
Terms for subject Management containing 企业 | all forms | in specified order only
一般企业环境general business environment
个人企业one man enterprise
中国官僚资本企业管理bureaucrat-capitalist enterprise management
中国近代企业管理Chinese enterprise management in recent times
中国革命概括地公营企业management of public enterprise in revolutionary bases in China
中小型企业Office of Minority Business Enterprise
以城市为中心管理企业administration and management of enterprises by the city authorities
以家庭企业方式经营run as a family concern
企业专业化与联合specialization and combination of enterprises
企业业务business events
企业主持人chief executive officer
企业之人性human side of enterprises
企业体理论enterprise theory
企业体系enterprise system
企业内部经济责任制system of the economic responsibilities within an enterprise
企业内部训练training within industry
企业利润提成enterprise profit drawing
企业利润留成enterprise profit partly remained
企业参谋部门staff department
企业发展委员会corporate development committee
企业和事业单位enterprises and establishments
企业哲学business philosophy
企业圆桌会议business round table
企业在经营上的自主权operational autonomy of enterprise
企业多种经营enterprise diversification
企业实体enterprise entity
企业man of business
企业man in business
企业industrial enterpreneur
企业家的半身entrepreneurial half
企业家的活动entrepreneurial activity
企业家的联合enterpriser’s cartel
企业导向business oriented
企业工会trade unions in enterprises
企业库存的变动change in business inventories
企业开办establishing an enterprise
企业式领导方法methods of enterprise like leadership
企业式领导方法method of enterprise like leadership
企业形象corporate identification system
企业思想business thoughts
企业成长business growth
企业战略计划business strategy plan
企业指标标记business indicator
企业政策与中央管理business policies and central management
企业教育business education
企业整顿enterprise rectification
企业整顿consolidation of enterprises
企业机构business institution
企业机能business functions
企业民主管理democratic management of enterprises
企业法规business law and regulations
企业环境business environments
企业的人性管理the human side of enterprise
企业的分工division of enterprise
企业的总评价value of a firm
企业的群众组织mass organization in enterprises
企业竞争competition among enterprises
企业策略与政策business strategy and policy
企业策略计划部corporate strategic planning
企业管理management of enterprises
企业管理enterprise management
企业管理二重性duality of enterprise management
企业管理人员培养过程management-development course
企业管理学science of enterprise management
企业管理杂志journal of business administration
企业管理的传统职能traditional function of management
企业管理硕士master of business administration
企业管理系统management hierarchy
企业类型form of business enterprise
企业精神spirit of enterprise
企业精神enterprising spirit
企业系统enterprise system
企业系统business system
企业素质quality of enterprise
企业组织图business organization chart
企业经济研究室office of business economics
企业经济责任制system of the economic responsibility of enterprises
企业经理business manager
企业经营情报系统management information system
企业经营的连续性continuity of activity
企业经营目的corporate objectives
企业经营策略business strategy
企业经营系统conduct business system
企业经营经济学managerial economics
企业结构business structure
企业自主经营independent operation of enterprises
企业营运business operation
企业行为behavior of firms
企业行为科学behavioral theory of the firm
企业行政领导者enterprise executive
企业观念business concepts
企业规章制度rules and regulations in enterprises
企业识别corporate identification system
企业调整adjustment of enterprises
企业财产business property
企业资源business resources
企业青年组织communist youth league organization in enterprises
企业领导制度system defined authority and responsibility of enterprise leaders
企业领导者business leader
传统的企业理论classical theory of the firm
俄国十月革命胜利初期企业管理enterprise management in the first years after the Russian October Revolution
全国先进企业national advanced enterprises
公营企业government owned and operated business
公营企业government operated business
公营企业三大民主three democracies in public enterprise
公营企业分红制bonus system in public enterprises
公营企业工厂管理委员会factory administration committee in public enterprises
公营企业职工代表会议congress of workers and staff in public enterprises
关系企业product group
创办企业pioneer an enterprise
判断工商企业偿债能力的标准test of business capacity
发育性企业viable firm
古典的企业理论classical theory of the firm
国家民族资本企业管理national capitalist enterprise management
国营企业state-owned enterprise
国际企业经营international business operation
企业undertaking of wide scope
企业enterprise on a large scale
存货为美国企业的坟墓inventory are the graveyard of American business
企业enterprise on a small scale
企业管理small business management
企业管理局Small Business Administration
州立企业state enterprise
工业企业管理management of industrial enterprise
工业企业铁路industrial line
工厂企业industrial and mining establishments
工商企业管理politics of the firm
工矿企业industrial and mining establishment
已经组织化的企业organized concern
市属企业municipal undertaking
建筑企业增加值value added of construction
扩大企业的自主权和企业职工参加管理的权力expand the decision-making power of enterprises and the power of their workers to participate in management
扩大企业自主权enlargement of enterprise autonomy
技术企业technological entrepreneurship
投于新企业的资本equity capital
挖掘企业潜力tapping the potentiality of enterprise
搞活企业the vitalization of state-owned enterprise
无力而有弹性之企业powerless and flexible firms
有效的远程企业设计effective long-range business planning
有活力的企业viable firm
有组织的企业organized concern
服务性企业service establishments
特定企业specific enterprise
现代企业管理modern enterprise management
盈利企业undertaking for profit
社办企业economic enterprises owned by the people’s commune
管理企业manage an enterprise
纵行联合工业企业vertically-integrated industries
组织企业organize business
经营企业conduct an enterprise
职工参加企业经营code termination
联合企业integrated works
自主的企业经理autonomous business manager
追求最高利润的企业profit maximizing entrepreneur
酬劳性企业remunerative firms
附属企业subsidiary enterprise
非公司性公共企业non-incorporation public enterprise
非洲行政和企业管理协会African association for public administration and management