
Terms for subject Economy containing 企业 | all forms | in specified order only
一定范围内保留企业差别retain the difference between enterprises within certain limits
一家私有企业同意为此项目提供资金A private enterprise agrees to fund the project
下列承诺的一切优先购买权将继续有效,不因企业合并受到损害或有所更改All options granted below shall continue without impairment or alteration by the combination of businesses
不具有法人资格的企业an unincorporated enterprise
不具有法人资格的企业unincorporated enterprise
不开放雇佣企业closed shop
不断下跌的汇率一直是企业利润亏损的引发因素Failing exchange rates have been a contributory factor to the enterprise's loss of profits
不经济的企业uneconomic holding
不重要的企业a minute enterprise
与竞争企业作抗衡性投资defensive investment
专利权共享互用的一组企业patent pool
美国政府中的东欧企业信息中心、 东欧商业信息中心Eastern Europe Business Information Center
个人企业收入personal income from incorporated enterprise
中华人民共和国中外合资企业劳动管理规定Provisions of the People's Republic of China for Labour Management in Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures
《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业所得税施行细则》 Rules for the Implementation of the Individual Income Tax Law of the Poeple's Republic of ChinaRules for the Implementation of the Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Concerning Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures (中华人民共和国个人所得税法实行细则)
中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业登记管理办法Procedures of the People's Republic of China for the Registration and Administration of Chinese Foreign Joint Ventures
中国企业管理协会China Society of Enterprise Management
中外合作经营企业the Chinese-foreign cooperative venture
中外合作经营企业Chinese-foreign co-operative venture
中外合资经营企业Chinese-foreign equity joint venture
中外合资经营企业Chinese-foreign joint venture
中央企业national enterprise
中小企业small and medium-sized enterprises
中小企业medium and small enterprises
中小型企业small and medium sized enterprise
中等规模企业medium-size enterprise
为工业公司提供销售服务的企业distribution utility
主干企业parent enterprise
举办企业embark on an enterprise
亏损工业企业loss-making industrial enterprise
enterprise tax
企业producing authority
企业factory unit
企业一般管理费factory overhead
企业一般管理费分摊率the overhead rate
企业一般管理费用overhead charges
企业与雇员模式company to employee
企业个体原则business-entity principle
企业中的单层管理组织flat organization
企业主体论entity theory
企业主利润entrepreneur's income or profit
企业主利润所得entrepreneur’s income
企业主报酬entrepreneur’s salary
工会内企业主的秘密代理人track man
企业主簿记proprietorship bookkeeping
企业主责任法Employer's Liability Act
企业代表团business mission
企业价值value of the enterprise
企业价值enterprise value
企业会计原则accounting principles for business enterprises
企业信誉business standing
企业停止清理voluntary winding-up
企业内部存款deposit within the company
企业内部筹资financing from internal reserves
企业内部训练the training within industry
企业净收益enterprise net income
企业分析business analysis
企业创办人company promoter
企业利润profit of entreprise
企业利润中的利息成分interest element in business profits
企业利润对应所得税business income versus taxable income
企业利润提成the enterprise profit drawing
企业利润率earnings ratio
企业利润的提取the enterprise profit drawing
企业制度corporate institution
企业动态管理方案enterprise performance management solution
企业劳动力周转率the firm labour turnover
企业化耕作business farming
企业占用流动资金的金额amount of circulating fund used by enterprises
企业厂商的功能functions of the business firm
企业厂商的功能function of the business firm
企业发展business development
企业发展基金an enterprise expansion fund
企业发展基金venture expansion fund
企业合并the merger of corporation
企业合并business combinations
企业合并差益profit from merger
企业员工开发作用的动式自动测试设备method to analyze staff development action
企业和事业收入revenue from enterprises and undertaking
企业和设备管理plant-and-machine control
企业固定一般管理费fixed overhead
企业固定基金enterprise fixed fund
美国企业圆桌会议Business Round Table
企业基金works relief
企业外部交易external transaction
企业"孵化器"指高新技术创业服务中心business incubator
企业实体business entity
企业实体会计the entity accounting
企业实体概念entity concept
企业实体观business entity concept
企业a man of business
企业an enterprising man
企业a man in business
企业industrial entrepreneur
企业家决策an entrepreneur decision
企业家利得undertaker’s gain
企业家利润entrepreneurial profit
企业家所得the undertaker's gain
企业家所得entrepreneurial income
企业家才能the entrepreneurial ability
企业家才能the entrepreneur capacity
企业家收益the undertaker's rent (或纯利)
企业家收益entrepreneurial decision earnings
企业家收益或纯利undertaker’s rent
企业家的正常报酬normal remuneration of enterpreneur
企业家的活动the entrepreneurial activity
企业家的胆略entrepreneurial courage
企业家精神entrepreneurial spirit
企业家资源entrepreneurial resources
企业家风险entrepreneurial risk
企业业务,商务对策business game
企业寿命life of business
企业工人干部regular labour forces
企业工会enterprise labour union
企业平均规模average size of enterprises
企业式公函management letter
企业往往向银行借贷以筹措进口业务资金Often companies borrow money from banks to finance importing
企业所得税business income tax
企业扩充准备reserve for business expansion
企业扩大plant expansion
企业技术对策方案enterprise technology solutions
企业折旧基金depreciation funds remarked for enterprises
企业拒付通告factory failure report
企业持有现金enterprise cash holding
美国企业持有的联邦证券commercial holdings of federal securities
企业挑选放款银行the selection of bank by companies
企业收入receipts from enterprises
企业收入revenue of capital and industrial domain
企业收益earning of undertaking
企业整体经营系统enterprise-wide management system
企业整体综合利润consolidated profit
企业文件管理系统enterprise-wide document Management system
企业日常经济活动routine operations of an enterprise
企业景气the boom in enterprise
企业景气business condition
企业权益的报酬return on the firm’s equity
企业权、责、利rights, responsibilities and interests of an enterprise
企业独立核算制business calculation
企业概念enterprise concept
企业模拟business simulation
企业business law (mercantile law, commercial law)
企业法人legal entity
企业法规business law (mercantile law, commercial law)
企业清产核资reappraise the stocks and assets of enterprises
企业物资管理business logistics
企业的人力问题human side of enterprise
企业事业的全部费用outright cost of an undertaking
企业的全部费用outright cost of an undertaking
企业的商人enterprising merchant
企业的清算liquidation of business
企业的自有资金enterprise's own resources
企业的资本账户firm capital account
企业盈余business earnings
企业礼品费business entertainment
企业管理business management
企业管理人员培养过程management development curve
企业管理人品负责制controller system
企业管理员business doctor
企业管理咨询the management consulting
企业管理权威的发挥exercise of management authority
企业管理费enterprise administrative expenses
企业管理费明细账the enterprise administration expense subsidiary ledger
企业类别type of business
企业精神the spirit of enterprise
企业组织形式form of enterprise organization
企业组织法law of business organization
企业组织的类别type of business organization
企业经济business economy
企业经济学business economics
企业经济学家business economist
企业经济情绪business sentiment
企业经济责任制system of economic responsibility of enterprises
企业经营值enterprise value
企业综合预算overall company budget
企业联合条件conditions cartel
企业联合组织undertaking syndicate
企业背景business background
外资 企业自主权right of autonomy for the enterprise (with foreign investment)
企业自有资金enterpriser’s own resources
企业范围business field
企业行为学说the behavioral theory of the firm
企业规模size of business
企业评估company assessment
企业评估business assessment
企业调查索引Business Survey Index
企业调査establishment survey
企业调査census of business
私人 企业财务business finance
企业财务finance business
企业财务稳定性分析security analysis
企业财务资料管理处administrative agency of business financial data
企业责权利rights, responsibilities and interests of an enterprise
企业资产分别出售总值break-up value
企业资产的流动性资金周转状况business liquidity
企业资产管理enterprise asset management
企业资本家enterpreneur capitalist
企业资金resources of the enterprise
企业资金流量business firm flow of funds
法国企业银行banque d' affaires
企业间信用trade credit
企业间信用the trade credit
企业间信用the inter-business credit
企业间投资inter corporate investments
企业间比较interfirm comparisons
企业集中concentration of enterprises
企业集团the group of enterprise
企业顾问corporate consultant
企业业务预测business forecast
企业预测business forecast
企业预算enterprise budget
企业风险及保险business risk and insurance
优先雇佣工会会员的企业preferential shop
低一级的企业合作the microlevel of enterprise cooperation
借款企业borrowing venture
债权人在允许企业贷款之前,必须考虑这家企业的财力Creditors must consider the financial strength of a business before permitting it to borrow funds
停工企业idle facility
先进企业advanced enterprise
先进企业的产量"best practice" labour productivity
全民所有制企业enterprise of ownership by the whole people
全联合钢铁企业a fully integrated steel mill
公司企业company of enterprise
公司企业company corporation
公司或企业破产smashup of business
公用企业utility plant (如发电厂等)
公用事业企业utility enterprise
公私合营企业state _private enterprise
公私合营企业中的私股private share in a joint state-private enterprise
公私合营企业体制mixed enterprise system
公营企业public corporation
公营企业government enterprise
公营企业government operation
公营企业public enterprise
公营企业会计accounting for public enterprises
公营企业津贴制subsidy system in public enterprise
共同投资办企业invest in joint ventures
兴办企业embark on an enterprise
兴办企业embark in an enterprise
兴办企业和其它事业set up enterprises and other establishments
冒险企业the venture business
农业企业agricultural industry
农业企业agricultural enterprise
农业企业发展agro-enterprise development
农业企业联动agribusiness linkage
农业手工企业agricultural handicrafts enterprise
农产品加工企业agro-industry enterprise
农工企业agro-industrial enterprises
农工商联合企业integration, manufacturing and commercial conglomerate
农工商联合企业farm-industry-commerce enterprises
农工商联合企业integrated agricultural, industrial and commercial complex
农工联合企业factory-farm enterprise
农工联合企业an agro-industrial complex
分配企业盈余allot the profits of the business
创办企业embark on an enterprise
创收型 农业 企业income-generating enterprise in agriculture
判断企业偿债能力的标准test of business capacity
制造企业manufacturing enterprises
制造企业manufacturing firm
制造企业manufacturing enterprise
劳动密集型企业labour intensive enterprise
劳工参加企业经常共同决定政策code termination
半国有企业quasi-public corporation
半国营企业a parastatal enterprise
卫星企业satellite industries
合伙企业joint venture partnership
合伙企业的形成formation of partnership
合作企业joint venture
合作企业co-operative enterprise
合并企业an amalgamated company
合算的企业paying proposition
合股或合资企业equity joint venture
合营联合企业joint enterprises
合营企业joint adventure
合营企业所得税joint venture income tax
合营企业经批准和登记后可凭执照营业The joint venture cart start operation under license after it is authorized and registered
合资企业joint adventure
合资企业与其他经济组织的合并merger of the joint venture with other economic organization
合资企业期限duration of the joint venture
合资企业采用借贷复式记账法The joint ventures shall adopt the debt and credit double entry bookkeeping
合资经营企业合营企业,合资承包joint venture
合资经营企业的终止和解散the termination and dissolution of the joint venture
合资经誉企业enterprise of joint investment
后发展企业a new comer
向空运企业订座make a reservation
商业企业commercial facility
商业企业commercial enterprise
商业企业的房屋和设备commercial facility
商办工业企业industrial enterprises run by commercial units
在建立合资企业过程中,我方将负责一切设备采购事宜In building up the joint venture, our party will be responsible for the purchases of all the equipment
在某一企业中的权益interest in a business
在确定此类公平价值时,不应考虑企业的商业信誉价值In determining such fair value, one can't take into consideration any value for goodwill of the concern
地方企业local enterprise
地方国营企业locally-administered stated enterprise
地质勘探企业geological prospecting enterprises
垄断企业a monopolistic concern
垄断性大企业a monopoly power
垄断性大企业the biennialization business
增拨企业流动资金allocation of circulating funds for enterprises
外商投资企业foreign-invested enterprises
外商独资企业a wholly foreign-owned enterprise
外商独资企业wholly foreign-owned enterprises
外国企业foreign enterprises
外国企业foreign enterprise
外国联属企业foreign-affiliated firm
外资关系企业foreign-backed enterprise
多国销售企业multi-marketing enterprise
多店铺企业multiple shops
经营多种产品的企业a multiproduct enterprise
多行业企业集团合并conglomerate merger
多车间企业的经济节约economy of multi-plant firm
企业the undertaking of wide scope
企业the big business
企业big owner of private enterprises
大中型工商企业medium and large industrial and commercial enterprise
大出版企业a publishing empire
大型企业sizeable enterprise
大型企业world of big business
大桥工程完全由私人企业资助The project of the bridge is completely funded by private enterprises
大规模企业中的管理问题management problem in large-scale enterprises
家庭自营企业family-operated business
家庭自营企业family operated business
将财产投资于企业sink fortune in enterprise
企业主利益保护局the small business administration
企业倒闭率the mortality rate of small business
企业兼并大企业leveraged buyout
企业管理局small business administration
企业金融机构financial institution for small business
小型企业贷款small business loan
小型农业企业small agro-enterprise
小型高技术企业small-sized hi-tech enterprise
尽量从企业中榨取好处milk an enterprise
带来收入的企业income-generating enterprise in agriculture
常驻的企业其他工商业及其类似单位resident industries, other producers and similar units
开办联合企业的条件尚未确定Conditions for setting up an integrated complex are still to be determined
开发企业development corporations
弱小企业the twilight industry
征收企业资源差别费税levy a raw materials differential tax on enterprises
总体企业macro business
我们想了解一下建立合资企业应采取哪些步骤?We'd like to know what steps should be taken to establish a joint venture?
我们是专门生产机床的国营企业We are a state enterprise manufacturing exclusively machine tools
我们是合资企业,经营这些商品的进出口业务We are a joint venture handling such commodities in both import and export business
技术密集型企业technology-intensive enterprise
投入供应企业input supply enterprises
投机企业the venture business
担保企业a guarantor enterprise
担保企业guarantor enterprise
控制企业control a business
搞活大中型企业activate enterprises of large and medium scale
改造现有企业upgrade existing enterprises
放活小企业和小商品adopt flexible measures with regard to small enterprises and minor commodities
政啤企业法规government regulation of business
政府企业a governmental enterprise
政府企业governmental enterprises
政府企业盈余surplus of government enterprises
政府主办型企业government sponsored enterprise
政府对企业的管制the government regulation of business
政府的企业法规the government regulation of business
政府财产及企业所得government income from property and enterpreneurship
政府资助的企业government-sponsored enterprises
旅游企业tourist enterprise
最佳企业optimum firm
最惠企业条款most many, much 的最高级 favoured enterprise provision
有收益的企业paying enterprise
有效的长期企业计划effective long-range business planning
有组织的企业an organized concern
未投产企业固定资产fixed assets preproduction enterprise
欣欣向荣的企业a going concern
欧洲共同市场企业合并Euro merger
殷实企业substantial business
海上运输企业enterprise in the field of maritime transport
海外投资和海外企业的资金筹措financing of overseas investment and overseas enterprise
渔工商联合企业fishing-processing-commerce integrated complex
父子农业企业father-son farm
物资企业materials and equipment enterprise
生产企业manufacturing enterprise
生产企业单位productive enterprises
生产联合企业production cartel
留归企业单位支配使用的各种专项基金the various special purpose funds at the disposal of enterprises
盈利企业profitmaking business
盈利企业the profitable firm
盈利企业profit-seeking business
盈利企业paying enterprise
盈利的企业paying concern
省一级的统计口径内的工业企业number of industrial enterprises covered by the provincial statistics
破产企业的财产清理价值break-up value
社会主义企业socialist enterprise
社会主义国营企业socialist state run enterprise
私人企业private business
私人企业individual enterprise
私人企业职工年金private enterprise annuity
私人企业的个人所得personal income from private enterprises
私人企业经济private enterprise economy
私人公司的企业company-owned facility
私人独占企业公有政策public policy on private monopoly
私有企业owner of private enterprise
私营企业private business
私营企业和私营公司管理局business administration
私营企业国内总投资gross private domestic investment
私营电力企业private power industries
管理的任务可以由企业主负责,也可以部分地委托给雇用的经理人员The functions of management may be performed by the owner of a business, or they may be delegated in part to hired managers
组织各企业"一条龙"的协作生产organize various specialized corporations for streamlined production
美国政府机构的美国企业实习特别培训项目Special American Business Internship Training Program
美国政府的小企业管理局Small Business Administration
美国的私人企业家强制执行团Business Executive Enforcement Team
美国附属企业United States Affiliate
美洲企业创议Enterprise for the Americas Initiative
联合企业the group of enterprise
联合企业group of companies
联合企业费用the syndication fee
联合企业费用syndication fee
联合大企业business conglomerate
联合数家报纸成为企业组合syndicate a number of newspapers
联属企业affiliated company
联系企业associated undertaking
联营企业joint venture partnership
联营企业associated enterprises
股份有限合伙企业limited partnership
营业个体主义个体学说理论企业主体论entity theory
营利企业the undertaking for profit
营运企业operation of business
行业关系企业line of business
被购企业an acquired enterprise
质量不好就会不利于将来企业的发展Future development of our enterprise would be jeopardized if the quality is poor
购方企业an acquiring enterprise
资助联营附属企业contribution to affiliated concern
资本企业capitalist undertaker
资本主义企业capitalist enterprise
资金密集型企业capital-intensive enterprise
赔本企业losing proposition
赚钱企业paying proposition
赢利企业paying proposition
赢利企业revenue-earning enterprise
超大型中外合资企业super large-sized Chinese-foreign joint venture enterprise
越区经营的企业a runaway shop
边际企业单位margin firm
边际企业单位marginal firm
那年企业所得税税率为18%The rate of income tax levied on the enterprises was 18% that year
邮电企业posts and telecommunications enterprise
钢铁联合企业a steel complex
钢铁联合企业steel complex
销售企业化观念marketing-oriented business concept
集中使用劳力的企业labour-intensive enterprise
集体所有制企业enterprises of collective ownership
集体所有制企业enterprise of collective ownership
集装箱联合企业a container consortium
雇员与企业模式employee to company
非公司企业an unincorporated business
非公司企业主所得entrepreneurial income of unincorporated enterprises
非公司企业收入income of unincorporated enterprises
非实体性政府企业an unincorporated government enterprise
非实体性政府企业unincorporated government enterprise
非政府工商企业private sector
非经营性联合企业nonoperated joint ventures
非营利企业non-profit firm (公司)
非营利企业a non-commercial enterprise
非金融企业nonfinancial business
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