
Terms for subject Commerce containing 价格 | all forms | in specified order only
一般市场价格ordinary market price
上升价格boom prices
上涨的价格rising price
上涨的市场价格rising market prices
不变价格firm prices
不同价格different prices
不同的价格different price
不能接受的价格unacceptable price
世界价格world prices
个别价格变动specific price level changes (与总物价水平变动 (general price level changes) 相对)
中位价格median price
中间价格median price
为了缩小差距我方将把价格降至每公吨1,000美元To lessen the difference, we'll reduce the price to US $1,000 per M/T
习惯于 CIF 价格条件出售货物be accustomed to selling on CIF basis
买方居住地交货价格free delivery
买方居住地交货价格franco domicile
买方预料价格要下跌而停止购进Buyers are holding off in anticipation of lower prices
仓库交货价格ex warehouse
仓库交货价格ex store
仓库交货价格条件ex warehouse
他们认为这些价格无法成交They entertain the idea that the prices are not workable
以四分之一价格购买某物buy sth. for a quarter of the price
以固定价格买入无形资产acquire intangible assets at a fixed price
以国际价格表示的食品food at international prices
以市场价格出售sell at market prices
以每5 元一百个价格at CNY 5 a hundred
以较高价格出售sell at a premium (与以减价出售(sell at a discount) 扌目只寸)
价格上升到每打6.5美元The price ran up to USD 6.50 per dozen
价格上涨price spike
价格上涨百分之十The price has gained 1%
价格下跌条款recession clause
价格不包括佣金The price is exclusive of the commission
价格不容削减The prices admit no abatement
价格不确定性uncertainty of price
价格不稳定price instability
价格不符variation in prices
价格与价值相符correspondence between price and value
价格为每吨122 美元,包括你方3%佣金The price is US $122 per M/T, your 3% commission included
价格传导研究price transmission study
价格估算estimate of price
价格伸缩性price elasticity
价格体系应予理顺The price system should be straightened up
价格内含你方佣金Your commission is included in the price
价格再调整readjustment of prices
价格决策price decision
价格减让price concession
工农业产品价格剪刀差scissors gap
工农业产品价格剪刀差scissors difference
工农业产品价格剪刀差scissors movement of prices
价格反比inverse price ratio
价格变动保证金variation margin (押金)
价格变化条款欧共体price variation clause
价格哄抬price pushing
价格回升rally in prices
价格在慢慢上涨Prices are rising slowly
价格增长应与质量提高相称The increase in price should be in proportion to the improvement in quality
价格大涨大跌sharp changes
价格差别待遇price discrimination
价格差距太大The price gap is too wide to bridge over
价格差距太大无法调和The disparity in price is too wide to be reconciled
价格已上涨The price has appreciated
价格已上调Prices have adjusted upward
价格已下降Prices have declined
价格已达到最低点The prices have already touched bottom
价格常常不断波动Prices are subject to constant fluctuations
价格形式form of price
价格很有可能下跌The prices are much more likely to come down
价格急剧下跌The prices drop sharply
价格惨跌sharp fall (与价格暴涨(sharp rise) 相对)
价格惨跌sharp drop (与价格暴涨(sharp rise) 相对)
价格成份price components
价格折算price deflator
价格按市价调整subject to market fluctuation
价格支持price support
股票价格收益price-earning ratio
股票价格收益率price earning ratio
价格无下降的可能性There is no likelihood of the price going down
价格是经过精确核算的The price is closely calculated
价格暴跌price collapse
价格期望值price expectation
价格构成price composition
价格正趋松动Prices are easing off
价格比较price comparison
价格波动fluctuation in price
价格波动妨碍了销售Sales are hampered by price fluctuations
价格波动条款fluctuation clause
价格猛跌break in the market
价格的巨大悬殊a wide disparity in prices
价格确定determination of price
价格示意price indication
价格示意indication of price
价格竞争compete in prices
价格竞争力price competitiveness
价格符号token of price
价格膨胀inflation of prices
价格补贴subsidies for purchase price
价格表示indication of price
价格调整price change
根据卸货品质与重量而进行的价格调整price judgement
价格调整price alteration
企业对产品销售价格调节price manipulation
价格起落受许多因素所支配The ups and downs of prices are governed by many factors
价格陡涨Prices advanced sharply
价格需要调整It is necessary to make an adjustment in price
价格预期price expectancy
价格高涨的存货high flyer
会计价格accounting price (指非市场价格)
会计价格shadow price (指非市场价格)
伦敦市场价格暴跌The market prices slumped in London
估定价格appraised prices
估算价格imputed price
估计的价格estimated price
供应均衡价格equation price
供应诱导价格supply price
供应诱导价格supply inducing price
保护性价格protective price
保税仓库交货价格条件ex bonded warehouse
保证价格guarantee price
修订的价格modified price
债券期前兑回价格call price (通常高于面值)
兑换价格redemption price (指兑回价格 (call price))
欧共体农产品进口入境价格threshold price
欧共体农产品入境价格threshold price
入帐价格entry price
英国全国价格与收入局National Board for Prices and Income
全部费用在内价格franco delivery
全部费用在内目的地交货价格free delivered
公平价格fair price
公平贸易最低价格fair trade minimum price
公平贸易最低价格Fairtrade minimum price
公道的市场价格fair market price
具有竞争性的价格competitive prices
再售价格resale price (指经销商 (distributor) 或零售商 (retailer) 的销售价格)
再行调整价格readjust prices
农产品价格farm price
农产品价格政策agricultural pricing policy
农产品价格高有助于农业High prices for products encourage farming
农场价格farm-gate price
农场交货价格ex plantation
农场出售价格farm-gate price
农场出售价格farm gate price
净现金价格net cash price
出口价格条例definition of export quotations
出口价格检查export price check
出口平价价格export parity price
分期付款价格hire-purchase price
初级产品与制造品价格的悬殊disparity between the prices of primary products and those of manufactures
到岸价格包括货价、保险费和运费cost, insurance & freight
到岸价格成本加保险费及运费后的价格cost, insurance and freight
到岸价格发票CIF invoice
到岸价格合同买主CIF buyer
到岸价格货值CIF value
到货"价格"to arrive" price"
制造厂商仓库交货价格ex maker's godown
削低的价格undercut price
加权平均价格weighted average price
加权平均价格指数weighted average of the price index
加重附加费价格loaded price
区域性价格zone price
协调的价格coordinated price
原油单一价格single price
原油单一价格unitary price
单一价格one price policy
卖主宁可等待价格趋稳时再出售The sellers prefer to wait until the prices harden
卖方价格seller's price (与买方价格 (buyer's price) 相对)
卖方与买方之间价格差距很大There is a wide difference between the seller's price and the buyer's
卡车上交货价格FOB truck
卡车交货价格free in truck
历史价格historical price
双重价格double price system
受保证的价格guaranteed price
受支持价格supported price
变动价格variable price
可买价格may-buy price
可售价格may-sell price
可实现价格realizable price
可接受价格acceptable price (与不可接受价格 (unacceptable price)相对)
可行价格workable price (与不可行价格 (unworkable price)相对)
合众国际社证券市场价格United Press International Stock Markets
合同价格contract price
合理价格reasonable price (与不合理价格 (unreasonable price)相对)
吊钩下交货的离岸价格FOB under tackle
吊钩下交货离岸价格F.O.B. under tackle
同业价格trade price (指企业 (enterprise) 对批发商 (wholesaler) 采用的价格)
同行批发价格prix marchand
名义价格nominal price
含佣价格price plus commission
启动价格activating price
启运港船上交货价格free on board
启运港船边交货价格free alongside ship (亦用 alongside vessel)
商品实际价格real commodity price
回降价格rollback price
固定价格公债clean bond
国内价格domestic price
国内价格水准domestic price level
国内价格行为domestic price behaviour
国内平均价格national average price
国内食品价格通胀domestic food price inflation
国拨价格state allocation price
国际商品价格动向international commodity price movement
美国1941年修订的"对外贸易定义",该定义把 FOB 价格分为下列6种在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure
在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,减除到指定出口地点的运费FOB named inland carrier at named point of departure, freight allowed to named point of exportation
在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,运费预付到指定的出口地点FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure, freight prepaid to named point of exportation
在指定的岀口地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格FOB named inland carrier at point of exportation
在每件商品上贴价格标签attach price tags on each article
在进口国指定的地点的交货价格FOB named inland point in country of importation
坚挺价格strong prices
基价与包括附加费用的总括价格base price and all-around price
大量报盘使得市场价格下跌Heavy offerings contributed to depressing prices in the market
大量购买很大程度上影响了市场价格Considerable buying affected the market prices to a large extent
太大的价格差距无法弥合The difference in price is too large to bridge over
如果你方价格具有竞争性,我方相信可做大量交易If your price is competitive, we trust we can do substantial business
如果你方价格适当,我方将向你方订购一大笔货物If your price is moderate, we'll place a substantial order with you
完全成本价格full-cost price
官定价格official listed price
实物价格physical price (与期货价格 (futures price) 相对,分别指在期货市场 (futures market)、现货市场 (physicals market) 进行买卖的价格)
实际价格transaction price
实际成交价格realized price
岀厂价格producer price
岀厂价格shop cost
岀厂价格EXW price
岀口价格管制export price check
岀口价格计算表export calculation sheet
工厂交货价格ex works
差别价格differential prices
差别价格split prices
差别价格differential price
市场价格上涨rise in market prices
市场价格与收入政策market prices and incomes policy
市场价格在下跌The market prices are receding
市场价格在回升The market price is picking up
市场价格大幅度波动Prices in the market are fluctuating widely
市场价格猛涨Prices on the market jumped
市场价格突然下跌The market prices have suddenly fall en off
市场价格通常随季节不同而变化Market prices usually vary with the season
市场大幅度价格波动使得交易相当困难The wide price fluctuation in the market rendered business rather difficult
布鲁塞尔价格定义Brussels Definition of Value
平均价格equalizing price
平舱费包括在内的离岸价格FOB & T
英国1964年再售价格Resale Prices Act 1964
应你方要求,现寄来我方产品的目录本与价格In response to your request, we're sending you the catalogue and price list covering our products
厂商建议零售价格recommended retail price
欧共体钢铁进口引发价格trigger price
强制价格prix impose
总、括价格covering price
总括价格all-round price
成交价格realization price
商品交易所或证券交易所成交价格幅度trading range
成本加运费加佣金价格cost, freight and commission
成本对价格关系relation of cost to price
成本、运费、保险费加汇费价格cost, freight, insurance and exchange
我们不能报比每打5.6英镑更好的价格We cannot do better than £ Stg.5.60 a dozen
我们未预料到价格进一步上涨We didn't expect any further advance in price
我们的价格算是很公道的Our prices are moderate in comparison with those of competitors
我们认为我方价格并不过分We don't think our prices are exaggerated
所开价格quoted prices
所报价格不容打任何折扣The price quoted will not admit of any allowance
所报价格为净价The price quoted is net without commission
所报价格太高The figure quoted is too high to be workable
打折扣的价格reduced price
打折扣的价格discounted price
承担价格波动风险undertake responsibility for the risk of price fluctuation
抢购引起市场价格急剧上涨The panic buying triggers off a sharp advance in market price
抬高价格jack up prices
抬高煤气价格hike gas rates
指定地点交货价格franco rendu
指导价格indicative price
按不变价格计算calculated in constant price
按不变价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at constant price
按买方价格at buyer's limit (与按卖方价格(at seller's limit) 相对)
按可比价格in comparable price
按当时市场价格on-the basis of prevailing market price
按现时价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at current price
按班轮条件船上交货价格FOB liner terms
按账面价格per books
挺贵的价格smart price
据可靠方面消息说不久价格将会猛跌It is reported on reliable authority that there will be a recession in price in the near future
控制价格trigger price
推定价格constructed value
美国农产品支持价格support price
支持价格supported price
无固定价格的公债dirty bond
无盖货车交货价格free in truck
易变价格volatile price
易销价格salable price
最低价格floor price (与最高价 (ceiling price) 相对)
最低价格threshold price
最低拍卖价格reserve price
最佳价格政策optimal price policy
最高价格ceiling price (与最低价格 (floor price) 相对;比较 a ceiling on price 价格升限)
有图片与价格的商品目录本a catalogue with pictures and prices
有行无市价格nominal price
期货价格forward price (与现货价格 (spot price) 相对)
未定价格open price
本国价格local price
机场交货价格ex aerodrome
机构价格institutional price
极限价格outside price
核准价格prix autorise
正暴涨的价格booming prices
此时大量到货将压低市场价格Large arrivals at this time would depress the market prices
每件平均价格为20元人民币The average price is CNY 20.00 per piece
每公吨价格在100美元与105美元之间变动The price is hovering between US $100 and US $105 per M/T
每打价格自12美元至16美元不等The prices range from US $12 to US $16 per dozen
每日价格变动限度daily price movement limits (指期货交易市场规定)
每日价格变动限度daily limits of price changes (指期货交易市场规定)
每日市场指示价格缩写为DMIPdaily market indicator price
欧共体水闸价格sluice-gate price (共同体内部入境最低价格)
法定最低价格缩写为PMRstatutory minimum prices
波动的价格fluctuating price
海关仓库交货价格ex customs
火车上交货价格free into wagons (亦用 free on rail, 缩为 FOR)
特价品价格leader's price
特别价格special prices
现款现货价格cash spot price
理舱费及加固费包括在内的船上交货价格FOB stowed and secured
理舱费及平舱费包括在内的船上交货价格free on board stowed and trimmed
理舱费及捆扎费包括在内的船上交货价格FOB stowed and lashed
理论岀租价格theoretical leasing price
生产厂家价格producer's price
生产成本与产品价格关系production cost and product price relationship
生产者价格尤指不太波动的厂家与大型用户或垄断商业组织之间长期合同中的有色金属价格producer's price
生产者保证价格guaranteed producer's prices
盈亏平衡价格breakeven price
盈余与股票价格比率earnings yield
目前市场情况可能让人误以为价格将下跌The present market situation may mislead one to think that the prices are going down
目录价格catalogue price
目标价格objective price
完税后目的港码头交货价格franco quay
目的港码头交货价格ex quay
目的港码头交货价格条件ex quay
目的港码头完税前交货价格ex quay duty unpaid
目的港码头完税后交货价格ex quay duty paid
目的港舱底交货价格ex ship's hold
目的港船上交货价格ex ship
目的港船上交货价格free overside
目的港船上交货价格free over side
目的港船边交货价格free over side
直接价格管制direct price control
相对价格差价relative price difference
短期价格协定short-term price agreement
矿场交货价格ex mine
码头上交货价格free on board quay
码头交货价格free at dock
码头交货价格ex pier (quay, wharf)
码头交货价格ex dock
税后价格price after tax (与税前价格(price before tax) 相对)
稳定价格stable price
稳定下来的价格stabilized price
稳定市场价格stable market price
竞争对手在价格上打百分之五的折扣Competitors are offering a 5% rebate on their prices
竞争对手正主动以更低的价格来报质量更好的货物Competitors are actively offering better quality at a much lower price
竞争者报出更为低的价格Competitors are offering much lower prices
管制价格control led price
粘性价格sticky price (与易变价格 (flexible price) 相对;比较 sticker price 标签价格,价目表价格)
粮农组织茶叶综合价格tea composite price
粮农组织茶叶综合价格FAO tea composite price
粮食价格波动food price fluctuation
约定价格agree-upon price
结算价格settlement price (指清算价格 (clearing price))
给予补助的价格subsidized price
统一交货价格uniform delivered price
统一市场价格uniform market price
统售价格blanket price
综合价格composite price (各种价格的平均数值)
美国消费价格指数US consumer price index
股票平均价格stock average
膨胀性价格inflationary prices
膨胀的价格inflated price
自由价格free price (与管制价格 (administered price)相对)
自由竞争价格free price
自营商价格dealer price
船上交货价格free on board (但在美国 F.O.B. 不仅用于船舶,而且用于火车、飞机、卡车等运输工具,故美国离岸价格应为 F. O. B. vessel)
船上交货价格free on ship (steamer)
船上交货价格ex ship
船上交货价格发票FOB invoice
船上交货加佣金价格FOB & C
船上交货并理舱价格FOB & S
船边交货价格free from alongside
船边交货价格发票FAS invoice
美国蒲耳氏股票价格指数Standard and Poor's Composite Indices
补偿价格变动compensated price change
表列价格schedule price
装运延误带来的价格损失loss in price incident to delay in shipment
规定发行价格的无面值股票stated value no par stock
规定的价格stipulated price
触发价格机制trigger price mechanism
计算价格calculating prices
计算岀的价格calculated prices
计算生产能力达到充分利用时的销售价格calculate the sales price at full capacity utilization
订货价格order price
认为合理的价格justified price
评估价格appraisal prices
该货按低于正常价格岀售The foods are selling at a discount
请即报1,000公吨花生的实盘,汉堡到岸价格Please immediately make us a firm offer CIF Hamburg for 1,000 M/T peanut
调拨价格allocation price
谣传市场价格将上涨The rumour is current that the price will go up
谷物平均价格average cereal price
象征性价格token price
货交承运人价格free carrier... named point
货车上交货价格free on wagon
货轮…船上交货价格FOB per S/S
质量与价格不很相称The quality is. not quite consonant with the price
购买者价格purchaser price (与出售者价格 (seller price) 相对)
购进过多而价格偏高的市场overbought market
贸易价格指数trade value index
赎回债券日期与价格的通知redemption notice
起动价格trigger price
起点价格threshold price
起运港船上交货价格free on board in harbour
路透社商品价格指数Reuter's commodity index
路透社商品价格指数Reuter's index of commodity
转售价格协定resale price agreement
转售价格维持resale price maintenance
转让价格定价transfer pricing
软化的价格softening prices
较低干预价格lower intervention price
较高干预价格upper intervention price
边境交货价格franco frontier
边际价格margin al price
过渡性价格体系transitional price system
运费付至指定目的地交货价格freight or carriage paid to... named point of destination
运费、保险费付至某地价格carriage, insurance paid to
这一价格是我方精确核算出来的The price has been so closely figured out that we cannot even shade it
这导致价格上涨It caused an advance in price
这是我方可以得到的最好价格This is the best price we can obtain
适销价格marketable value
道琼斯股票平均价格指数Dow-Jones Average (由美国 Dow Jones Co 编制,每日刊载于华尔街日报上,共有四种 DJIA, 30 家全美最大工商企业股票价格涨落平均数 (Dow-Jones Industrial averages), DJTA, 20 家全美最大铁路、航空、轮船、卡车运输公司股票价格涨落平均数 (Dow-Jones transportation averages), DJUA, 15 家全美最大(电力与煤气)公用事业公司股票价格涨落平均数(Dow-Jones utilities averages), 上述65家公司股票价格综合指数 (Dow-Jones Composite Average))
重购价格repurchase price
鉴于价格的波动,卖方暂停报盘In view of the price fluctuations, the seller withheld offers for the time being
铁路交货价格ex rail
销售价格marketing price
门槛价格threshold price
降低的价格cutdown price
限定价格peg ged price
限定的价格regulated price
供货商与经销商订立按供货规定价格出售商品集体保持价格协议collective price maintenance agreement
集团贸易价格bloc price
集装箱到达站交货价格free arrival station
零售价格retail price
零售价格调查retail price survey
零售市场价格retail market price
非控制价格uncontrolled price
非正式价格合约informal price agreement
非正式价格合约informal price arrangement
非正式价格安排informal price agreement
非正式价格安排informal price arrangement
非美元价格non-US price
飞机上交货价格free delivered aircraft
飞机上交货价格F.O.B. aircraft
飞机上交货价格free in aircraft
飞机上交货价格free on plane
飞机上交货价格FOB plane
飞机上交货价格FOB aircraft
飞机场交货价格free on airport
飞机场交货价格free delivered airport
飞机场交货价格F.O.B. airport
飞机场交货价格FOB airport
飞机机舱内交货价格FOB plane
飞涨的价格soaring prices
食品价格动向food commodity price swing
食品价格动向food commodity price movement
食品价格变动food commodity price swing
食品价格变动food commodity price movement
食品价格暴跌a collapse of food prices
食品价格波动food price fluctuation
食品价格飙升surge in food prices
黑市价格black price
鼓励性价格incentive price