World Concil of Credit Union
世界家禽科学联合会World's Poultry Science Association
世界家禽科学联合会World Poultry Science Association
中华全国妇女联合会All China Women's Federation
中央农业与园艺合作理事会Central Council for Agricultural and Horticultural Co-operation (UK)
乌拉圭合作社联合会Confederation Uruguya de Entidades Cooperatives
伯利烟草种植者合作协会Burley Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association
促进合作委员会Committee for Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives
全国农业工人联合会National Union of Agricultural Workers (UK)
全国农民联合会National Farmer's Union (UK)
全国家禽批发商联合会National Federation of Wholesale Poultry Merchants (UK)
全国家禽生产者联合会National Poultry Producers Federation
全国州农业部联合会National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (Formerly, NACSDA)
全国水果与马铃薯贸易联合会National Federation of Fruit and Potato Traders Ltd. (UK)
全国火鸡联合会National Turkey Federation
全国猪改良协会联合会National Swine Improvement Federation
全国畜牧联合会Confederation Nationale de l'Elevage
全国谷物合作社联合会National Federation of Grain Cooperatives (USA)
全国谷物合作社联合会National Federation of Grain Cooperative (USA)
全国谷物贸易联合会National Federation of Corn Trade Association (UK)
全国野生动物联合会National Wildlife Federation
加勒比海与热带美洲香蕉研究合作协会Association for Cooperation in Banana Research in the Caribbean and Tropical America
加拿大合作协会Canadian Cooperative Association
化学工作者联合会Chemical Workers Union
合格家禽饲养员联合会Accredited Poultry Breeders FederationUK
合格家禽饲养员联合会Accredited Poultry Breeders Federation UK
咖啡贸易联合会Coffee Trade Federation (UK)
国际乳品业联合会International Dairy Federation
国际保护自然和自然资源联合会International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
国际养犬联合会Federation Cynologique Internationale
国际养蜂家协会联合会International Federation of Beekeeper's Association
国际农业报刊联合会Federation Internationale de la Presse Agricole
国际农业科学联合会International Union of Agricultural Sciences
国际农业记者联合会International Union of Agricultural Journalists
国际化学联合会International Chemical Union
国际园林建筑师联合会International Federation of Landscape Architects
国际生化联合会International Union of Biochemistry
国际生物化学联合会一个使生化命名、符号等标准化的机构International Union of Biochemistry
国际畜牧兽医联合会Federation Internationale Veterinaire de Zootechnie
国际畜牧兽医联合会International Veterinary Federation of Zootechnics
国际畜牧兽医联合会Federation International Veterinaire de Zootechnie
国际食品科学技术联合会International Union of Food Science and Technology
欧洲共同市场动物蛋白进口商联合会Euromarker Federation of Animal Protein Importers
欧洲农业工人联合会European Federation of Agricultural Workers
欧洲畜牧联合会意大利Federation Europeenne de Zootechnie
意大利欧洲畜牧联合会Federation Europeenne de Zootechnie
欧洲细胞学会联合会European Federation of Cytology Societies
欧洲草地联合会European Grassland Federation
欧洲草地联合会论文集Proceedings of the European Grassland Federation
欧洲草地联合会论文集Proceeding of the European Grassland Federation
欧盟农业合作综合委员会General Committee for Agricultural Cooperation in the European Union
澳大利亚柑橘种植联合会Australian Citrus Growing Federation
澳大利亚羊毛与肉类生产者联合会Australian Wool and Meat Producers Federation
美国养蜂联合会American Beekeeping Federation
美国农场局联合会American Farm Bureau Federation
美国实验生物学学会联合会Federation of Societies for Experimental Biology
美国棉花合作协会American Cotton Cooperative Association
美国禽厂与孵化厂联合会American Poultry and Hatchery Federation
美国禽场与孵化场联合会American Poultry and Hatchery Federation
联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
联合国人类环境会议United Nations Conference on Human Environment
联合国儿童基金会United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
联合国沙漠化问题会议United Nations Conference on Desertification
联合国生境和人类定居基金会United Nations Habitat and Human Settlement Foundation
联合国粮农组织政府间委员会United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Intergovernmental Committee
联合王国农业研究理事会United Kingdom Agricultural Research Council
联邦家畜和肉类市场联合会Bundesmarktverband fur Vieh und Fleisch
联邦家畜和肉类市场联合会Bundes Marktverband fur Vieh und Fleisch
肉牛改良联合会Beef Improvement Federation
英国和北爱尔兰动物学会联合会Federation of Zoological Societies of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
英国家禽联合会British Poultry Federation
英国有机与复合肥料协会Association of British Organic and Compound Fertilizers
英国植物病理学家联合会Federation of British Plant Pathologists
英国种植者联合会Federation of British Growers
英国羊毛联合会British Wool Federation
英国腌肉加工商联合会British Bacon Curers' Federation
英国鸟类学家联合会会员Fellow of the British Ornithologists' Union
菲律宾养牛者协会联合会Federation of Cattle Raisers' Associations of the Philippines
FAO/WHO 食品添加剂联合专家委员会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food and Additives
香蕉种植者联合会Banana Growers Forestry (China)