
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
一阶条first order condition
临时的减贫战略文interim PRSP
临时的减贫战略文interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
主文master file
优惠条soft terms lending
优惠条concessionary terms
优惠条concessional terms
享受优惠条的借款方prime borrower
其他条 情形都相同时all other things being equal
减贫与增长贷款-重债穷国信托文PRGF-HIPC Trust Instrument
减贫战略文撰写情况报告PRSP Preparation Status Report
减贫战略文方法PRSP process
减贫战略文方法PRSP approach
减贫战略文过程PRSP process
减贫战略文过程PRSP approach
减贫战略文进展情况报告Annual PRSP Progress Report IMF, World Bank-IDA
减贫战略文进展情况报告PRSP Progress Report
单一因素贸易条single-factor terms of trade
原本文master file
参与性《减贫战略文full participatory PRSP
参与性《减贫战略文participatory PRSP
参考资料、术语和文存档科Reference, Terminology, and Documentation Section
反洗钱方法文AML Methodology Document
反洗钱方法文joint Fund/World Bank AML Methodology Document
取消对援助附加的条untying of aid
各方参与制定的《减贫战略文full participatory PRSP
各方参与制定的《减贫战略文participatory PRSP
《国际货币基金组织决议及文汇编》Selected Decisions of the International Monetary Fund and Selected Documents
国际货币基金组织文,不得公开使用document of International Monetary Fund and not for public use IMF information security
在其他条相同的情况下all other things being equal
在所有其他条 其他各点都相同的情况下all other things being equal
基于结果的贷款条outcomes-based conditionality
基金组织/世界银行关于反洗钱方法的联合文AML Methodology Document
基金组织/世界银行关于反洗钱方法的联合文joint Fund/World Bank AML Methodology Document
基金组织/世界银行重债穷国倡议和减贫战略文项目联合执行委员Joint Implementation Committee
基金组织/世界银行重债穷国倡议和减贫战略文项目联合执行委员Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program
基金组织内部电子文Institutional Repository of Fund Documents
如果其他条均保持不变all other things being equal
如果其他条均保持不变other things equal
如果其他条均保持不变other things being equal
如果其他条均保持不变ceteris paribus
如果其他条无变化ceteris paribus
拉丁语如果其他条都相同ceteris paribus
完成一定条后才能支付的账户escrow account
实际贸易条real terms of trade
工作文working paper
市场挂钩的贷款条market-related terms lending
市场条conventional terms
市场条conventional market terms
市场条hard terms
市场条commercial terms
市场条market terms
年度减贫战略文进展情况报告Annual PRSP Progress Report IMF, World Bank-IDA
年度减贫战略文进展情况报告PRSP Progress Report
执董会政策文policy Board paper
执董黄皮文BUFF/ED Document IMF document series, BUFF/ED/...
政策文policy paper
控制组Documents Control Office
Documents Section
无条的流动性unconditional liquidity
无条赠与unconditional grant
无条赠与nonconditional grant
无附加条的援助untied aid
有条的减税安排conditional relief arrangement customs
有条的援助conditional grant public finance
有秩序的基本条orderly underlying conditions
未解决的索赔案outstanding claim
未解决的索赔案pending claim
terms and conditions
各类分档贷款的conditionality for the tranches
说明表term sheet
横截条no-Ponzi game
横截条no-Ponzi game condition
横截条transversality condition
次优条second-best optimum
次优条second-best solution
正式的减贫战略文full-fledged PRSP
正式的减贫战略文full PRSP
正式的减贫战略文full-fledged Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
灰皮文GRAY Document IMF document series, GRAY/...
环境方面的贷款条green conditionality
理顺贷款条streamlining of conditionality
的文Instrument to Establish the Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible Members
监督文Surveillance document IMF document series, SUR/...
硬条conventional terms
硬条conventional market terms
硬条hard terms
硬条commercial terms
硬条market terms
第一信贷档贷款条first credit tranche conditionality
简化贷款条streamlining of conditionality
结构性贷款条structural conditionality
背景文background document
背景文background paper
要素的贸易条factor terms of trade
说明文supporting document
贷款条terms of a credit
贷款条准则Guidelines on Conditionality 2002
贸易条terms of trade
贸易的收入条income terms of trade
辅助文supporting document
违约事event of default London Club
避免交叉的贷款条avoidance of cross-conditionality
中心Mail Center
部分问题文Selected Issues papers
重债穷国倡议决策点文HIPC Initiative decision point document
问题文Issues Paper World Bank
附加条的援助tied aid
附带条的意见qualified opinion
附带条的意见qualified audit opinion audit
附条交付的贷款escrowed loan
附条交付的赠款escrowed grant
非优惠条nonconcessional terms
马歇尔-勒纳-罗宾逊条Marshall-Lerner-Robinson Condition
黄皮文Buff Document IMF document series, BUFF/...
黄皮文buff statement
黄皮文buff paper