
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
不可自由加入的海运同盟closed conference
of-不超过…某地以北not north
中等下级船舶ship under average
为"可分批装运"read "partial shipment allowed"
买方最迟于某月某日前将信用证开抵卖方the relevant L/C must reach the sellers not later than...
买期货保值buying hedge
上累积"More-than" cumulation
下累积"less-than" cumulation
不得行使权利为制裁on pain of being barred
…为受益抬头in favor of (F/O)
…为抵押take something as a pledge
... 为计算单位terms of... currency
买方检验或接受为准的报价offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval
买方检验或接受为条件subject to buyer’s inspection or approval
买方看货后定的报价offer subject to buyers' inspection or approval
于 X 日前收到答复为有效的报offer subject to reply received by...
交货地点为条件的报价price quotation in terms of place of delivery
产品偿还的方案product-pay-back scheme
产品支付办法product-pay-back scheme
代位取得合同上的权利subrogation to rights under a contract
代理人资格签署sign"per pro"
代理人身份by procuration
仲裁方式解决争端settlement by arbitration
仲裁方式解决争端settlement by arbitration
... 作抵押筹措款项raise money on
保单独海损为条件subject to particular average
债务作抵消usea claim for set-off
债换股debt-equity swap
"公共秩序"为理由on a ground of public policy
公共秩序为理由的抗辩plea of public policy
公吨计量at £stg…per metric ton CIF London
公吨计量at £…per metric ton CIF London
六个月为期的伦敦银行同业往来贷款利率six-month LIBOR
其名义Eo nomine
出口收入为基础的外汇限额办法system of foreign exchange quotas based on export earnings
列举详尽之清单说明exhaustive list of the goods covered by a heading of group of headings
协议装货日期为准subject to stem
单据出售货物sale by documents
单据出售货物sale based on documents
ac etiam
友好调解解决争端settlement by amicable arrangement
发生损失的时间为根据的赔款loss occurring basis
取得购买土地的优先权enter lands
合法代价取得票据take an instrument for value
后分批发货future installments of goods
和解解决settle by compromise
商品抵押的预付款advance secured on merchandise
国民收入账为基础计算联邦部门账Federal Budget National Income Accounts Basis Federal Sector Account
大副收据为准subject to mate’s receipt
实物in kind
工作代替付款的协定mutual terms
工换粮方案food-for-work programme
平等地位on equal terms
应收票据担保notes receivable as collateral
廉价吸引顾客的商品即特价商品price leader loss leader
恒向线航行抵达目的地的距-离rhumb distance
我地时间为准subject reaches us 17/6 our time
我方最后确认为准subject to our final confirmation
我货未售出为准subject to unsold
投标形式by tender
投资为目标的项目investment-oriented project
抵消方式要求偿还时效已完成的债权recourse to barred claims by set-off
支票提取的存款checking deposits
新换旧new for old
新证据推翻原告所控事实的抗辩.affirmative defense
无效为制裁on pain of in validity
无效为制裁on pain of invalidity
日后双方同意变更为准subject to changes at a later date by mutual agreement
旧换新的买卖trade-in sale
旧换新的旧物作价trade-in value
暂时股票付红利scrip dividend
最好价格订购order at best
…月为基期base month
有价证券作为抵押获得贷款take up loan on securities
有舱位为准subject to shipping space available
有舱位为准的报价offer subject to shipping space available
"期"换"现"against actual
未出售为有效subject to being unsold
未出售为有效的报价offer subject to being unsold
未售为有效报价offer subject to being unsold
本国船只运输的贸易active commerce
板尺为单位的木材计量方法board measure
某笔款项拨作清偿债务之用appropriate an amount of money to the payment of claims
作净东北小红豆100吨,以100公斤新麻袋单独包装,以毛作净gross for net North-East small red beans, 100 metric tons packed in single new gunny bags of about 100kgs, each gross for net
毛作净gross for net
汇票为抵押证券bill on deposit
汇票为担保的证券billon deposit
河流中线为界ad filum aquae
物为押take something as a pledge
特别提款权计值的欧洲贷款SDR-denominated Eurocredits
特别提款权计值的辛迪加贷款SDR-denominated syndicated credits
电报报盘make a cable offer
百计per centum
确认为准subject to approval
票换币change bank notes for coin
票据为根据的交易transaction underlying the instrument
禁止行使权利为制裁on pain of being barred
私人成分as a private person
立即回电为有效的报价offer subject to immediate acceptance by telegram
立即答复为有效的报价offer subject to immediate reply
筹资人仓库存货作抵押的资助field warehousing
经确认为有效subject to confirmation
结关为主on a customs clearance basis
美元挤兑黄金run on gold against U.S. dollars
美元援助的援助国donor in dollar volume
美元支付的进口dollar import
美元时值表示expressed in current United States Dollars
美元表示expressed in United States Dollars
股票付股息stock dividend
股票作红利share bonus
船上为界actually on board
船作抵押的借据bottomry bond (or contract)
船舶为担保品的借款loan raised on the security of the vessel
苛刻的条件exacting terms
英镑计价at £stg…per metric ton CIF London
英镑计价at £…per metric ton CIF London
被保险人确认为准subject approval no risk
被保险人确认无险为准subject to approval of no risk
裁决解决冲突handing the conflict to judge
装第一艘轮船为准的报价offer subject to first available steamer
议付汇票方式使用的信用证credit available by negotiation of drafts
记账支付的支票check payable in account
账面结账清算settlement by book entry
货币表示的发货量value of shipments
货物不符为理由rely on a lack of conformity
资证明in witness whereof
远权beyond right
"邻为壑"政策损害邻国出口来增加本国出口beggar-my-neighbor policy
"邻为壑"的政策beggar-my-neighbor policy
"邻为壑"策略beggar-my-neighbor tactics
"邻为壑"策略beggar-my-neighbor tactic
部分履行承认债务acknowledgment by partial performance
销售为目标而生产market-oriented production
陈列方式促进销售promotion selling by display
领到许可证为条件subject to license being granted
领到进口许可证为生效subject to import licence obtainable
领得出口许可证为准的报价offer subject to export license
领得进口许可证为准的报价offer subject to import license
高价售货sell goods at a high figure
黄金定值value in gold
黄金支付的外国汇票foreign bill payable in gold
黄金支付的外国汇票foreign bills payable in gold
任何可接受的any acceptable
会议日期表外的要求request for departures from the calendar
作为共同海损予补偿的损失loss made good as general average
依人力需求度计教育manpower approach to educational planning
侵吞股东肥己为目的的公司bubble company
借款者的国家外的地方outside the country of borrower
关于一个工人可允许的最大限度负重量的公约第 127 号1967 年Convention concerning the Maximum Permissible Weight to be Carried by One Worker
关于海关安全的安排应各国法律为准national legislation regarding the customs security arrangements should prevail
关于统一有关海上救助飞机或飞机救助的若干规则的公约Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Assistance and Salvage of Aircraft or by Aircraft at Sea (1938. 9. 29)
决定事实的证据conclusive evidence
出租人可要求随时归还的产业租地estate at will
分保分出人可有选择的分保facultative-obligatory reinsurance
到岸后的损失post-CIF loss
说明make notations
包装备发货pack for shipping
兑换黄金的美元短期债券shortterm claims against U.S. gold
列入共同海损allowable in general average
受理的抗辩申诉admissible plea
当地货币偿付的贷款loans repayable in local currency
拆散零售的成套商品open stock
接受的质量acceptable quality
控制的可变因素controlled variables
撤销的合同contract voidable
收回的贷款repayable loan
立即执行的文书instrument "immediately executory"
自由处理的准备free reserve
自由处理的资产即未出质或抵押的资产free assets
预料的违约foreseeability of breach
在另行通知until further notice
在规定限额within the prescribed limit
在许可证签发pending the issuance of licence
后几天的日期date forward
处理船主责任范围外的索赔的基金limitation fund
多年ad multos annos
前信贷提供的补充资金supplementary financing to previous credits
工业制造成本或商业进货成本加赚头决定售价的方式cost -plus approach
工业社会后发展阶段postindustrial state
平价above par value
彼此可相互抵销的债务cross debt
拟一份契约备签证draw up the formal contract for signature
拥有半数上股权majority holding
指定的仓库可用来交货的商品certificate stock
前条件terms as usual
…资格erect into
新的直接欧洲美元发行的债券额new straight Eurodollar bond offering
新的直接欧洲美元发行的债券额new straight Eurodollar bond offerings
零售商无法销售可退货协议s.o.r. on sale or return
暂停营业待市场恢复suspend operation pending a revival of the market
未交货部分15型替代substitute type No. 15 for the portion undelivered
牺牲一部分佣金达成交易sacrifice a part of commission to put the deal through
直接美元计值公开买卖债券straight dollar-denominated public offerings
票面above par
票面价格下的股票below par stock
合同当事人以外的第三人可要求合同当事人履行的保证义务floating warranty
经营低档商品增加销售量trading down
经营高档商品提高利润率trading up
赶紧脱手免多受损失cut a the loss
自立的收入independent income
防止签发可转让的空运单prevents the issue of a negotiable air way bill
防止签发可转让的空运单prevent the issue of a negotiable air way bill
除... except
般为界over the rail
一月份交货为条件accepted provided shipment during January
须按下述予调整subject to adjustment as described below