
Terms for subject Name of organization containing | all forms
会议规划及文Meeting Programming and Documentation Service
分发及邮官员Distribution and Mail Officer
国际农业科技信息系统微机-CDS/ISIS软包及其兼容地方系统Micro-CDS/ISIS Package for AGRIS and Compatible Local Systems
国际居住条及卫生研究医学协会International Medical Association for the Study of Living Conditions and Health
国际渔船安全及工作条专题讨论会International Symposium on Safety and Working Conditions aboard Fishing Vessels
当前农业研究信息微机-CDS/ISIS软包及其地方兼容系统Micro-CDS/ISIS Package for CARIS and Compatible Local Systems
改善工作条和环境计划Programme for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment
编制处Documents Production Service
/construction unit
标准制定文结构的行政准则Administrative guidelines for the structure of standard-setting documentation
泛非文及资料系统Pan-African Documentation and Information System
第二工作组:《基本文》和理事会成员Working Group II: Basic Texts and Membership of Council
联合国文索引United Nations Documents Index
联合国文资料系统United Nations Documentation Information System
及分发Mail and Distribution
及邮袋后勤服务Mail and Pouch Logistics
一缔约方在《京都议定书》之下的进一步承诺问题特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol