
Terms for subject Securities containing 企业 | all forms | in specified order only
三资企业three capital enterprises
上市的企业listed enterprise/firm
上证大型企业指数SSE conglomerates index
下游企业downstream enterprise
不盈利企业unprofitable firm
与某家企业有关连connected with a corporation
专用于企业的投资firm-specific investment
专项企业投资firm-specific investment
业绩出色的企业high-performing corporation
两地上市的企业dual-listed company
个人所有权企业individual proprietorship
中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业Law of the PRC on the Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
中华人民共和国外资企业法实施细则Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises
中国企业投资协会China Enterprises Investment Association
中外合作企业sino-foreign contractual joint venture
中外合营企业sino-foreign equity joint venture
中外合资企业joint ventures involving Chinese and foreign investment
中外合资经营企业会计规则Accounting Regulations of the PRC on Chinese-foreign Joint Venture
中央企业债券central entreprise bonds
中央直属的国有独资企业enterprise directly under the central government with full state ownership
中小企业指数-最低SME Board Index-low (SZSE)
中小企业指数-最高SME Board Index-high (SZSE)
中小企业small and medium-sized enterprise board
中小企业板块深圳证券交易所small and medium enterprise board SME Board, Shenzhen Stock Exchange
中小企业银行medium business bank
中小型企业委员会small and medium enterprises committee
乡镇企业township and village enterprise
亏损企业money losing company
亏损企业money loser
亏损企业enterprises run in the red/under deficit
亏损企业enterprises running under deficit
亏损企业deficit ridden firm
亏损的企业loss incurring enterprise
价值被低估的企业undervalued enterprise
企业一旦破产时的偿债顺序问题seniority in event of insolvency or bankruptcy
企业上市listing of a company
企业之间的垂直联合合并vertical combination merger
企业乘数评估公司价值的指标enterprise multiple
企业产权property right of enterprise
企业价值firm value
企业价值与息税和折旧前的收益之比enterprise value/earning before interest tax, depreciation
企业会计准则Accounting Standards for Enterprises
企业信息数据库enterprise information database
企业倒闭后的债务清偿次序order of distribution of debt in bankruptcy
企业倒闭挂黄牌yellow card for business bankruptcy
企业倒闭率business mortality rate
企业债券corporation security
企业债券corporate bonds
企业债券均衡收益率corporate equivalent yield
企业债券贴息discount on debenture
企业债务净价firm's net value of debt
企业债发行金额amount issued of enterprise bond
企业偿还能力比率banker's ratio (银行分析工具)
企业兼并重组annexation and reorganization of enterprises
企业内在价值intrinsic value of a firm
企业内幕人士corporate insider
企业内耗竞争corporate cannibalism
企业利润部分留存enterprise profit partly reserved
企业发展区enterprise zone
企业可支配资金funds at the disposal of enterprise
企业合并公开披露规定disclosure requirements for business combinations
企业园区enterprise zone
企业固定投资business fixed investment
企业固定资金来源enterprise fixed funds source
企业国际融资corporate international finance
企业型投资信托corporation type investment trust
企业复苏firm up
企业存款enterprise deposits
企业孵化器enterprise incubator
企业city man
企业对企业及企业对消费者电子商务模式的联合体business to business, business to consumer
企业对企业财团买方或卖方组成的团体或联盟,为实现共同的商业目标而在网络上集合各自的资源B2B consortium
企业对分销商business to distributor
企业对员工business to employee
企业对政府business to goverment
企业对政府企业与政府间,而不是企业与企业间的交易business to government
企业对消费者/顾客business to consumer
企业市场enterprise market
企业开发区enterprise zone
企业开发基金enterprise development fund
企业开发贷款business development loan
企业开发资金enterprise development fund
企业形象enterprise image
企业形象corporate image CI / enterprise image
企业愿景corporate vision
企业战略enterprise strategy
企业所得税enterprise corporate income tax
企业所得税corporate profits tax
企业所有股票总金额amount of total stocks of a firm
企业执照corporate licence
企业执照执有者corporate licensee
企业扭亏为盈turn a loss making firm into a profitable one
企业承包责任制enterprise contract management responsibility system
企业承担社会责任enterprises burdened with social responsibility
企业投资账户corporate investor account
企业拯救corporate rescue
企业收购business acquisition
企业改制restructuring of enterprise
企业改组corporate reshuffle
企业效益performance of enterprise
企业效益能力corporate profitability
企业最高管理者top brass
企业权益corporate entitlement
企业权益归属原则corporate interests attribution rule
企业死亡判决death sentence
企业永恒目标enduring purpose (企业全员需遵守的指导性目标)
企业治理enterprise governance
企业治理常规披露情况的报告Report on Corporate Governance Practices Disclosures
企业治理行动计划corporate governance action plan
企业法人经营许可证enterprise legal person business license
企业法人资格status of enterprise legal person
企业法人资格status of corporate
企业法定代表人登记管理规定Rules for the Registration Administration of the Legal Representatives of Enterprises
企业流出的自由现金流free cash flow from firm
企业清算基础gone concern
企业特有风险firm specific risk
企业状况condition of business
企业环境风险指数bussiness environment risk index
企业留存盈利earning retained in business
企业登记执照certificate of incorporation
企业的价值value of enterprise
企业的持续性continuity of enterprise
企业的经济价值economic value of a firm
企业盈利和宏观经济都不温不火的经济形势goldilocks scenario
企业盈利能力corporate profitability
企业监管corporate regulation
企业短期债券enterprise short-term bond
企业短期票据enterprise short-term note
企业短期融资券enterprise short-term bond
企业社会责任corporate social responsibility (CSR)
企业管理团队enterprise management
企业终值terminal value
企业终值倍数terminal value multiple
企业经纪人business broker
企业经营亏损losses incurred by enterprises in one’s operation
企业联合兼并conglomeration and merge of enterprise
企业股份share of a business
企业股份制system of shares in enterprise
企业股份制改造transforming enterprises into joint-stock ones
企业自我竞争corporate cannibalism
企业自我调整机制self-regulating mechanism of enterprise
企业自有资金funds owned by enterprise
企业自有资金funds under enterprise control
企业自有资金funds at the disposal of enterprise
企业自筹资金enterprise self-raised funds
企业融资corporate financing
企业融资协会the Corporate Finance Association (CFA)
企业融资实务corporate finance practice
企业融资部Corporate Finance Division
企业融资部corporate finance arm
企业融资顾问corporate finance adviser
企业融资顾问行为准则Corporate Finance Adviser Code of Conduct (中国香港证监会)
企业袭击者专门寻找合适公司进行收购corporate raider
企业规模enterprise scale
企业规模的内部性增长internal expansion of enterprise scale
企业解散company dissolution
企业解散分立split up of business
企业计划corporate plan
企业计划business plan
企业评估corporate appraisal
企业财产结算管理equity receivership
企业财务部division of corporate finance
企业财务部corporate finance department
企业资产enterprise assets
企业资本投资business capital expenditure
企业资金来源enterprise funds source
企业转制transformation of enterprise
企业转型transformation of enterprise
企业部门business segment
企业部门报告business segment reporting
企业重组reshuffle of the enterprises
企业重组restructuring of enterprise
企业重组基金corporate restructure fund
企业金融business finance
企业间的借款结余intercompany balance
企业间红利intercompany dividends
企业间结算trade for trade settlement
企业集团enterprises groups
企业联合集团aggregate corporation
企业领导班子enterprise management
企业领袖top entrepreneur
企业高级主管人员保险key executive insurance
优质骨干企业high-quality backbone enterprises
信托和投资企业trust and investment business
允许亏损企业兼并或破产allow money-losing enterprise to merger or go bankrupt
全国小企业协会National Small Business Association
全球一体化企业globally integrated enterprise
全资企业exclusively-invested enterprise
全部企业价值total enterprise value
全面整合企业globally integrated enterprise
公共有限合作企业此类公司股票由经纪人公开出售并且在监管部门注册public limited partnership
公司企业的贿赂金questionable payment
兼并企业merge enterprise
内地企业mainland enterprise
准国有企业para-state enterprise
准法人非金融企业quasi-corporate nonfinancial enterprise
减轻企业的社会负担alleviate enterprises'social burdens
创办企业持股人founding shareholder
创新企业innovative business
初创企业与风险概念concept of venture and start-ups
削减低效率的国有企业curtailing the number of inefficient state enterprises
加大国有企业改革力度step up efforts to reform state-owned enterprises
加强企业经营管理strengthen the operation management of enterprises
包装待售候选企业dressing up sale candidate
卓越的企业high-performing corporation
单一经营企业pure play
卡国企业投资协会China Enterprises Investment Association
即将歇业企业gone concern
参股非上市金融企业stake-taking in non-listed financial enterprises
发展跨地区跨行业的企业集团develop trans-regional and inter-trade enterprise groups
企业欢迎的上市地点subject of enterprises to welcome the listing
可转换企业信用债券convertible debenture
台湾创新成长企业Taiwan Innovative Growing Entrepreneurs
台湾创新成长企业类股Taiwan Innovative Growing Entrepreneurs
合伙企业enterprise of partnership
合伙企业协议partnership agreements
合作企业collective firm
合并企业consolidated enterprise
合营企业cooperative joint venture
合资企业equity joint venture
合资企业cooperative joint venture
合资企业中的多数股权控制majority control in joint venture
合资企业损失loss from joint venture
合资经营企业joint venture enterprise
企业投资embark in enterprise
周期性企业cyclical firms
商业企业business enterprise tax
商业性合伙企业trading partnership
困难企业distressed firms
国内企业间支付的股利domestic intercorporate dividends
国内大型企业domestic large-scale enterprise
国家担保企业如,美国的房利美和房地美Government Sponsored Enterprise
国有企业government-run facility
国有企业state-owned firm
国有企业crown corporation
国有企业改革reform of state-owned enterprise
国有企业监事会State-owned Enterprises Regulatory Commission
国有企业监督管理条例Regulations on the Supervision and Management of the State-Owned Enterprises
国有企业私有化government reprivatization
国有企业重组reorganization of state-owned enterprises
国有独立核算企业state-owned independent accounting industrial enterprise
国有独资企业wholly state-owned company
国有独资企业enterprise solely funded by the state
国有重点大型企业监事会State-owned Key Large Enterprise Regulatory Commission
国际性金融企业集团International Financial Conglomerates
地方企业债券local enterprise bond
垄断企业monopolistic concerns
境内企业申请到香港创业板上市审批与监管指引Guidance on the Vetting and Regulation of the Applications by Domestic Enterprises for Getting Listed on Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market
境外上市企业overseas listing of enterprise
增强国有大中型企业活力invigorating state large and medium sized enterprise
增长型企业growth enterprise
外商投资企业foreign invested enterprise
外商独资企业foreign owned enterprise
外国人控制的美国企业US business controlled by foreign person
外国合资企业foreign joint venture
外方控股的合资企业foreign holding joint venture
外资企业foreign owned enterprise
外资企业foreign invested enterprise
外资企业foreign funded enterprise
外资企业corporation with foreign capital
外资企业所得税foreign enterprise income tax
多次创业企业serial entrepreneur
企业索引million dollar directory
大中型企业large and medium enterprise
大垄断企业big business
大股份企业集团large shareholding conglomerates
太大企业难以倒闭政策too-big-to-fail policy
奄奄一息的企业moribund enterprise
完善现代企业制度improve the modern enterprise system
审计企业债务渎职行为audit of enterprise liabilities malpractices
对小企业实行更灵活的政策adopt a flexible policy towards small ones
对工商企业的投资investment in the business
对生产企业投资investment in productive enterprise
对破产和兼并企业的优惠政策preferential policy for bankruptcy and merger
对附属企业的投资investment in subsidiary
封闭式控股企业closely-held firm
企业投资公司small business investment corporation
企业投资公司SBIC 归美国小企业管理局管辖,该公司可获低息贷款Small Business Investment Company
企业投资法Small Business Investment Act
企业效应小公司业绩优于股票市场的趋势small firm effect
企业筹资small business financing
企业small stocks
企业贷款担保计划small firms loan guarantee scheme
小型企业就业保护法Small Business Job Protection Act
小型企业政策small business policy
小型企业管理局Small Business Administration
工业企业股票owner's equity
延期无担保企业债券extendible debenture
建立企业establish a business
建立企业embark in enterprise
开放型企业open shop
开放式投资企业基金open-ended investment companies fund
强化企业财务管理strengthen financial management of enterprise
待转型困境企业turnaround candidate
恒生中国企业指数Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
恒生中国企业指数期货Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures
恒生中资企业指数期货Hang Seng China Affiliated Corporations Index futures
恒生中资企业指数期权Hang Seng China Affiliated Corporations Index options
恒生国有企业指数Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
恒生/富时亚洲大企业指数FTSE/Hang Seng Asiatop Index
成员企业member firm
成立企业set up business
成长型企业growth enterprise
扩充企业债券extension bond
承担风险的企业risk-taking company
投人企业的资产assets brought into a business
投人资金刺激企业发展prime the pump
投资于合资企业invest in joint ventures
投资于外部新建企业investment in outside start-ups
投资于新建企业investment in outside start-ups
投资后对企业的估值post-money valuation
投资和企业价值的回报return on investment and firm value
投资银行和商业银行在企业兼并中的作用role of investment and commercial banks in M&A
拥有多数股权的国外附属企业majority owned foreign affiliates
拥有多数股权的国外附属企业majority-owned foreign affiliates
持续经营企业原则going concern concept
持续经营企业的价值going concern value
挂牌企业listed enterprise/firm
振兴企业activate business
振兴国有大中型企业invigorating state large and medium sized enterprise
搞活国营大中型企业revitalizing state owned large and medium sized enterprise
支持发展大企业放开小企业support and develop large enterprises and release small enterprises
收购合并式联合企业acquisitive conglomerates
收购扭亏企业for turnarounds
收购方企业acquiring enterprise
放活国有小企业give small state-owned enterprises greater freedom
放活小企业adopt a flexible policy towards small ones
政府人员办的关联企业political crony
政府保荐的企业证券市场government-sponsored enterprises securities market
政府发起企业government-sponsored enterprise
政府发起企业government-sponsored enterprises
政府垄断企业government monopoly
政府担保企业government sponsored enterprises (如,美国的"两房")
政府资助企业government-sponsored enterprise
政府资助企业government-sponsored enterprises
政府资助企业government sponsored enterprises
整个企业资产证券化whole business/corporate securitization
企业合伙人new enterprise associates
新兴市场委员会企业管治特别行动小组国际证监会组织EMC Task Force on Corporate Governance
无担保企业债券plain debenture
普通企业common enterprise
普通合伙企业ordinary partnership
最大500家企业top 500 enterprises
未投产企业固定资产fixed assets of pre-production enterprise
本年度最佳企业融资交易corporate finance deal of the year
iTraxx 欧洲企业iTraxx Europe
正常增长型企业normal growth firms
流向企业的现金free cash flow to the firm
流向企业的自由现金free cash flow to firm
深化国有企业改革deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises
深圳证券交易所中小企业Shenzhen Stock Exchange Small and Medium Enterprises Board
深圳证券交易所中小企业综合指数SZSE SME Composite Index
独立企业independent enterprise
独立核算工业企业independent accounting unit
独资企业property-owning firms
独资企业sole trading concern
独资企业solely-owned enterprise
独资企业sole trader
独资企业individual proprietorship
独资企业exclusively-invested enterprise
现代企业制度modern enterprises system
生意良好的企业sound business firm
企业合并而造成的减资capital reduction due to merger
病人膏肓的企业moribund enterprise
白鞋企业历史悠久、信誉卓越、做大额业务的机构,如投行、律所常被称为作白鞋机构,白鞋公司称呼源自美国长春藤大学联盟,出人该俱乐部者皆穿白色皮鞋white-shoe firm
盈利企业profit-making corporation
盈利企业分析going concern analysis
目标企业"独立"历史财务分析target "stand alone" historical financial analysis
破产企业可转换证券busted convertible
破产企业清理价值breakup price
破产企业的财产清现价值breakup price
福布斯500家企业Forbes 500
私人企业市场价值private market value
私人企业市场财产价值private market property value
私人企业组合投资private portfolio investment
私有企业closed corporation
私营企业non-public company
私营非金融公司企业private nonfinancial enterprise
税法规定可按合伙企业课税的公司subchapter S corporation
空股企业corporate shell
竭力帮助企业扭亏增盈strive to help enterprises eliminate losses and increase profits
筛选候选企业screening candidate
管理部门买下企业management buyout
经营企业的组成要素component of firm operating
经营不善的政府授权的垄断企业underperforming and government-mandated monopolies
经营中的企业going business
给未上市的企业融资financing for unlisted company
综合企业部门指数consolidated enterprise sectorial index
综合性金融企业financial conglomerate
联合企业扩建conglomerate extension
联营企业joint run business
股东的附属企业shareholders' affiliated enterprise
股份制企业shareholding enterprises
股份制企业enterprises operating on shareholding system
股份制企业joint-equity enterprise
股份制企业share issuing enterprises
股份制企业corporate enterprise
股份制商业企业shareholding commercial enterprise
股份制试点企业会计制度accounting system for stock companies on experiment
股份合作企业joint-equity cooperative enterprise
视为拥有企业权益的条款corporate interests deeming provisions
解散企业集团winding up of a consortium
证券托管企业securities depository enterprise
证券融资企业securities financing enterprise
评级为 AAA 的巨头企业triple-A titan
试点企业pioneer enterprise
调整国有企业资产负债比readjust the asset-liability ratio of state-owned enterprise
调整改组国有企业促进资产重组readjust and reorganize state-owned enterprises to promote re-arrangement of assets
负债过多的企业thin corporation
财务状况良好的企业substantial firm
资本密集型企业capital intensive enterprise
赚钱企业paying concern
赢利企业money maker
企业、跨行业、跨地区投资make transenterprise, transsectoral and transregional investment
跨国企业world enterprises
跨国企业集团international conglomerate
转变为股份公司的大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises turned into corporate enterprise
转变为股份合作制的小企业small enterprises changed into shareholding cooperatives
转换国有企业经营机制transform the enterprises' management mechanisms of state-owned enterprises
运营中企业的价值going concern value
鄙视敌意收购的企业white-shoe firm
重组或改制后上市的企业firm reorganized or restructured listing on stock market
金融企业集团financial conglomerate
长期企业债券long-term corporate bond
在成长/份额矩阵中的问题企业question marks (in growth/share matrix)
附属企业affiliated business
附属企业代理captive agent
附属企业债券bond of affiliated company
附属独资企业wholly owned subsidiary
集中力量抓好国有大型企业concentrate on rejuvenating state-owned large enterprises
集体企业collective firm
非上市企业non-public enterprise
非上市企业closely-held firm
非上市企业closed corporation
非上市私营企业closely-held private company
非商业性合伙企业non-trading partnership
非国有企业non-state-owned enterprise
非国有企业non-state enterprise
非注册有限合伙企业private limited partnership
非股本关联企业债券none equity-linked corporate bonds
非谋利企业non-stack company
顶级企业top entrepreneur
领先的企业leading enterprise
领头企业leading enterprise
风险企业风险性高、收益大的企业venture business
风险投资有限合伙企业venture capital limited partnership
香港上市台资企业指数T-share index
高增长企业high growth company/enterprise
高新技术企业high technology firm
高科技企业high technology venture
高质量企业上市high-quality enterprises' listing
鼓励企业兼并encourage merging of enterprises
鼓励小企业创业计划Business Start-Up Scheme
龙头企业corporate champion