
Terms for subject International trade containing 仲裁裁决 | all forms | in specified order only
只有一方当事人在场时所作的仲裁裁决ex parte award
不说明理由的仲裁裁决arbitral award for which no reason are given
不说明理由的仲裁裁决arbitral award for which no reasons are given
临时仲裁裁决interim award
书面仲裁裁决award made in writing
产生即判力的仲裁裁决award having the authority of res judicata
以仲裁方式解决争端settlement by arbitration
以仲裁方式解决争端settlement by arbitration
仲裁上诉裁决arbitration award on appeal
仲裁裁决arbitral decision
仲裁裁决arbitration award
仲裁裁决arbitral award
仲裁裁决的一部分part of an award
仲裁裁决的不可撤回性和具有强制执行力irrevocability and enforceability of the award
仲裁裁决的登记registration of an award
仲裁裁决的约束.力binding nature of the award
仲裁裁决的约束力binding nature of the award
仲裁裁决的终局性finality of the award
作成仲裁裁决render an award
依据公平合理原则作成的仲裁裁决award made ex aequo et bono
停止执行仲裁裁决stay enforcement of the award
1958 年纽约关于承认和执行外国仲裁裁决的公约1958. 6. 10Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 1958
判决宣告仲裁庭无审判权ruling that the arbitral has no jurisdiction
取消仲裁裁决set aside the award
国内仲裁裁决domestic arbitral award
在仲裁程序进行中所作的非最后裁决interlocutory award
在被告缺席情况下作成的仲裁裁决award rendered in the absence of the respondent
仲裁裁决指出异议contest an award
仲裁裁决注明理由give reasons for an award
仲裁裁决的有效性提出异议contest the validity of an award
强制仲裁解决compulsory arbitration settlement
强制执行程序中的仲裁裁决original arbitration award
愿执行仲裁裁决的通知notice of compliance with the award
执行仲裁裁决enforcement of an award
执行外国仲裁裁决enforcement of foreign arbitral awards
承认仲裁裁决recognition of the award
承认仲裁裁决的法院判决entry of judgement on an award
提交仲裁裁决deposit of the award
撤销仲裁裁决setting aside of the arbitral award
有执行力的仲裁裁决enforceable award
根据和解作出的仲裁裁决award upon settlement
注明理由的仲裁裁决award containing reasons
申请撤销仲裁裁决application to set aside (an award)
第一审仲裁裁决original arbitration award
约束性的仲裁裁决binding award
终局仲裁裁决final award
经双方同意的仲裁裁决award made by consent of the parties
请求承认或执行仲裁裁决seek recognition or enforcement of an award
部分仲裁裁决partial award