
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 价格 | all forms | in specified order only
一般价格general price
上调价格水平adjust prices upward
不亏不盈价格break-even price
不合理价格unreasonable price
不确定价格uncertain price
个别价格指数specific price index
个别价格水平specific price level
中心价格central price
中标价格tender price
中等价格middle price
中等价格median price
中间价格股票middle priced stock
临时价格temporary price
临时价格provisional price
买卖双方价格坚挺的市场two-way market
买卖双方价格坚挺的市场two-sided market
买方价格buyer's price
买进价格buying price
二级市场价格secondary market price
亏本出售价格loss-leader pricing
交易价格trading price
交易价格actual price
交货价格delivery price
产地价格price in production area
人门价格threshold price
代理商价格factor costs
以本国货币表示的价格price in national currency
以英磅计算的价格sterling price
价格一利润比price-earning ratio
价格上升inflation of price
价格上涨rise in price
价格上涨price hike
价格下跌godown in price
价格下跌fall in price
价格下降sink in price
价格不同price difference
价格优惠的服装off-price apparel
价格体制price system
价格体系pricing structure
价格作用price effect
价格倾销price dumping
价格偏高on the high side
价格利润比率price-earning ratio
价格协定price convention
价格协调price coordination
价格price list
价格price card
价格合理reasonable in price
价格吊牌price tag
价格均衡price equilibrium
价格总数price aggregate
价格意识awareness of price
价格成分price components
价格指数index of price
价格指标price guideline
价格收益price earnings
价格效应price effect
价格条件price terms
价格条款price terms
价格条款price clause
价格标准price standard
价格水平level of price
价格猛跌falling into the precipice
价格研究research on prices
价格稳定price stability
价格索引index of price
价格联盟price ring
价格联盟price association
价格范围range of prices
价格行情price information
价格补贴subsidies of price
价格price line
价格schedule of prices
价格pricing format
价格prices current
价格调整price adjustment
价格调整adjustment of price
价格谈判negotiation of price
价格贴纸price sticker
价格降低reduction of price
价格限幅price limit
价格限度price guideline
优惠价格preferential price
优惠价格favorable price
伦敦价格London price
伦敦条件到岸价格cost, insurance and freight London terms
估计价格probable price
低廉价格keen price
使价格降低screw down
供应价格supplier's price
供应价格supply price list
供求价格supply-demand price
保持价格maintenance price
保本价格break-even price
修订后价格revised price
假定价格shadow price
假定价格imputed price
偶然价格变动accidental price movement
偶然价格变化accidental price change
储存价格upset price
先导价格price leader
全部价格full price
全部价格covering price
公布价格value declared
公平价格justified price
公平合理价格fair and reasonable price
公开价格open price
关栈货物价格price in bond
关税价格tariff value
关税已付价格ex wharf
内含价格implicit price
内部销售价格internal selling price
内陆交货价格inland delivery price
农业价格政策agricultural pricing policy
农产品价格farm products price
农产品价格agricultural price
农产品价格支持agricultural support
净到岸价格,到岸净价,成本、保险费、运费净价cost, insurance, freight net
净售价格net selling price
创始价格market penetration price
创市价格start-up price
初始价格original price
到岸价格CIF value
到岸价格rendu price
到岸价格CIF price
到岸价格交易,成本、保险费、运费价格条件交易cost, insurance, freight transaction
到岸价格加3%佣金cost, insurance, freight and 3% commission
到岸价格加佣金CIF and commission
到岸价格加佣金,成本保险费、运费加佣金价格cost, insurance, freight and commission
到岸价格加佣金、汇费及利息,成本加保险费、运费、佣金、汇费及利息价格cost, insurance, freight, commission, exchange and interest
到岸价格加关税价,成本、保险费、运费加关税价cost, insurance, freight duty paid
到岸价格加关税价,成本、保险费、运费加关税价格cost, insurance, freight and duty
到岸价格加利息CIF and interest
到岸价格加利息价,成本、保险费、运费加利息价cost, insurance, freight and interest
到岸价格加利息及到目的港价,成本、保险费、运费、利息加到目的港价格cost, insurance, freight interest and port of destination
到岸价格加利息及汇费,成本、保险费、运费加利息及汇费价cost, insurance, freight, interest and exchange
到岸价格加利息和佣金,成本、保险费、运费加利息和佣金价cost, insurance, freight, interest and commission
到岸价格加战争险CIF and war risk
到岸价格加汇票费价格,汇票在内的到岸价格cost, freight insurance and exchange
到岸价格加汇费CIF and exchange
到岸价格加汇费价,成本、保险费、运费加汇费价cost,insurance,freight and exchange
到岸价格加汇费及到目的港价,成本、保险费、运费、汇费加到目的港价格cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination
到岸价格加班轮条件,按班轮条件的成本,保险费和运费价格,班轮条件到岸价格cost, insurance, freight liner terms
到岸价格加通关费用价,成本、保险费、运费加通关费用价格cost, insurance freight cleared
到岸价格,成本、保险费加运费价格cost, assurance and freight
到岸价格,成本加保险费、运费价格cost, insurance and freight
到岸价格,成本运费加保险费价格抵岸价格cost, freight and insurance
到岸价格条件,成本、保险费加运费价格条件cost, insurance and freight terms
到港价格free overside ship
到货价格delivery price
到达价格rendu price
制定价格specified price
制定结转价格transfer pricing
制定调拨价格transfer pricing
制定转移价格transfer pricing
制定转让价格transfer pricing
制造价格price of production
制造价格price of manufacture
削减价格undercutting of price
加工价格processing price
劳务市场价格market price of service
包括成本、保险费和运费的价格cost, insurance and freight
包括折扣的到岸价格,折扣在内的成本、保险费、运费价格cost, insurance and freight including
协作价格coordinative price
协定价格striking price
协定价格stipulated price
协议价格agreed-upon price
单位价格unit price
单位产品价格price per unit
卖主寡头垄断价格oligopoly price
卖方价格seller's price
原毛价格grease price
参照价格referential price
双重价格dual price
双重价格two-tier price system
发行价格price of issue
发行价格issuing price
发货港船上交货价,离岸价格free on board port of shipment
受控价格administered price
变动剧烈价格volatile price
可协商价格price negotiable
可变价格政策variable price policy
可接受价格acceptable price
合理价格just price
合理价格price in reason
合理价格justified price
吊钩下交货的到岸价格,到岸价吊钩下交货cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle
启动价格trigger price mechanism
商业价格commercial price
商品价格price of commodities
商品价格merchandise price
商品出口价格commodity export price
商品市场价格market price of goods
商品进出口价格commodity export and import price
商品进口价格commodity import price
商定价格agreed-upon price
回购价格repurchase price
回降价格roll back price
土地价格price of land
在库品价格price in bond
地产价格price of land
地区价格zone price
地区价格regional price
地方价格regional price
场外价格outside price
均衡价格level price
增加价格excess price
处理价格disposal price
处理品价格remainder price
复式价格multiple price
外币到岸价格,用外币计算的成本、保险费加运费价格cost, insurance and freight value in foreign currency
多种价格multiple price
多重价格multiple price
大众价格市场popular-priced market
大概价格probable price
奇零价格odd price
完税价格tariff price
完税价格tariff value
完税价格duty paying value
官方价格official valuation
定向价格orientation price
实际价格effective price
实际市场价格actual market price
实际购入价格actual purchase price
寡头统销价格oligopoly price
展品价格show price
工业原料价格industrial material price
工厂价格price of factory
工厂交货价格ex factory price
工厂交货价格ex work
差别价格discriminated price
已调价格adjusted price
市场通行价格quoted market price
平价统售价格flat price
平均价格composite price
平均单位价格average unit price
平均零售价格retail level
平抑价格keep down prices
平稳价格quoted flat
平衡价格equilibrium price
弹性价格slide price
当年价格current year’s price
心理价格psychological price
性能价格price performance
价格overall price
价格all round
总付价格lump sum price
成交价格trading price
成交价格knock-down price
成交价格限度trading range
成本、保险费加空运运费价格,空运费保险费在内的机上交货价格cost, insurance, freight by plane
成本、保险费加空运运费价格,空运费、保险费在内的机上交货价格cost, insurance, freight by plane
成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价格,到岸价格加内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland waterway
成本、保险费、运费至船舱底交货价格cost, insurance, freight ex-ship's hold
成本加保险费价格cost and insurance
成本加保险费、运费不管装卸价格cost, insurance, freight, free in and out
成本加保险费、运费、卸货地费用价格条件,到岸价格加卸货价条件cost, insurance, freight landed terms
成本加固定佣金价格cost plus fixed fee
成本加运费船方不负担卸货费用价格cost and freight free out
成本效益价格cost-effective price
成本运费加佣金价格,离岸价格加佣金价格cost, freight and commission
我方修正价格our revised price
战争险在内的到岸价格cost insurance freight and war risk
所涉价格covering price
执行价格exercise price
批发商品价格水平level of prices at wholesale
承包价格contract price
报废价格retirement price
抬高价格jacking-up price
抬高价格price hike
抬高价格raise price
指导价格guide price
指导价格系统system of guideline prices
指标价格norm price
指示性价格indicative price
按一般价格水平记账general price level accounting
按固定价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at constant prices
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at market prices
按票面价格par at
接受低于成本价格的订货acceptance of an order at belowcost price
推算价格estimated value
提高价格marking up prices
提高价格lift price
提高现行价格raise the current prices
操纵价格administered price
操纵价格集团price ring
操纵证券市场价格rigging of price
支持价格supporting price
支持价格政策supporting price policy
收盘价格quoted price
收购价格procurement price
放开价格loose up prices
敲诈性的价格extortionate price
方向性价格orientation price
旅游价格travel price
旅游价格指数travel price index
旅行价格travel price
无法接受的价格unacceptable price
昂贵价格extortionate price
易卖的价格salable price
普通价格ordinary rate
最低价格knock-down price
最低价格bed rock price
最低保护价格minimum safeguard price
最低联合价格minimum associated price
最佳价格optimum price
最佳价格带《销售》volume zone
最后价格run off
最后进货发票价格last invoice price
最大价格波动maximum price fluctuation
最大平均价格maximum average price
最宜价格产量政策price-output policy
最小价格影响least price distortion
最近价格recent price
最适度的价格optimum price
最高可成交价格best obtainable price
有利价格favorable price
有效价格efficient price
期望价格expected price
期货价格future goods price
期货价格price of futures
期货价格forward rate
未来价格futures price
未确定价格uncertain price
本期价格current-period price
机动保留价格flexible reserve price
机场交货价,目的地航空站交货价格cost, insurance and freight airport
材料价格material price
标低价格marking down prices
标准价格norm price
标准价格measure price
标准价格standard price method
标准法定价格standard legal price
标明价格marked price
标明价格indicative price
标高价格marking up prices
棉花交易所市场价格stock market quotations cotton
正常价格arm's length price
比例价格prorate price
比较价格relative price
水平价格level price
法定价格fixing the price
流行价格running price
测试价格test value
浮动价格sliding scale price
消费价格consumption price
涨停板,价格上涨,在一般市场上已停止出售pricing out of the market
清算价格settlement price
溢增价格price at a premium
满意价格satisfying price
满意价格satisfactory price
特定价格certain price
特廉价格knock out price
特许价格price concession
独占价格oligopoly price
猛涨的价格zooming price
现售价格cash selling price
现实价格realistic price
现行价格running price
现行价格prevailing market price
现货价格price of spots
现金价格value for money
现金销售价格cash selling price
理想价格optimum price
生产资料价格price of means of production
申报价格value declared
略减价格shade the price
目录价格定价list price
目标年价格target year prices
目的港交货的到岸价格加利息CIF interest and port of destination
目的港交货的到岸价格加汇费CIF exchange and port of destination
真正价格true value
石油价格oil price
石油参考价格oil reference price
确定价格firm offer
磋商价格negotiation price
社会价格social price
票面价格par price
离岸价格f.o.b. free on board
离岸价格free on board value
离岸价格FOB price
离岸价格加佣金free on board and commission
离岸价格加理舱费,船底交货价free on board and stowed
秘密交易价格off-the-book quotation
租赁价格value of lease
租赁市场价格rental market price
租金市场价格rental market value
稀少价格scarcity value
税前价格price before tax
税后价格price after tax
稳定价格steady price
稳定价格stabilize price
稳定证券价格stabilize a security
空运到岸价格CIF by air
管制价格managed price
约定价格fixing the price
约定价格specified price
约定价格agreed-upon price
经济实惠的价格economy price
统一价格unitary price
统一价格uniform price
维修价格maintenance price
维护价格supporting price
羊毛保留价格制度reserve price system
羊毛干涉价格intervene price
羊毛机动保留价格flexible reserve price
股票价格stock price
股票价格下跌fall in stock prices
背离价值的价格price deviate from value
船上交货价,离岸价格free on board price value
船上交货加理舱平舱价格free on board, stowed and trimmed
船边交货价格delivered alongside ship
营销价格marketing price
营销价格政策marketing price policy
行销价格marketing price
规定价格stated price
规定价格stipulated price
规定价格state a price
计件价格piecework price
计税价格taxable value
计算价格computed value
计算价格imputed price
认购价格exercise price
议定价格agree upon a price
证券价格stock price
证券价格securities price
调整价格modify prices
调整价格准备买或卖make a market
谈判价格negotiation price
谈判价格限额negotiated price quota
象征性价格indicative price
账外交易价格off-the-book quotation
货币价格price of money
货币价格money price
货物价格price of goods
货物价格price of cargo
货物价格price of article
货物价格申报单valuation form
货物运到客户指定地点之交货价格free into store
贷款价格loan price
起点价格original price
转售价格resale price
转售价格resale price method
转换对等价格transitional parity price
较好价格《销售》semi-better price
边际价格margin price
过高价格excess price
过高价格excessive price
运费、保险费付至某地价格carriage including insurance paid to
运费保险费付至某地价格carriage and insurance paid to
运输价格transport price
进出口商品价格水平level of prices at import and export
适当价格right price
适销价格marketable price
逐渐下跌的价格receding price
通货价格收益yield on the current price
造币厂法定价格mint price
道•琼斯股票平均价格指数Dow Jones Average
采购价格purchasing price
重置价格replacement price
重置价格replacement price method
重购买价格repurchase price
量或不变价格的数字系列volume or constant-price series
销售价格政策marketing price policy
间接价格indirect price
降低价格put down
降低价格marking down prices
限制价格limited price
限额价格rationing price
非单一价格政策split pricing
非控制价格uncontrolled prices
非法价格exorbitant price
非法价格歧视unlawful price discrimination
预定价格scheduled prices
预期价格expected price
预示性价格indicative price
预算价格budgetary price
额定价格norm price
飞涨价格sky rocketing price
高昂价格high price
黄金价格gold price
黑市价格off-the-book quotation
黑市价格black mart price
Showing first 500 phrases