
Terms for subject Business containing 价 目 | all forms | in specified order only
价目rate card
价目标记price mark
价目行情报告Cost Information Report
价目priced catalogue
价目list of price
价目catalogue of prices
价目表上所列价格list price
供应价目supply schedule
列有定价的目录priced catalogue
到岸价加利息和目的港价成本、保险费、运费加利息和到目的港价cost, insurance, freight, interest and port of destination
各等价目class prices
国际电报价目rates for oversea telegrams
外汇价目foreign exchange table
价目对象pricing objective
实价项目real-value item
建筑项目评价appraisal of construction projects
引航费价目pilotage tariff
您心目中穿孔机的可行价格为多少?What's the workable price for this puncher in your mind?
我们给出的是船上交货价格,价目表中的价格需经我方最后确认Here are our FOB prices. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation
按目标利润率定价target-rate-of-return pricing
收费价目tariff schedule
新建项目完成量价值value of new construction put in places
早期现金回收作价目early-cash-recovery objective
最新价目latest price-list
银行或其它投资人的有价证券类的财产目录commercial portfolio
物价指数的食品类项目food component of the price index
现售价目cash price
目标定价target pricing
目标购买价target purchased price
目的地港、站交货价free destination
目的地交货价FOB destination
目的地交货价franco place of destination
目的港交货的到岸价加利息价CIFI port of destination
目的港交货的到岸价加汇费价CIFE port of destination
目的港船上交货价delivered ex ship
目的港船上交货价ex over side
目的港驳船交货价以货从船上卸至驳船为限free overside ship f. o. s.
菜肴价目bill of fare
货币价值项目money-value item
货币价值项目货币性流动资产money value item
货币项目物价水平调整price level adjustment of monetary items
运价表项目item in tariff
运费价目freight tariff
运费付至指定目的地交货价carriage paid to named point destination
这是我们的价目This is our price list
递价商品目录表list of bidders
非目标性评价goal-free evaluation
项目价表project price
项目和方案估价appraisal of project and program
项目国民经济评价appraisal of a project from the overall situation of the national economy
项目自然资源评价appraisal of a project from the angle of natural resource