
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing 企业 | all forms | in specified order only
中小型企业Small and Medium-scale Enterprise
企业业绩绩效corporate performance
企业化经营佃农tenant entrepreneur
企业发展协会Association for Development of Enterprises
企业帝国指由一个集团或个人控制的大企业corporate empire
企业所有权corporate ownership
企业收益利润、盈利corporate earnings
农场企业farm enterprises
农场企业管理学farm business management
农工商联合企业agricultural-industrial-commercial complexes
农民企业farmer entrepreneur
家庭企业family operations
家庭规模的企业family-sized enterprises
小型企业教育推广Small Enterprise Education Promotion
屠宰企业meat producing plant
微型和小型企业Micro and Small Enterprise
独资企业single proprietorships
联合企业畜群syndicated animal herd
肉品联合企业meat packing house
肉品联合企业meat packing plant
肉用牛饲养cattle feeding operation
肯尼亚乡村企业计划Kenya Rural Enterprise Programme
集团企业corporate enterprise
高等农业企业管理学Advanced Farm Business Management