
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing 价格 | all forms | in specified order only
不公平价格unfair price
不合理价格unfair price
不合理价格fancy price
不合理价格irrational price
价格下限floor price
价格供应曲线price supply curve
价格分析法price analysis method
价格制度pricing system
价格变动条款escalator clause
价格弹性系数price elastic coefficient
价格收益比price earning ratio
价格欺骗price gouging
价格调整条款price escalation
价格调整条款escalation clause
价格需求曲线price demand curve
价格风险price risk
保本价格break even price
倒挂价格inverted price
全包价格turnkey price
公司内部价格intra-company price
公司内部价格intra-corporate price
公平交易价格arm's-length price
内部转让价格intra-company transfer price
冻结价格price freeze
到岸价格加佣金和利息cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
到岸价格加关税cost, insurance, freight, duty paid
到港价格free overside
包括一切费用的价格all-round price
包括运费在内的价格delivered price
单—价格oneprice system
单一原油价格unitary crude cdl price
参照国际市场价格reference to international price
双重价格dual price basis
发包价格contract price
合理价格rational price
回止价格backstop price
垄断价格administered price
处理价格reduced price
处理价格bargain price
市场主导价格prevailing price
当时价格current price
投标价格bidding price
抵岸价格landed price
推算价格shadow price
推算价格computed price
放开价格deregulate price
放开价格deregulation of price
放开价格relaxing price controls
无弹性价格inelastic price
无盈亏价格break-even cost
欧佩克一揽子价格OPEC blanket price
歧视性价格discriminatory price
比较价格comparative price
油库交货价格tank cession price
油槽车上交货价格tank wagon price
混合价格package price
石油价格指数index of oil price
离炼厂价格rack price
竞争价格competitive price
管制价格control of price
约定价格agreed price
约定价格stipulated price
终端价格terminal price
维持价格support price
舱内交货价格free into bunker
规定价格prescribed price
计划外价格out of the plan price
议价价格free market price
账单价格account bill
账单价格killed price
购进价格purchasing price
车上交货价格free on car
转移价格transfer price
道琼斯股票价格指数Dow Jones Index
附条件价格conditional offer
限制价格因素price constraints
价格竞争nonprice competition
驳船交货价格free into barge
高昂价格fancy price