
Terms containing 任意 | all forms | in specified order only
proj.manag.一张插入式任意电路卡片用于 IEM 个人电脑A plug-in optional circuit card for an IBM PC
proj.manag.不要将磁盘取出、 按任意键、 系统将自动重新启动Leave diskette installed and press any key to automatically reboot system
econ.个人可任意处置的收人discretionary income
el.二极管任意函数发生器arbitrary diode function generator
econ.他们保证,他们愿意做出你们所能接受的任何调整They assure you that they will be very glad to make any adjustment that would be acceptable to you
econ.他们同意这种产品不得售予任何其他经销商或零售商They agree that this product shall not sell to any other distributor or dealer
econ.他们愿意担任我们现行出口商品的代理They wish to handle as an agent the goods we are exporting now
gen.without book
auto.汽车机动性discretional mobility
interntl.trade., lat.任意ad arbitrium
gen.任意at will
China, law任意arbitrary
gen.任意at pleasure
gen.任意ad lib
mus.任意ad libitum
agric.任意option (optio)
gen.任意at one's own choice
dice.任意 7big red
proj.manag.任意at discretion
tech.任意三色浓度arbitrary three-colour density
tech.任意三色浓度arbitrary three-color density
tech.任意三角形oblique triangle
securit.任意下跌股价急速下跌,未遇阻力free fall
tech.任意个随机变量和sum of a random number of random variables
tech.任意中央子午线arbitrary central meridian
comp., net.任意互连any to any connectivity
econ.任意交货价free delivery
textile任意代理voluntary agency
interntl.trade.任意仲裁劳资纠纷voluntary arbitration
tech.任意仲裁voluntary arbitration
busin.任意仲裁制voluntary arbitration
stat.任意价值的绝对矩量absolute moment about an arbitrary value
busin.任意价格at any price
tech.任意价格capricious value
tech.任意传动装置optional transmission gear
tech.任意传动齿轮optional transmission gear
tech.任意伪圆柱投影pseudo-cylindrical arbitrary projection
tech.任意伪圆柱投影pseudo-cylindric arbitrary projection
busin.任意估价optional assessment
met.任意位向random orientation
tech.任意位置optional position
textile任意保险optional coverage
econ.任意保险voluntary insurance
textile任意信托voluntary trust
fin.任意信托express trust
ecol.任意倾倒垃圾indiscriminate dump
econ.任意假定arbitrary assumption
tech.任意假设arbitrary assumption
tech.任意偏离中点与面元中心之间的距离distance between centers of area element and arbitrary offset middle point
tech.任意停机指令optional stop order
econ.任意公债free debt
busin.任意公积free surplus
archit.任意决定arbitrary decision
busin.任意决定信托discretionary trust
busin.任意决策optional decision
busin.任意决策规则optional decision rule
interntl.trade.任意准备voluntary reserve
tech.任意准备voluntary reserves
textile任意准备金voluntary reserve
econ.任意准备金公积金free reserve fund
tech.任意几何形状random geometry
tech.任意几何状态random geometry
tech.任意凸缘optional flange
wind.任意函数arbitrary function
met.任意函数发生器arbitrary-function generator
tech.任意函数发生器arbitrary function generator
tech.任意分布random distribution
telecom.任意分布检测器distribution-free detector
earth.sc.任意分布法distribution-free method
busin.任意分布法distribution free method
tech.任意分数arbitrary fraction
tech.任意分段文件arbitrarily sectioned file
econ.任意利率arbitrary rate of interest
tech.任意刻度arbitrary scale
econ.任意加权a haphazard weighting
tech.任意加税slap additional taxes
telecom.任意加载arbitrary load
met.任意单位arbitrary unit
cryptogr.任意单位根arbitrary cyclotomic
avia.任意单元arbitrary unit
interntl.trade.任意卸货港交货optional delivery
tech.任意卸货港货物optional cargo
tech.任意原点arbitrary point of origin
tech.任意原点arbitrary origin
econ.任意参数arbitrary parameter
expl.任意参考线arbitrary line
met.任意取样random sampling
tech.任意取样ran dom sample
tech.任意取样chance sample
econ.任意取舍的特性optional feature
busin.任意变动discretionary change
tech.任意变化arbitrary variation
sport.任意变速练习speed play
securit.任意变量discrete variable
tech.任意合同contract at discretion
agric.任意因子arbitrary factor
econ.任意at random
econ.任意at discretion
gen.任意without control
tech.任意地面点random ground point
tech.任意地面点arbitrary ground point
tech.任意场地起落飞机pantobase aircraft
tech.任意场地起落飞机all-terrain aircraft
avia.任意场面起落飞机pantobase aircraft
tech.任意型信息unsolicited message
tech.任意型号disposable type
busin.任意型管理free management
busin.任意型组织free-form organization
busin.任意型组织结构free-form organization structure
busin.任意型经营管理free-form management
tech.任意型键入unsolicited key in
tech.任意基准值arbitrary reference value
tech.任意基准线arbitrary datum line
tech.任意基面arbitrary datum
tech.任意填筑random fill
gen.任意处理随便对待某事make free (to do)
tech.任意处理的订单discretionary order
interntl.trade.任意处理订单discretionary order
securit.任意处置voluntary disposition
tech.任意多边形arbitrary polygon
tech.任意大小网点目板random dot grain screen
tech.任意失配random mismatch
libr.任意字查询free text search
CNC任意存取arbitrary access
busin.任意存量arbitrary inventory
textile任意安插花纹placed pattern
commer.任意定价arbitrary pricing
busin.任意定价法free pricing
mil., air.def.任意定相arbitrary phasing
busin.任意审计optional audit
navig.任意宽度random width
cryptogr.任意密钥arbitrary key
tech.任意布置willful arrangement
tech.任意布置random pattern
fin.任意帐簿option book
tech.任意arbitrary zone
met.任意常数arbitrary constant
construct.任意常数恒量arbitrary constant
econ.任意平均数arbitrary average
tech.任意平面oblique plane
adv.任意广告位run of press
adv.任意广告位run of paper position
adv.任意广告位run of paper
adv.任意广告位彩色广告run of paper color
adv.任意广告排期run of schedule
adv.任意广告排期floating time
agric.任意序列无一定顺序arbitrary sequence
agric.任意序歹计算机arbitrary sequence computer
telecom.任意应用程序any application
tech.任意异分子聚各物random copolymer
compr.任意式法兰optional type flange
tech.任意引航制free pilotage
tech.任意弯矩图arbitrary moment diagram
earth.sc.任意形状的随机走动法arbitrary-shaped random walk procedure
tech.任意征税arbitrary taxation
tech.任意征税arbitrary duty
interntl.trade.任意性或强制性适用optional or mandatory application
fin.任意性拍卖voluntary auction
ecol.任意性标准arbitrary standards
busin.任意性适用optional application
commer.任意成本discretionary cost (会计)
busin.任意成本discretionary cost
commer.任意成本discretional cost (会计)
busin.任意成本指由企业经管人员任意决定的管理费和间接开支discretionary cost
securit.任意或全部要约不定购股最大数量的要约,在要约规定未满足前不买人任何股票any-or-all offer
China, law任意或非法搜查arbitrary or unlawful search
agric.任意截听wilful intercept
tech.任意手工方法random manual mode
textile任意抉择optional decision
tech.任意投影aphylactic map projection
busin.任意折旧arbitrary depreciation
interntl.trade.任意折旧depreciation arbitrary
tech.任意折旧法voluntary depreciation method
tech.任意折旧法depreciation arbitrary method
econ.任意折旧法an arbitrary depreciation method
busin.任意折旧法arbitrary method
fin.任意折旧法depreciation-arbitrary method
tech.任意折旧法arbitrary depreciation method
fin.任意折旧计算free depreciation
chem.任意抽取件random sampled parts
auto.任意抽取的试验样品arbitrary sample
auto.检验时任意抽取的部件arbitrary unit
tech.任意抽查random check
tech.任意抽查arbitrary inspection
textile任意抽样probability sample
textile任意抽样arbitrary sampling
math.任意抽样convenience sampling
tech.任意抽样ran dom sample
tech.任意抽样free sampling
busin.任意抽样法free sampling method
tech.任意抽样法method of random sampling
tech.任意抽选haphazard selection
expl.任意拉格朗日欧拉方法arbitrary Lagrange-Euler Method
tech.任意拨款voluntary appropriation
fin.任意指拨voluntary appropriation
interntl.trade.任意指数voluntary appropriation
econ.任意指数a haphazard weighting
econ.任意指数haphazard weighting
busin.任意挑选good assortment of goods to choose from
tech.任意排列random pattern
tech.任意排列willful arrangement
tech.任意排列random disposition
AI.任意排列三目立体模式arbitrarily arranged trinocular stereo model
busin.任意控制价格加成"free ride" price mark-up
busin.任意提价arbitrary price increase
gen.任意摆布某人twist sb. round one's little finger
gen.任意摆布某人twist sb. around one's little finger
gen.任意摆布某人wind sb. around one's little finger
gen.任意摆布某人wrap sb. round one's little finger
gen.任意摆布某人wrap sb. around one's little finger
gen.任意摆布某人wind sb. round one's little finger
gen.任意摆布某人turn sb. around one's little finger
gen.任意摆布某人turn sb. round one's little finger
busin.任意撤职abusive dismissal
tech.任意支配所得discretionary income
securit.任意支配的资金discretionary fund
textile任意改变线圈密度装置multiple-stiffening attachment
tech.任意政策discretionary policy
met.任意arbitrary number
tech.任意数字转化器random digitizer
tech.任意数据点arbitrary data point
avia.任意数量any quantity
tech.任意random material
tech.任意方向机动omnidirectional maneuver
telecom.任意时间random time
econ.任意旷工voluntary absentee
busin.任意旷工者voluntary absentee
agric.任意曲线free curve
tech.任意权数haphazard weight
tech.任意权数arbitrary weight
tech.任意权数滞后型式arbitrary-weight lag scheme
busin.任意权数滞后形式arbitrary-weights lag scheme
textile任意条款optional clause
busin.任意松弛时间free slack
el.任意标准arbitrary scale
archit.任意标度刻度arbitrary scale
tech.任意标度arbitrary scale
adv.任意标记arbitrary mark
commer.任意样品arbitrary sample
tech.任意样本arbitrary sample
tech.任意格网arbitrary grid
tech.任意横向荷载arbitrary lateral load
tech.任意次序arbitrary sequence
busin.任意比例scale free
tech.任意比例尺indefinite scale
tech.任意水位arbitrary level
stat.任意检查freehand method
tech.任意法兰optional flange
busin.任意波动random fluctuation
tech.任意波形random waveform
tech.任意arbitrary flow
met.任意浓度arbitrary concentration
interntl.trade.任意optional port
econ.任意an optional port
econ.任意滥发贷款the abuse in the granting of loans
tech.任意滥发贷款abuse in the granting of loans
auto.任意at a point
tech.任意arbitrary point
tech.任意点法arbitrary point method
expl.任意点火haphazard ignition
agric.任意点火unregulated fire
busin.任意点矩moment about an arbitrary point
multimed.任意片排序arbitrary slice ordering
adv.任意版位价run of paper ROP advertising rate
adv.任意版位价run-of-paper advertising rate
tech.任意牵伸random draft
textile任意状态random order
tech.任意状态free position
tech.任意环流分布arbitrary circulation distribution
footb.任意free kick
footb.任意球位置position of free kick
footb.任意球的位置position of free kick
tech.任意球面三角形oblique spherical triangle
tech.任意球面三角形scalene spherical triangle
tech.任意球面三角形scalene spheric triangle
tech.任意球面三角形oblique spheric triangle
agric.任意optional (optionalis)
econ.任意的交货价free delivery
gen.任意的决定arbitrary decision
tech.任意的目标航线random target course
plast.surg.任意皮瓣random-pattern flap
fin.任意盈余free surplus
econ.任意盈余划拨discretionary appropriation
tech.任意盈余指拨discretionary appropriation
tech.任意相位arbitrary phase
tech.任意相角功率继电器arbitrary phase-angle power relay
tech.任意石料堆筑random rockfill
tech.任意石料填筑random rockfill
tech.任意石料抛筑random rockfill
China, law任意砍伐fell at will
securit.任意离散变量discrete random variable
stat.任意程序haphazard procedure
tech.任意穿孔的random perforated
interntl.trade.任意管产人executor de son fort
econ.任意管理rule of thumb
telecom.任意类型any type
gen.存储器的任意arbitrary number of level
textile任意组合optional coordination
comp., net.任意组播any to any multicast
stat.任意终点random endpoints
math.任意给定的arbitrarily assigned
cryptogr.任意置换arbitrary permutation
tech.任意联测导线random traverse
tech.任意联测导线arbitrary traverse
fin.任意背书facultative endorsement
econ.任意背书a facultative endorsement
auto.任意脱离啮合walking-out of mesh
tech.任意航向计算机arbitrary course computer
tech.任意random colour
tech.任意random color
tech.任意色调arbitrary hue
gen.任意花完gobble (up)
busin.任意花费管理free-spending management
busin.任意装载random loading
interntl.trade.任意装载条款optional stowage clause
econ.任意装载条款option stowage clause
telecom.任意装配arbitrary load
tech.任意arbitrary angle
tech.任意角域random angle domain
busin.任意解释arbitrary interpretation
busin.任意计算折旧free depreciation
busin.任意订货discretional orders
busin.任意订货arbitrary order
interntl.trade.任意议定书optional protocol
libr.任意词检索free text search
tech.任意试件random sample
met.任意试样random sample
tech.任意试验random test
telecom.任意负荷arbitrary load
tech.任意账户discretionary account
interntl.trade.任意账户交易discretionary account transaction
busin.任意购买buying binge
busin.任意购买miscellaneous buying
econ.任意购买力discretionary purchasing power
tech.任意资金discretionary funds
tech.任意轨道wild trajectory
cryptogr.任意辅助信息arbitrary auxiliary information
expl.任意边界arbitrary boundary
railw.任意运动体力矩表达式moment expression for a moving object
railw.任意运动体合力表达式composition of forces expression for a moving object
math.任意远点assumed mean
math.任意远点provisional mean
math.任意远点working origin
math.任意远点working mean
math.任意远点arbitrary origin
proj.manag.任意连字符discretionary hyphen
proj.manag.任意连接any-to-any connectivity
tech.任意连结random connection
busin.任意退职optional retirement
tech.任意选址random access discrete address
telecom.任意选址无线电通信系统random access discrete address radio communication system
tech.任意选址同步卫星random access stationary satellite
tech.任意选址增量调制random access delta modulation
busin.任意选择random selection
tech.任意选择any selection
busin.任意选择假定random selection assumption
econ.任意选择商品select goods at random
busin.任意选择条件optional condition
tech.任意选择条款optional clause
busin.任意选择模型random selection model
busin.任意选择法random method
cryptogr.任意通信资源arbitrary communication resource
cryptogr.任意部分信息arbitrary partial information
anim.husb.任意quantum libet
econ.任意any quantity
busin.任意quantum placet
tech.任意铺砌的马赛克block random mosaic
el.任意arbitrary value
tech.任意长度random length (材)
agric.任意限额arbitrary limit
tech.任意零值arbitrary zero
tech.任意arbitrary surface
busin.任意free term
tech.任意顺序arbitrary sequence
adv.任意预算法arbitrary method
el.低频任意波形发生器low-frequency arbitrary waveform generator
UN, tech.作战弹药指联合国和部队/警察部队派遣国同意部署到任务地区,以便需要时可立即加以使用的弹药包括飞机自卫系统,如雷达干扰金属箔片或红外线照明弹operational ammunition means ammunition including aircraft self-defence systems such as chaff or infrared flares that the united nations and troop/police contributors agree to deploy to the mission area so that it is readily available for use in the event of need
gen.你的意思是说我们可以随时进入贵国而不需要办理任何手续吗?Do you mean we can go to your country at any time without any formalities?
tech.分层任意抽样stratified random sampling
footb.判对方踢间接任意award an indirect free kick to the opposing team
footb.判给任意award a free kick
footb.判罚任意award a free kick
avia.北极星任意时角法method by hour angle of Polaris
met.任意长度half random length
comp.卷带任意程序tape handling option routine
econ.双方同意不采取任何妨害销售的行动Both parties agree not to take any action which would encumber the sales
econ.双方同意任何口头抗议都不应修改装运条款It is agreed by both parties that no verbal representations shall modify the shipment terms
econ.任意处置的收入discretionary income
tech.任意形状的软油罐formed rubber tank
fin.任意选择的帐簿option book
econ.可以任意支配某人have sb. in one's pocket
construct.可弄成任意形状的软油罐formed rubber tank
proj.manag.在市场对任何坏消息都神经过敏的情况下、 评级连降四级对市场产生冲击并不令人意外That the four-notch downgrade upset markets on trigger alert for any bad nexus is no surprise
el.基于多协议标签交换的任意传送any transport over MPLS
sport.如果根据 3 名裁判员的意见、某一位运动员的行进方式在比赛任何阶段违反竞走定义时、这名运动员将被取消比赛资格。取消比赛资格由裁判长负责通知。When, in the opinion of three Judges, a competitor's mode of progression fails to comply with the definition of race walking during any part of the competition, the competitor shall be disqualified and informed of his disqualification by the Chief Judge
econ.如果该财产的任何部分被火焚毁或其他意外事故所毁坏或损害,上述的购买价格将予以削减以抵销此损失If any part of the property should be destroyed or injured by fire or other casualty, the purchase price specified above would be abated to the extent or amount of such loss
tech.实际任意数据项actual derived data item
securit.意外事件与责任contingencies and commitments
econ.我们任意挑出20袋取样检验,发现质量完全合乎要求We sampled 20 sacks at random and found the quality answered the purpose very well
econ.我们对由于不可避免的意外事故而造成损失或损坏不负责任We shall not be responsible for losses or damages caused by unavoidable accidents
commer.我们必须为任何意外事故作准备We must be ready for any contingency
econ.我们愿意担任你们现行出口商品的代理We wish to handle as an agent the goods you are exporting now
fin.折旧-任意决定法depreciation-arbitrary method
tech.折旧任意决定法depreciation arbitrary method
stat.任意概率抽选selection with arbitrary probability
math.任意概率抽选selection with variable probability
math.任意概率抽选selection with arbitrary probability
econ.旅客意外伤害保险额外责任additional liabilities for accidental injury to passengers
stat.无限制任意抽样法unrestricted random sampling
econ.既然这既不是不可抗力也不是你们难以控制的别的任何意外事故,我方不得不要你方承担延迟交货的责任Since it was neither force majesty nor any other contingencies beyond your control, we have to hold you responsible for the delay of the delivery
stat.有关任意原点的q和s序列联合3/4joint moment of orders q and s about an arbitrary origin
stat.有关任意原点的q和s序列联合矩joint moment of orders q and s about an arbitrary origin
stat.有关任意原点的q序列3/4moment of order q about an arbitrary origin a
stat.有关任意原点a的q序列矩moment of order q about an arbitrary origin a
econ.未经担保一方书面同意,你方不得利用附属担保品或其中的任何部分You cannot use the collateral or any part of it without written consent of the secured party
econ.未经许可证方的事先书面同意,受让方不得授予任何第三方出售许可产品的分项许可证License mustn't grant to any third party sublicences to sell the licensed products without the licensor's prior written consent
econ.根据任意买卖契约所定的牌价pull-and-call price (交易所用语)
securit.根据任意买卖契约所定的牌价交易所用语put-and-call price
shipb.模拟任意输入analogue arbitrary input
brit., busin.欧洲摩托车及货车意外责任事故保险continental cover
securit.正常任意变量normal random variable
adv.比例任意抽样法proportionate sampling
econ.没有设计人的书面同意,不允许对既定的设计做任何变动It is not permissible to deviate from the set design without the written consent of the designer
avia.沿任意方向in any direction
UN, tech.特派团团长是指在安全理事会的同意下由秘书长任命的特别代表/指挥官,负责联合国在特派团内的所有活动head of mission means the special Representative/Commander appointed by the Secretary-General with the consent of the security council responsible for all united nations activities within the mission
el.甚高频任意波形发生器very high frequency arbitrary waveform generator
econ.由于责任在于船运公司,所以我们意见是你方的补偿要求应向该公司提出Your claim for indemnification of the loss sustained should, in our opinion, be referred to the shipping company as the liability rests with them
footb.直接任意direct free kick
footb.示意把球放好罚任意place the ball for a free kick
footb.筑人墙防御对方的任意defend against a free kick by a human wall
cryptogr.约束任意政策指标inhibit any policy indicator
footb.任意punish free kick
gen.任意penalty shot
footb.罚球区禁区内的任意free kick inside the penalty area
footb.罚球区禁区外的任意free kick outside the penalty area
footb.罚直接任意punish direct free kick
footb.罚间接任意punish indirect free kick
econ.老板不同意雇用没有任何工作经历的人The boss does not agree to employ any person having no working experience
securit.胜任的顾问提出的独立意见competent independent advice
chess.term.菲舍尔任意随机 国际象棋Fischer Random Chess
econ.请注意在这些新产品的质量方面不要有任何缺陷Please see to it that there is no defect in the quality of the new products
econ.运输该货中的任何意外的事故都是延误交货的充分理由Any unforeseen accidents in the shipment of the goods are sufficient excuse for the delay in delivery
chess.term.避免任意兑子avoid free exchanges
tech.镶嵌任意块圬工mosaic random rubble masonry
footb.间接任意indirect free kick
tech.任意抽取non-random access
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