
Terms for subject Business containing 企业 | all forms | in specified order only
上市企业marketing enterprise
不可比产品非工业企业经营non-comparable product nonindustrial business operation
不可靠企业wildcat enterprise
不经济企业uneconomic holding
不获利企业worthless venture
不赔钱的企业pecuniary enterprise
不重要的企业minute enterprise
与住宅建筑有关的企业housing-allied enterprises
专业企业specific enterprise
世界性企业world enterprise
企业个体假定separate entity assumption
企业个体权益论entity equity theory
企业中人的因素human side of enterprise
企业中各管理部门organizational unit
企业industrial owner
企业proprietor of a business
企业owner of a business
企业亏损loss incurred in an enterprise
企业产品自销marketing of products by enterprises themselves
企业产权界区margin of an enterprise's property rights
企业人事管理management of personnel in enterprise
企业人事管理management of enterprise personnel
企业人均工资收入average wage earnings per person in the enterprise
企业会计business accountancy
企业会计accounting of enterprise
企业会计accounting of business
企业会计原则accounting principles for business enterprise
企业会计原则business accounting principles
企业公司会计原则corporate accounting principle
企业会计基本原则basic principle of enterprise accounting
企业会计师business accountant
企业体制structure of enterprise
企业体制structure of busines unit
企业供销管理management of supply and marketing in enterprise
企业供销管理management of enterprise supply and marketing
企业保费insurance premium of enterprise
企业信息组business information division
企业信托enterprise trust
企业信托一种从事短期合伙或工商业务的组织business trust
企业信托部corporate trust
企业信誉integrity of business
企业信誉integrity of enterprise
企业信誉business energy credit
企业倒闭business insolvency
企业倒闭破产business failure
企业借入流动资金circulating funds borrowed by enterprises
企业储蓄business savings
企业储蓄总额gross business savings
企业全部成本outright cost of an undertaking
企业全面整顿all-round consolidation of enterprise
企业公函management letter
企业兼并annexation of enterprise
企业内部专业化协作internal specialization and cooperation of enterprise
企业内部培训training within industry
企业内部培训inhouse training
企业内部存款deposit within the enterprise
企业内部经济责任制system of the economic responsibility within an enterprise
企业内部董事inside director
企业决策business policy-making
企业决策模式model of enterprise decision
企业决策模式model of decision making in enterprise
企业净储蓄net business savings
企业准备金与发展基金的增加increase of reserve fund and expansion fund
企业出口going out of business
企业出口权right of exportation for enterprise
企业出让指业主因亏损而将房屋、设备、商品出售sale of a business
企业分割split-up of business
企业分类classification of enterprise
企业分类管理classified management of enterprises
企业分类资金账制classified funds account system of enterprise
企业分红制度bonus system in enterprises
企业创始人founder of the business
企业利润profit of enterprises
企业利润enterprise profit
企业利润分析analysis of business profits
企业利润对应税所得business income versus taxable income
企业利润留成收入portion of the profits kept by the enterprises for their own use
企业制度enterprise system
企业制度business system
企业化农作business farming
企业单一分配率single rate for enterprise
企业单位enterprise unit
企业单位指独立核算的工商企业business entity
企业双重结构dual structure of the enterprise
企业发展基金expansion funds of the venture
企业可获得的最大利益jack pot
企业history of business
企业business history
企业合并consolidation of firm
企业合并联合business combination
企业合并consolidation of enterprise
企业合并aggregation over enterprises
企业合并利益profit from merger
企业合并审计acquisition auditing
企业合并损失loss from amalgamation
企业合并方针principle of consolidation
企业合并日的合并资产负债表consolidated balance sheet at date of acquisition
企业合并过程amalgamation process
企业合理化rationalization of enterprise
企业合理规模经营appropriate scale of enterprise operation
企业名录business directory
企业名称name of business
企业名称business name
企业员工素质caliber of workers and staffs in the enterprise
企业咨询consultancy on enterprise
企业咨询business consultancy
企业园桌会议指美国大企业与政府交换意见以影响美国商业政策的商业团体Business Round Table
企业固定基金enterprise fixed fund source
企业固定资产管理management of enterprise fixed assets
企业国际化发展internationally oriented development of enterprise
企业型单位enterprise-type unit
企业垫付资本advance capital for a business
企业基本建设basic construction in enterprise
企业基本建设投资investment in capital construction of enterprise
企业基金enterprise funds
企业基金enterprise fund source
企业基金计算表statement of enterprise fund sources
企业公司存款corporate deposit
企业定额备用金制度imprest fund system
企业实体原则business entity principle
企业实体概念business entity concept
企业审计business audit
企业business people
企业business man
企业business entrepreneur
企业家协会entrepreneurial association
企业家才能entrepreneurial ability
企业家收入entrepreneurial income
企业家收益entrepreneurial earnings
企业家收益或纯利undertaker's rent
企业家果断精神entrepreneurial daring
企业家洞察能力entrepreneurial discernment ability
企业家活动entrepreneurial activity
企业家精神entrepreneurial spirits
企业家精神entrepreneurial mentality
企业家经营企业entrepreneurial firm
企业家经营技能entrepreneurial skill
企业家经营管理entrepreneurial management
企业对策business game
企业工会制enterprise labour union system
企业工种分析jobbing analysis
企业市场预测market forecast of enterprise
企业市场预测market forecast of business
企业平均规模average size of enterprise
企业库存变动change in business inventory
企业应用统计statistics of enterprise application
企业应用统计statistics for business application
企业式公司enterprise-like corporation
企业式领导方法method of enterprise-like leadership
企业归口管理readjusting the affiliations of some enterprises to facilitate management
企业心理psychological climate
企业思想政治工作ideological and political work in enterprise
企业性质nature of business
企业总体预测overall business forecast
企业恢复活力resurgence of the enterprise
企业所得税corporate profit tax
企业扩大expansion of the firm
企业扩展expansion of business
企业营业扩展准备reserve for business expansion
企业投入产出图表input-output graph of enterprise
企业投入—产出模式model of input-output in enterprise
企业投资business investment
企业投资损失loss from investment in business
企业按经营范围分类classification of enterprise by scope of business
企业搬迁费enterprise relocation expense
企业收入income of enterprise
企业收入分配income distribution within enterprise
企业收支差额balance of the income and expenditure of enterprise
企业收支项目分类classification of receipts and payments of enterprise
企业效果firm effect
企业效率business efficiency
企业整体规划corporate comprehensive planning
企业文化culture in enterprises
企业文化culture of enterprise
企业文化corporate culture
企业文化研究corporate culture research
企业文化研究business culture research
企业景气boom in enterprise
企业未合并前销售利润profit on sales prior to acquisition
企业本位论theory of an enterprise-based economy
企业机械化水平mechanization level of enterprise
企业权益interest in a business
企业材料采购决策materials purchase decision in enterprise
企业标准指企业内采用的技术标准company standard
企业标准工业分类enterprise standard industrial classification
企业核算business calculation
企业核算制business calculation
企业模式model of business
企业模式pattern of enterprise
企业模式business model
企业模拟博弈simulation games for business
企业正式公函management letter
企业比较中心Center for Interfirm Comparison
企业民主管理democratic management of the enterprise
企业law of business
企业enterprise act
企业法人legal person of enterprise
企业法规laws and regulations of business
企业注册register of enterprise
企业注册business registration
企业注册处Registry of Business Names
企业注册费business registration fee
企业活力法律保证legal guarantee of enterprise vigor
企业活力激励机制mechanism to stimulating enterprise vigor
企业活力衰退slump in business activity
企业活动vitality of enterprise
企业活动business operation
企业流动资金占用率coefficient of employed enterprises circulating funds
企业清算基础liquidation basis
企业激励机制mechanism of stimulation in enterprise
企业牌照licence for enterprise
企业物资供销管理management of supply and marketing of materials and equipment in enterprise
企业物资管理materials and equipment management in enterprise
企业物资管理management of enterprise materials
企业特色corporate color
企业状况调研survey of business state
企业独占institutional monopoly
企业独立自主权right of enterprises to independent action
企业环境风险信息business environment risk information
企业环境风险指数business environment risk index number
企业环境风险指数business environment risk index
企业现代化modernization of business
企业生产管理management of production in enterprise
企业生产管理management of enterprise production
企业生产管理系统production management system of an enterprise
企业生活区company town
企业business circles
企业病态business ailment
企业的清理disposal of business
企业的独立单位independent units of enterprise
企业的社会责任social responsibility of enterprise
企业盈余surplus of an enterprise
企业监督人superintendent of business
企业目标enterprise objective
企业目标business objectives
企业破产smashup of enterprise
企业竞争能力competitive capacity of enterprise
企业章程rule of enterprise
企业章程business regulation
企业章程articles of enterprise
企业管理management of business
企业管理management of enterprise
企业管理administration and management of enterprise
企业管理business administration
企业管理人员business administrator
企业管理优秀奖award for business management
企业管理制度system of enterprise management
企业管理制度business management system
企业管理合同management contract
企业管理周期management cycle
企业管理咨询工程师consulting management engineer
企业管理基本原理basic principle of enterprise management
企业管理基础工作basic work of business management
企业管理学会society of enterprise management
企业管理学会management society
企业管理手册manual of enterprise management
企业管理模式model of enterprise management
企业管理模式management model of enterprises
企业管理模拟business management simulation
企业管理现代化modernization of enterprise management
企业管理现代化management modernization of enterprises
企业管理的重要性importance of management in enterprise
企业管理研究study of enterprise management
企业管理系department of enterprise management
企业管理群众路线mass line in enterprise management
企业管理费enterprise administrative expense
企业管理费enterprise administration expense
企业管理费分类账enterprise administration expense subsidiary ledger
企业管理费分配表enterprise administration expense apportionment sheet
企业管理费用business management expense
企业类型category of enterprise
企业精神business mentality
企业组合interlocking of enterprises
企业组建organizing of enterprise
企业组建organization of business
企业组建模式model of enterprise organizing
企业组织organization of enterprise
企业组织体制form of business organization
企业组织改善constitutional improvement
企业组织模式model of enterprise organization
企业组织特性characteristics of enterprise organization
企业组织类型type of business organization
企业组织结构organizational structure of enterprise
企业组织部门department of enterprise organization
企业经济核算制度economic calculation system in enterprise
企业经济活动分析analysis of economic activities of enterprise
企业经理enterprise manager
企业经营价值enterprise value
企业经营优劣比较business comparison
企业经营体制managerial system in business
企业经营体制conduct business system
企业经营体系conduct business sytem
企业经营基本目标basic object in the operation of enterprise
企业经营思想business thought
企业经营思想business mentality
企业经营情绪business sentiment
企业经营情绪business sentiments
企业经营成果分析analysis of the affairs of a business
企业经营战略management strategy of enterprise
企业经营战略business strategy
企业经营承包责任制contractual management responsibility for an enterprise
企业经营技术enterprise operative technology
企业经营方式operation pattern of enterprise
企业经营方式operation pattern of business
企业经营方针business policy
企业经营机制转换change in the way of enterprise operation
企业经营用留存收益earnings retained for use in the business
企业经营管理operation and management of enterprise
企业经营管理management of the operation in enterprise
企业经营者business executive
企业经营自主权operational autonomy of enterprise
企业经营计划business plan
企业结构structure of the firm
企业结构分析contextual analysis of enterprise
企业统计corporate statistics
企业综合经营comprehensive management of enterprise
企业考核appraisal of enterprise performance
企业职工代表大会congress of workers and staff in enterprise
企业职工代表大会congress of workers and staff in business
企业职能部门business functional department
企业联合combination of enterprises
企业联合business associations between enterprises
企业联合投标syndicate tender
企业联合集团business conglomerate
企业联营business affiliation
企业股份business share
企业自主权decision-making power of enterprises
企业自主权right of autonomy for enterprises
企业自主权autonomy of enterprise
企业自主权决策权decision-making power of enterprise
企业自动化程度automation level of enterprise
企业自有资金self-owned fund of enterprise
企业自有资金enterprise self-raised fund
企业自有资金enterprise's own resources
企业自筹资金self-raised fund by enterprise
企业自筹资金能力business enterprises ability of self-financing
企业自销门市部enterprise operated street outlet
企业营运原理business operation principle
企业营销服务公司business marketing service
企业营销管理management of the marketing in enterprise
企业融资financing by business
企业行为behavior of enterprise
企业行为学behavioral theory of the firm
企业行为理论behavior theory of the firm
企业行政主管administrator of enterprise
企业行政领导enterprise executive
企业规模size of enterprise
企业规模enterprise size
企业计划编制business planning
企业计量方法quantitative method in business
企业设备管理installation management in enterprise
企业设立establishment of business
企业评价business valuation
企业评价标准criterion for appraising enterprises
企业诊断diagnosis of business
企业调度business arrangement
企业调整business adjustment
企业调整adjustment of enterprise
企业调查establishment survey
企业负责人管理人superintendent of business
企业财产保险enterprise property insurance
企业财产保险business property insurance
企业财产出售减免税business property relief
企业财产税capital levy
企业财务分析financial analysis of enterprise
企业财务基本原理basic principle of enterprise finance
企业财务年度financial year of business
企业财务数据管理处administrative agency of business financial data
企业财务管理management of enterprise finance
企业财务管理制度system of enterprise financial management
企业责任business accountability
企业账票管理business forms control
企业货币资金monetary funds of enterprise
企业贷款loan to enterprise operated
企业资产resources of the enterprise
企业资产流动性business liquidity
企业资本capital of enterprise
企业资本账户firm capital account
企业资源business resource
企业资源即除设备外,还包括财政、人才等资源resources of the enterprise
企业资金收支状况fund position of business
企业资金无偿供给制system of supplying the enterprises with funds free of charge
企业资金管理management of funds in enterprise
企业资金管理management of enterprise funds
企业运输部merchant carrier
企业运销单business logistics
企业进口权right of import for enterprise
企业采用的作价标准pricing standards applied by enterprise
企业采用的作价标准pricing standards applied by business
企业银行商业银行的一种banque d'affairs
企业间信用mutual trading credit
企业间信贷inter-business credit
企业间可靠性系数interfirm reliability coefficient
企业间商用信贷inter-enterprise commercial credit
企业间比较interfirm comparison
企业间联系inter-business relation
企业防火防爆管理fire and explosion prevention in enterprise
企业隶属关系authority an enterprise group is subordinated
企业集团business group
企业集团group of enterprise
企业集团化经营management by grouping of enterprises
企业非国有化denationalization of enterprise
企业顾问business consultant
企业顾问business advice
企业领导人business leader
企业领导核心core of leadership in enterprise
企业领导模式model of enterprise leadership
企业风格house style
企业高级主管人员enterprise executive staff
企事业单位enterprise and establishments
化工企业无泄漏管理no-leak control in chemical enterprise
合伙企业partnership firm
合伙企业partnership enterprise
合伙企业的组建formation of partnership
合作社社办企业co-operative-run enterprise
合股投资企业mutual investment enterprise
合营企业companionship enterprise
合营企业joint stock enterprise
合营企业亏损loss from joint venture
合营企业合伙joint venture partnership
合营企业收益income from joint venture
合资企业joint equity venture
股份式合资企业equity joint venture
合资企业会计accounting for joint ventures
合资企业所在地legal address of the joint venture
合资企业所得税joint venture income tax
合资企业收入joint venture income
合资企业账户joint venture account
合资办企业invest in joint ventures
合资生产企业joint production enterprise
合资经营企业enterprise of joint investment
后发展企业new comer
企业榨取好处milk an enterprise
外国企业所得税income tax of foreign enterprise
外国企业所得税income tax on foreign enterprise
外国企业所得税income tax concerning foreign enterprise
外国企业所得税法income tax law of foreign enterprises
外贸企业管理administration of foreign trade enterprise
外资企业enterprise with foreign capital
外资企业管理foreign enterprises management
外资企业计算方式calculation form in foreign capital enterprise
企业small undertaking
企业small concern
企业倒闭率mortality rate of small businesses
企业设备贷款equipment credit for small business
企业财务small business finance
小型企业small scale business
小型企业small-sized enterprise
小型企业minor enterprise
小型企业倒闭率mortality rate of small business
小型企业管理small business management
小型企业经营small business operation
少数民族企业minority nationalities business
市县企业municipal enterprise
市政企业municipal enterprise
开办企业open an enterprise
"按企业活动"测试"business activities" test
企业类型分类classification by the type of enterprise
企业规模的业务活动分析activity analysis according to scale of enterprise
按一定比例征收国有企业所得税income tax on state-owned enterprise in proportion to their profits
最优企业optimum firm
最佳企业模式optimal enterprise model
最佳企业管理optimal enterprise management
最佳企业结构optimal enterprise structure
最佳企业规模optimal size of business
最好企业prime business
"最惠企业"条款"most favored enterprise" provision
有收益的企业paying concern
有活力的企业active enterprise
有活力的企业active business
有限合伙企业limited partnership
有限合伙企业证书limited partnership certificate
有限责任合伙企业limited liability partnership
服务企业service enterprise
服务企业包括运输、 零售、金融、保险、旅游等业service firms
服务企业管理management of service enterprises
服务性企业service type firm
服务性企业service establishment
民办企业mass-run enterprise
民办集体企业people-run enterprises
渔业企业fishing establishment
萎靡不振企业soft spot
调动中型企业和其他非跨国集团的潜力mobilizing the potential of medium-sized enterprise and other non TNCs
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