
Terms containing 企 业的价值 | all forms | in specified order only
securit.价值被低估的企业undervalued enterprise
securit.企业价值与息税和折旧前的收益之比enterprise value/earning before interest tax, depreciation
securit.企业的价值value of enterprise
securit.企业的经济价值economic value of a firm
fin.取得附属企业股权的成本超出帐面价值的数cost of subsidiary stock in excess of book value at acquisition
econ.在确定此类公平价值时,不应考虑企业的商业信誉价值In determining such fair value, one can't take into consideration any value for goodwill of the concern
proj.manag.对确定承诺的外汇风险进行的套期、 企业可以作为现金流量套期或公允价值套期处理An enterprise may deal -with a hedging of foreign exchange risk of firm commitment as a cash flow hedging or fair value hedging
securit.投资和企业价值的回报return on investment and firm value
securit.持续经营企业的价值going concern value
securit.破产企业的财产清现价值breakup price
fin.有形资产减流动负债破产企业的财产清理价值break-up value
econ.破产企业的财产清理价值break-up value
commer.营业中的企业资产价值going-concern value
fin.营运中企业的价值going concern value
securit.运营中企业的价值going concern value