
Terms for subject Commerce containing 企业 | all forms | in specified order only
三资企业three foreign-founded enterprises (包括外资独资企业 (enterprises of sole foreign capital) 、合资企业 (joint ventures)、合作经营企业 (cooperative operation enterprises))
下属企业subordinate enterprises
个人企业private business
个人独资企业single proprietorship
个人独资企业individual proprietorship
个人独资企业sole proprietorship
个人经营企业one-man business
中华人民共和国企业破产法Law of the People's Republic of China on the Bankruptcy of Enterprises (trial implemention, 试行)
中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures (1979)
中华人民共和国全民所有制工业企业Law of the People's Republic of China on the Industrial Enterprises Owned by the Whole People
中型企业medium-sized enterprises
中外合作经营企业Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises
中外合资经营企业劳动管理规定Regulations on Labour Management in Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
中外合资经营企业登记管理法Regulations on the Registration of Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
中外契约式合资经营企业Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures
中外股权式合资经营企业Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures
中小企业middle and small businesses
中小型企业medium and small-sized enterprises
中断的企业经营discontinued business operations
为接管另一企业而购买其股票的岀价take-over bid
买下一家企业的产权buy out a business
仓储企业storage enterprise
他在该企业中有一股份He has a concern in the business
企业business establishment
企业一般管理费用indirect cost
企业一般管理费用overhead expenses
企业亏损deficiency of an enterprise
企业会计enterprise accounting (西方国家包括:财务会计 (financial accounting),管理会计 (management accounting),数据处理 (data processing), 内部审计 (internal auditing), 预算 (budgeting), 税务会计(tax accounting),财务分析 (financial accounting analysis), 中国包括:会计(accounting),财务分析 (financial analysis), 会计检查(accounting examination(check)))
企业全部费用outright cost of an undertaking
企业全部费用outright cost of an enterprise
企业公司enterprise corporation
企业兼并enterprise merger
企业决策enterprise decision
企业出让sale of business
企业升级enterprise upgrading
企业单位business entity
企业原始收入primary income of enterprise
企业可以留存一部分外汇A portion of foreign exchange may be retained by enterprises
企业合并combination of enterprises
企业合并原则principle of consolidation
企业合并差益surplus from consolidation
企业合并手续amalgamation procedures
企业固定资本fixed capital of enterprise
企业家:entrepreneur 法语企业家
企业家事业心entrepreneur spirit
企业工种分析job analysis
企业成本private cost
企业指导中心enterprise directing center
企业挖潜、革新与改革tap the potential of the enterprise, and renovate and transform it
企业改组reorganization of enterprises
企业日常业务活动routine operations of an enterprise
会计企业本位原则entity concept
企业机能enterprise function
企业标准化enterprise standardization
企业法人单位impersonal entity
企业津贴business allowance
企业活力vitality of enterprises
企业界重要人物big wheel in business
企业登记registration of enterprise
企业的兴旺发达prosperity of an enterprise
企业破产制度system of business bankruptcy
企业社会责任social responsibility of business
企业移民enterprise emigration
企业立法enterprise legislation
企业竞争能力competitive strength of enterprises
企业竞争能力competitive power of enterprises
企业竞争能力competitive capacity of enterprises
企业管理enterprise management (其中包括:计划 (planning), 组织 (organizing),用人 (staffing), 指挥 (directing),控制 (controlling))
企业管理business administration (其中包括:计划 (planning), 组织 (organizing),用人 (staffing), 指挥 (directing),控制 (controlling))
企业管理business management (其中包括:计划 (planning), 组织 (organizing),用人 (staffing), 指挥 (directing),控制 (controlling))
企业管理传统职能traditional function of management
企业管理咨询consultancy on business management
企业管理奖award for business management
企业管理工程师industrial engineer
企业管理环节links of enterprise management
企业管理费factory administrative overheads
企业经济核算制system of economic accounting of enterprise
企业经营的目标结构objective structure in enterprise's operation
企业经营管理制system of enterprise operation and management
企业统计enterprise statistics
企业综合组织系统图表combination chart (包括:(投资项目)组织系统图 (structural chart), 职掌图(functional chart), 人员编制图 (position chart))
企业联营connecting affiliates
企业股票enterprise shares
企业自留资金funds retained by enterprise
企业行政管理费用factory administrative overheads
企业规模效应size effect
企业评估排列法ranging method
企业诊断diagnosis of enterprises
企业资产评估property estimation of enterprise
企业集团化grouping of enterprises
优先雇用工会会员的企业preferential shop
停办一个企业relinquish an enterprise
停止企业经营discontinue business operations
公司企业company enterprise
公有企业public enterprise
公用事业企业public service enterprise
公营企业government-owned enterprise
公营企业government-operated business
共享专利权的一组企业patent pool
兼并的企业merged enterprises
再投资于合资经营企业reinvest profits in joint ventures
准法人企业quasi-corporate enterprise
创造企业embark on an enterprise
制造企业manufacturing business
加强企业管理strengthening business management
加强企业管理improve business management
勤俭办企业run enterprises industriously and thriftily
协商企业管理consultative business management
企业缴入资本部分而非列入股本capital surplus
厂矿企业industrial and mining enterprises
参与企业管理participation in enterprise management
受投资的企业invested enterprise
可供投资的企业investable enterprise
可获利的企业payable enterprise
合伙企业enterprise in partnership
合伙企业的解散dissolution of a partnership
合伙企业章程articles of copartnership
合作企业cooperation enterprise
合作企业cooperative enterprises
合营企业各方parties to a joint venture
合营企业解散dissolution of joint venture
合资经营企业中止termination of the joint venture
中外合资经营企业的规章条例regulation for joint venture
企业让与部分权力与利益relinquish part of the power and profits to enterprises
向一企业征税levy a tax on an enterprise
向一家外国企业出售专有技术的报酬the consideration for selling know-how to a foreign enterprise
商业冒险企业venture business
英国国家企业National Enterprise Board
国有股份制企业state enterprise adopting shareholding system
国营企业government-owned enterprise
国营企业governmental enterprise (与私营企业 (private enterprise) 相对)
国营企业government enterprise (与私营企业 (private enterprise) 相对)
国营企业state-operated enterprise
国营企业a business run by the state
国营企业岁收government enterprises revenue
国际投资及跨国企业委员会Committee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises
在一企业中大量投资invest much capital in an enterprise
垄断企业monopolistic enterprise
多厂工业企业multifactory enterprise
多行业企业合并conglomerate combination
大型企业sizable enterprise
大量投资于一个企业invest heavily in an enterprise
美国小型企业管理署Small Business Administration
小型工业企业small-sized industrial enterprises
工业企业股权industrial equity
工业企业规模结构size and structure of industrial enterprise
工商企业投资investment in the business
已被私营化的企业denationalised enterprises
开为'企业establish an enterprise
开办企业embark in enterprise
开办一家企业launch an enterprise
开始掌管一个企业take the helm of an enterprise
投资于新企业的股本equity share capital
投资于新企业的股本equity capital
投资办合资企业invest in joint venture
投资过度企业top-heavy enterprise
投资项目应与现有企业技术改造项目相一致The investment projects should dovetail with the items of technical renovation of existing enterprises
掌握一个企业的领导权at the helm of an enterprise
推进企业发展carry forward an enterprise
搞活国营大中型企业enliven large and medium-sized state enterprises
搞活大中型国营企业invigorate large and medium-sized state-run enterprises
旅游企业tourist business
最佳企业规模optimum enterprise size
有限责任合伙企业limited partnership
日本海外顾问企业协会External Consulting Firms Association
混合企业mixed business
混合联合企业mixed associated enterprises
独占性企业big business
独立企业independent enter prise
现代企业管理modern business administration
现有企业改造upgrading of existing enterprises
现有企业的技术改革technical renovation of existing enterprises
现有企业的改扩建工程rebuilding and expansion of existing enterprises
现有企业的重大扩建major extension of an existing project
生产企业productive enterprise
生产企业producing enterprise
生产多项产品的大型联合企业large multi-product complex
生产联合企业production complex
私人企业a private business
私营企业private sector institution
给工业企业的补贴或奖励subsidies or incentives for industrial enterprises
考虑企业管理规划中的确定情况、不确定情况及风险take into account certainty, uncertainty and risk in planning of business management
联合企业财务报表conglomerate financial statement
联合大企业兼并conglomerate merger
联属企业affiliated enterprise
联属企业affiliated business
股份制商业企业shareholding commercial enterprises
营业中的企业资产价值going-concern value
萧条使许多企业倒闭The depression caused many business collapses
西德企业实行经营董事会与监督董事会双轨董事制度double track directors system
规范化企业规则standard enterprise regulations
解散合伙企业dissolve a partnership
购入企业acquired enterprise
购入其他企业时的公积金surplus at date of acquisition
资源雄厚的企业enterprise with substantial resources
较小企业minor enterprises
进出口企业盈利性profitability of the import and export enterprises
适应变化的企业adaptive enterprise
重点企业selective enterprises
镇办企业township-run enterprises
镇办企业township enterprises
非连续的企业经营discontinuous business operations
非金融企业non-financial enterprise
骨干企业key enterprise