
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一俟可以报盘,我方将先办理你方询盘As soon as we're in a position to offer, we'll give precedence to your enquiries
与 B 型,C 型相比,先选择 A 型take Type A in preference to Type B and Type C
取向preferred orientation
preferred numbers
质闻名have a reputation for quality
先债权privileged debts
先停靠码头free stem
先决定权first refusal (租船,租售)
股票先参与分红participating preferred
先市场准入preferential market access
先抵押债券senior mortgage
先权priority rights
先权证preferential right letter
先次序评定priority rating
先测试precedence test
先的亦缩为 prefdpreferred
先目标圈precedence diagram
先股preferred (stock)
先股capital stock preferred
先股东preference shareholder
先股利prefer red dividend
先股股息preference dividend
先股股息preferred dividend
先股股息preferential dividend
先要求precedence requirement
先购股权right of preemption
先购股权preemptive right
先雇用工会会员的企业preferential shop
势地位的滥用abuse of a dominant position (指欧共体法律中规定的凭自身在价格条件、交易条件、市场实力、限制条件对原材料的控制,对生产或市场实行不利于消费者的限制等优势,企图压倒竞争对手的行为)
势策略dominant strategy
厚工资liberal wages
待老客户discriminate in favour of old customers
待证券gilt securities
待证券gilt-edged securities
惠价concessional price
惠借款concessional loan
惠关税减让preferential tariff cut
惠关税制preferential tariff system
惠关税协定preferential tariff agreement
惠出口融资preferential export financing
惠协议preferential agreement
惠条件favourable conditions
惠条件进口concessional imports
惠条款preference clause
惠汇率fine rate
惠税收政策preferential taxation policy
惠税率preferential rate of taxation
惠购买合同concessionary purchase contract
惠贷款率favoured rate of credit
惠销售concessionary sale
惠销售concessional sale
等品质perfect quality
等汇票prime bill
等的good fair
等货物quality goods
良质量excellent quality
premium quality
质产品product of quality
质产品premium product
质原材料quality raw materials
质品市场quality market
质服务first-rate service
质量fine quality (与劣质量 (poor quality)相对)
质面粉patent flour
质食用盐food grade salt
低价bargain offer
保持势地位hold on to favourable position
决策最optimization of decision
决策最optimality of decision
制定最计划optimal scheduling
制定最计划optimum scheduling
参与先股票participating preference stock
发挥exploit the advantages
可延期使用的购货惠券rain check
可赎回先股redeemable preference stock
可赎回先股redeemable preference share
各自的respective advantages
在…享有优先enjoy priority in
在时限内付款的惠折扣time discount
声称新推广的产品有很多claim many advantages for a newly introduced article
如与现法发生冲突时,除双方当事人有约定外,先适用惯例In the event of conflict with the present law, the usages shall prevail unless agreed by both parties
对其他竞争中的供货商取得gain dominance over other suppliers in competition
对…有优先have a prior claim to
对社会基础设施项目按惠条件提供的资金provision of funds on soft terms for infrastructure
法律对资本先受偿权charge against capital
巩固竞争中取得的consolidate the advantage gained in the competition
市场market domination
帕累托Pareto optimization
英国帝国惠制Imperial Preference System
我方产品质量为The quality of our product prevails over that of other sellers' products
投入产出最化法optimized method of input-output
投资法的惠条款favourable investment legislation
投资特殊investment privileges
位向preferred orientation
选购purchase on a selective basis
普遍惠关税产地证书generalized system of preferences certificate of origin
highest top priority
first priority
先股prepreferent share
准则optimal criterion
企业化均衡规划optimizing planning
化方案optimization program
化的决策optimizing decision
寻求法optimum seeking method
性分析optimality analysis
性判断准则optimality criterion
抽样optimum sampling
控制系统optimum control system
权数optimum weight
生产能力optimal capacity
生产能力optimum capacity
…有优先have a prior claim to
有证券保证的先购买权covered option
根源性越性superiority of an origin of nature
比较势理论theory of comparative advantage
滥用交易中势地位abuse of dominant position
特殊special privileges
现金付款5% 折扣make an allowance of 5% for cash payment
生产advantage in production
生产结构最optimize the structure of production
相对relative advantage
社会先职能social preference function
积累先股cumulative preference share
竞标胜者successful bidder
系统最systems optimization
累积先股cumulative preference
经济economic advantages
给…以优先give priority to
认购新股先权利subscription privilege
谈吐雅的客户a customer of good address
资产选理论theory of assets preference
选择质产品select quality products
选择性惠关税制selective system of preference
先投资部门non-priority sectors of investment
非互惠非歧视普遍惠制generalized non reciprocal, nondiscriminatory system of preferences
非参与先股nonparticipating preference share
非积累先股noncumulative preference share
非积累性先股non-cumulative preference stock (与积累性优先股 (cumulative preferred share) 相对)
非积累性先股non-cumulative preference share (与积累性优先股 (cumulative preferred share) 相对)