
Terms for subject Technology containing 企 业 | all forms | in specified order only
一般合伙企业general partnership
与竞争企业作抗衡的投资防务投资defensive investment
专利共享企业patent pool
业主控制的企业owner-controlled firms
中型企业medium lot producer
中外合资企业Sino-foreign joint ventures
中外合资企业Chinese-foreign joint ventures
中小企业small and medium sized enterprise
中小型企业medium and small scale enterprises
中小工业企业用地industrial estate for small and medium size industries
中等企业medium size enterprise
为本企业职工提供的住宅company's house for employees
乡村企业rural enterprise
乡镇企业rural and small town enterprises
乡镇企业township enterprises
乡镇企业township and village enterprises
乡镇企业town/township enterprises
乡镇企业township-run enterprises
乡镇企业enterprises in townships (and towns)
乡镇企业开发区township and village enterprise development zones
乡镇企业环境管理environmental management for enterprise of village and town
乡镇企业集团化grouping of township enterprises
亏损企业losing business
亏损企业unprofitable firm
亏损企业losing proposition
产品出口企业enterprise with exportable products
从联属企业借款borrowing from affiliate
企业enterprise (单位)
企业corporate agency
企业business owner
企业人力business manpower
企业任务enterprise objective
企业会计enterprise accounting
企业职工住宅firm's dwelling unit
企业信托business trust
企业倒闭enterprise failure
企业倒闭business failure
企业债务enterprise debt
企业偿债能力business solvency
企业偿债能力分析enterprise repayable ability analysis
企业储备基金enterprise reserve fund
企业内部存款deposits within the company
企业分工division of enterprise
企业分配指标allocate income ratio for enterprise
企业利润分析analysis of business profit
企业利润提取enterprise profit drawing
企业利润留成portion of profits retained by enterprise
企业利润留成enterprise profit partly reserved
企业劳动分工divide the work
企业enterprise zone
企业占用的土地land on which the enterprise are situated
企业发展基金enterprise expansion fund
企业发展基金enterprise developing fund
企业可用收入disposable business income
企业合并business combination
企业名称fictitious name
企业和事业收入revenue form enterprise and undertaking
企业国有企业资产产权登记register of ownership of state-owned assets
企业场所business location
企业company town (市)
企业基金business fund
企业基金制enterprise funds system
企业business structure
企业家决策entrepreneurial decision
企业库存的变动change in business inventory
企业往来账户business account
企业总效率overall plant efficiency
企业所属机构corporate structure
企业所得税corporate income tax
企业招待费business entertainment
企业搬迁费enterprise relocation expenses
企业收入receipts from enterprise
企业改制restructuring of enterprises
企业效绩单项评价monomial evaluation of enterprise performance
企业机能business function
企业标准mill certified
企业标准化情报工作standard information work in enterprise
企业民主管理democratic management of enterprise
企业enterprise law
企业business law
企业法规business law and regulation
企业活动business activity
企业物资流通体系business logistics
企业环境business environment
企业环境管理environmental management for enterprise
企业环境管理business environmental management
企业enterprise circle
企业目的enterprise objective
企业破产enterprise bankruptcy
企业破产business insolvency
企业破产business failure
企业积蓄金business savings
企业tax on enterprise
企业enterprise station
企业策略business strategy
企业管理shop administration
企业经营管理management sponsor
企业管理factory administration
企业管理体系enterprise management system
企业管理体系business management system
企业管理制度managing system of enterprise
企业管理制度career plan
企业管理合同business management contract
企业管理咨询business management consulting
企业管理因素entrepreneurial factor
企业管理学industrial engineering
企业管理户administration expense account
企业管理费enterprise administration expenses (用)
企业管理费administrative overhead (用)
企业组建合同contract of establishment
企业经济责任制system of economic responsibility of enterprise
企业经营合同management contract
企业经营管理制度system of enterprise operation and management
企业结业清算enterprise termination and liquidation
企业结构pattern of enterprise
企业统计business statistics
企业联营协议amalgamation process
企业自备电厂industrial power plant
企业自备车private car
企业自备车及租用车self-provided or leased wagon of enterprise
企业自备集装箱shipper owned container
企业自有资金enterprise's ownership resources
企业自有资金corporate's ownership funds
企业自筹资金能力enterprise's ability of self-financing
企业行为科学behaviour theories of the firm
企业行为科学behavior theories of the firm
企业规程business regulations
企业规章operating provisions
企业计划business planning
企业证券business vouchers
企业诊断business diagnosis
企业调查census of business
企业负责人pilot firm
企业财务公开opening of business finance
企业财务效益enterprise financial benefit
企业资信情况business standing
企业资本积累business capital formation
企业资金的流动性business liquidity
企业运用的净资本net capital employed
企业间工资结构external wage structure
企业集团enterprise group
企业集团enterprise conglomerate
企业集团合并conglomerate merger
企业领导business leader
企业风险和保险business risk and insurance
企业首脑人物上层管理top management
企事业enterprises and establishments
供水企业water undertaking
供热企业heating industry
侨资企业overseas Chinese venture
信息企业information firms
信誉良好的企业business of good standing
停办企业relinquishing of business
停止交易的企业company suspending transactions
先进企业的劳动生产率best-practice labour productivity
先进企业的劳动生产率best-practice labor productivity
先进技术企业enterprise with advance technology
先驱企业pioneer enterprise
公交企业mass transportation bus service
公共企业public utility undertaking
公共汽车交通企业mass transportation bus service
公用事业或其他企业基金utility or other enterprise fund
公私合营企业joint state-private enterprise
公营企业public interest
共享专利企业patent pool
内联企业domestically associated enterprise
冒险企业venture business
农场企业agricultural industrial enterprise
农工企业agroindustrial enterprise
农工商联合企业agroindustrial-commercial enterprise
农工联合企业agroindustrial complex
企业储蓄net business savings
企业形成个数net business formation
减轻企业负担lighten the burden on enterprises
出口主导型企业export-centered enterprises
出口型企业export-oriented enterprise
出口基地企业export-oriented enterprise
出租国有企业合同contract leasing of governmental enterprises
分支企业affiliated enterprise
分散经营企业decentralized businesses
初仓企业newly established enterprise
办得比较好的企业better-run enterprises
劳动密集型企业labour-intensive enterprise
劳动密集型企业labor-intensive enterprise
化学企业chemical enterprise
原子能工业企业atomic energy installation
反向企业合并backward integration
反向接管企业reverse takeover
反向接管企业inverted takeover
反映企业思想主题的色彩colour policy
合伙企业解散dissolution of partnership
合作企业cooperative enterprise
合股经营企业joint equity venture
合营企业partnership business
合营企业joint enterprise
合资企业joint venture firm
合资企业joint undertaking
合资企业joint ad venture
合资企业会计accounting for joint venture
商业企业commercial undertakings
商业企业保险费用insurance premium of commercial enterprises
商业企业基本职能basic functions of commercial enterprises
商业企业市场调查market survey made by commercial enterprises
商业企业市场预测market forecast of commercial enterprises
商业企业核算形式calculation forms in commercial enterprises
商业企业的资产business opportunity
商业企业种类type of commercial enterprises
商业企业管理体制managerial system in commercial enterprises
商业企业经济核算economic accounting of commercial enterprises
商业企业货币资金monetary funds of commercial enterprises
国外企业foreign enterprise
国营企业nationalized undertaking
国营企业public enterprise
国营企业government enterprise
国营企业调节税regulation tax of state enterprise
地方国营企业local goverment enterprise
城市企业urban enterprise
城市企业city enterprise
城市公共交通企业urban public transport enterprise
城镇企业urban enterprise
外商独资企业solely foreign funded enterprise
外国企业foreign firm
外资企业foreign-invested enterprise
外资企业foreign-funded enterprise
外资企业full foreign-owned enterprises
外资企业overseas-funded enterprise
外资企业business operating with foreign capital
多行业企业并合conglomerate merger
大化学联合企业large chemical complex
大型企业large-scale enterprise
大联合企业business conglomerate
契约式合资企业contractual joint ad venture
始终赢利的企业trend bucker
委托销售企业brokerage business
对附金属企业放款loans to subsidiaries
企业small business
企业产品small enterprise products
规模企业管理small business management
企业融资small business finance
企业贷款small business loan
企业金融机构financial institutions for small businesses
小型企业small lot producer
工业企业industrial undertakings
工业企业industrial establishment
工业企业卫生标准industry hygiene standard
工业企业污染物排放控制指标guidelines of pollutant control for industries
工业企业环境管理environmental management of industrial enterprise
工业企业设计卫生标准hygienic standard for design of industrial enter prise
工业企业铁路industry and factory railway
工农联合企业industrial-agricultural enterprise
工商企业管理management of commercial and industrial firms
工矿企业专用铁路线industrial railway
工矿企业专用铁路线industrial railroad
巨大企业giant business
已关门企业的股票obsolete securities
建筑企业building enterprise
建筑安装企业construction enterprise
建筑安装企业construction and installation enterprise
建筑安装企业construction and erection enterprise
建筑安装企业管理management of construction and installation enterprise
建筑联合企业contracting combine
建筑联合企业amalgamation of contractors
开创阶段企业development stage enterprise
开发型股份企业development-oriented shareholding enterprises
弱小企业twilight industry
强化企业管理strengthening business management
扩建企业expansion project
批发企业管理management of wholesale enterprises
技术先进型企业enterprises using advanced technology
投机企业venture business
投标企业bid business
投标购买企业take-over bids
投资企业公司investment and enterprise corporation
投资于企业invest in an enterprise
投资于某企业embark money in an enterprise
接管企业take over
提供可以征信的企业名称give trade reference
改组现有企业revamping of exiting enterprises
企业经营集团new business venture group
施工企业工程项目审计project audit of construction enterprise
施工附属企业auxiliary factory for construction
无限责任合伙企业unlimited partnership
日本型企业组织Japanese organizations
服务企业service firm business
木作企业carpenter's undertaking
木工企业carpenter undertaking
林业加工企业timber processing enterprises
染料企业管理enterprise management of dye-stuffs industry
横向企业合并horizontal combination
欠联属及联营企业due to affiliated and associated companies
每月企业净增数net business formation
民族贸易企业nationality products enterprises
民用企业civil enterprise
水力发电联合企业hydroelectrical complex
水力发电联合企业hydroelectric complex
水质保险企业联合组织Water Quality Insurance Syndicate
法人企业business corporation
海洋石油开发企业offshore oil exploitation projects
涂料企业管理enterprise management of paints industry
煤气企业gas undertaking
煤炭企业管理enterprise management of coal industry
独立自主的企业independent enterprise
独资企业enterprise owned by a sole investor
独资经营企业sole proprietary enterprise
环境友好企业environmentally friendly enterprise
现存企业existing enterprise
现存企业existing company
现有企业的扩充expansion of established enterprises
生产企业production enterprise
企业开支的招待费entertainment on the expense account
石油企业petroleum producer
矿山企业mine enterprise
矿山企业构成mine enterprise morphology
矿山企业经济效益mine enterprise economic benefit
矿山企业设计mine enterprise planning
破产企业财产清理价值break-up value
社办企业commune-run enterprise
社队企业commune/brigade run enterprise
私营企业private interest
私营企业private sector
秘密代营企业dummy company
竞争企业competitive enterprise
经营企业operation of business
经营企业business enterprise
经过考验的企业well-tempered enterprise
经销企业distributing business
继续营业企业原理going concern theory
综合企业integrated enterprise
缔约联合企业contracting combine
联号企业affiliated enterprise
联合企业joint ad venture
联合企业joint undertaking
联合企业integrated complex
联合投资企业joint equity venture
联营企业joint venture
联营企业combined pool
联营企业集团内部提供的劳务services in a group of associated enterprises
自由企业制度free enterprise system
自由企业经济economic of free enterprise
自由雇佣企业non-union shop (指雇佣职工不必限于工会会员)
自由雇佣企业merit shop
自筹资金企业enterprise self-raised fund
草地保护企业lawn care business
财阀联合企业zaibatsu combine
资本密集企业capital intensive enterprise
跨国籍企业multinational corporation
跨行业企业合并conglomerate merger
路旁服务企业drive-in establishment
运输企业成本利润率transport enterprise cost profit rate
运输企业资产增值率transport enterprise assets added value rate
运输企业资金利税率transport enterprise capital profit-tax rate
近代企业管理modern business administration
进出口企业的盈利性profitability of the import and export enterprises
配套的小型钢铁联合企业small self-contained iron and steel complex
采矿联合企业mining complex
钢铁联合企业integrated steelworks
钢铁联合企业integrated iron and steel works
铁路企业人工成本labour cost in railway enterprise
铁路企业人工成本labor cost in railway enterprise
铁路企业内部控制制度inside-controlled system of railway enterprise
铁路企业劳动组织the organization of labour of railway enterprise
铁路企业劳动组织the organization of labor of railway enterprise
铁路企业多元化经营战略diversified operating strategy of railway enterprise
铁路企业岗位技能工资制wage system based on post technique in railway enterprise
铁路施工企业railway construction enterprise
铁路施工企业中长期经营计划medium and long-term plan of railway construction enterprise
铁路施工企业会计accounting of railway construction enterprise
铁路施工企业年度经营计划annual operation plan of railway construction enterprise
铁路施工企业技术管理制度technical management system of railway construction enterprise
铁路施工企业技术素质technic quality of railway construction enterprise
铁路施工企业机械设备管理machinery equipment management of railway construction enterprise
铁路施工企业标准railway construction enterprise standard
铁路施工企业的技术管理technic management of railway construction enterprise
铁路施工企业的经营计划operation plan of railway construction enterprise
铁路施工企业管理railway construction enterprise management
铁路施工企业素质railway construction enterprise quality
铁路物资供销企业财务管理financing management of railway material supply and marketing enterprise
铁路物资流通企业railway material circulation enterprise
铁路运输企业会计accounting of railway transport enterprise
铁路运输企业劳动定员标准labour personnel quota standard in railway transport enterprise
铁路运输企业劳动定员标准labor personnel quota standard in railway transport enterprise
铁路运输企业固定资产fixed assets of railway transport enterprise
铁路运输企业工效挂钩wage in railway transport enterprise based on efficiency
铁路运输企业市场营销marketing of railway transport enterprise
铁路运输企业改革railway transport enterprise reform
铁路运输企业点到点成本核算cost calculation for point to point of railway transport enterprise
铁路运输企业目标成本管理target cost management of railway transport enterprise
铁路运输企业责任railway transport enterprise responsibility
长期亏损的企业enterprise incurring long run losses
附属企业auxiliary enterprise
集体企业group enterprise
集团企业接管conglomerate takeover
非信息企业non-information firm
非公司企业unincorporated enterprise
非公司私营企业unincorporated private enterprise
非公司组织的政府企业unincorporated government enterprise
非制造业企业non-manufacturing business
非受控企业uncontrolled enterprise
非国有工业企业non-state industrial enterprise
非建筑企业non-construction enterprise
非建筑企业基层单位non-construction establishment
非生产企业non-productive enterprise
非金融企业non-financial business
食品工业联合企业food kombinat
骨干企业backbone enterprise
高耗能企业high energy-consuming enterprises