
Terms for subject Securities containing 企 业上市 | all forms | in specified order only
上市的企业listed enterprise/firm
两地上市的企业dual-listed company
企业上市listing of a company
参股非上市金融企业stake-taking in non-listed financial enterprises
受企业欢迎的上市地点subject of enterprises to welcome the listing
境内企业申请到香港创业板上市审批与监管指引Guidance on the Vetting and Regulation of the Applications by Domestic Enterprises for Getting Listed on Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market
境外上市企业overseas listing of enterprise
给未上市的企业融资financing for unlisted company
重组或改制后上市的企业firm reorganized or restructured listing on stock market
非上市企业closely-held firm
非上市企业non-public enterprise
非上市企业closed corporation
非上市私营企业closely-held private company
香港上市台资企业指数T-share index
高质量企业上市high-quality enterprises' listing