
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
不间断电源10千伏安UPS 10 kVA and up
与主要装备没有直接关系的次要装备和消耗品应根据部队实力按 "自我维持"予偿还minor equipment and consumables not directly related to major equipment be reimbursed as "self-sustainment" based on troop strength
两个或两个上国家共有自然资源政府间专家工作组Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on Natural Resources Shared by Two or More States
为亚洲及太平洋残疾人努力缔造一个包容、无障碍和权利为本的社会琵琶湖千年行动纲要Biwako MIllennium Framework for Action Towards an Inclusive, Barrier-Free and Rights-Based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific
为亚洲及太平洋残疾人努力缔造一个包容、无障碍和权利为本的社会琵琶湖千年行动纲要Biwako Millennium Framework for Action
可生物降解的合成喷涂物覆盖biodegradable synthetic mulching spray
本组织资产抵押的贷款borrowing against the assets
现金支付工资方案Cash-for-work projects
生物量为基础的碳汇biomass-based carbon sink
知识为基础的经济和社会knowledge-based economy and society
结果为导向的思想results-oriented mentality
编制预算的方法进行综合分析budgeting approach to the aggregate analysis
适当的野战防御设施例如铁丝网、沙袋和其他防御工事障碍物保护其营地安全secure own base camps with adequate field defence facilities e.g., barbed-wire fences, sandbags and other field defence obstacles
适当的野战防御设施例如铁丝网、沙袋和其他防御工事障碍物保护其营地安全field defence facilities e.g., barbed wire fences, sandbags and other field defence obstacles
作战弹药指联合国和部队/警察部队派遣国同意部署到任务地区,便需要时可立即加以使用的弹药包括飞机自卫系统,如雷达干扰金属箔片或红外线照明弹operational ammunition means ammunition including aircraft self-defence systems such as chaff or infrared flares that the united nations and troop/police contributors agree to deploy to the mission area so that it is readily available for use in the event of need
使中期计划的两年期部分得运转operationalize a biennium slice of the MTP
侦察车,车轮100毫米reconnaissance vehicle — wheeled over 100 mm
全国地区为基础的方案National Area Based Programme
关于特别是在撒哈拉沙漠南的非洲地区发展和保护沿海和海洋环境的非洲进程的开普敦宣言Cape Town Declaration on an African Process for the Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa
农发基金撒哈拉南非洲干旱和荒漠化受灾国特别方案IFAD Special Programme for Sub-Saharan African Countries Affected by Drought and Desertification
农场外的创收活动off-farm income generation
利用和保护微生物品系应用于环境管理发展综合方案Integrated Programme in the Use and Preservation of Microbial Strains for Deployment in Environmental Management
半刚体结构是墙体柔软、骨架坚硬、可移动如拆除和装运的设施semi-rigid structures are soft-sided, hard frame facilities that can be moved i.e., dismantled and shipped
协助需要技术援助的发展中国家和其他国家便执行控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约信托基金Trust Fund to Assist Developing Countries and Other Countries in Need of Technical Assistance in the Implementation of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
协同操作武器界定为一个上指定士兵操作的任何武器crew-served weapon: any weapon operated by more than one designated soldier
受干旱和荒漠化影响的撒哈拉南非洲国家特别方案Special Programme for Sub-Saharan African Countries Affected by Drought and Desertification
交易的权利tradable entitlements
在减少贫穷促进增长信贷额度方案中"浮动更多的份额"floating additional tranches" in PRGF programmes
接受的联合国戒备标准accepted united nations readiness standards
转让的排放权tradable emission rights
合作开发和保护撒哈拉南非洲沿海和海洋环境南非会议Conference on Cooperation for the Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa
向发展中国家提供顾问处理严重环境问题支助情报交换所机制的技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Support the Clearing House Mechanism through Provision of Consultants to Developing Countries for Dealing with Serious Environment Problems
向受影响发展中国家缔约方赠款、减让和/或以其他条件grant basis, and/or on concessional or other terms, on a
商用型车辆是随时可从商业来源获得的车辆commercial pattern vehicles are defined as those vehicles that are readily available from a commercial source
在有限的程度上把国际安全援助部队的活动扩及喀布尔外地区expansion limited of ISAF beyond Kabul
"地平线外"部队over-the-horizon force
备战标准是指每一个部队/编队、船只、武器系统或装备必须能够胜任其组织设计的任务和功能,促使特派团任务的完成readiness standards means that every unit/formation, ship, weapon system or equipment must be capable of performing the missions or functions for which it is organized or designed to enable the mission’s mandate to be achieved
实际的或为的缺陷actual or perceived impairment
建立早期警告和侦测系统保护特遣队的房地early warning and detection systems to protect contingent premises
或重置价值,较少者为准generic fair market value GFMV means equipment valuations for reimbursement purposes it is computed as the average initial purchase price plus any major capital improvements, adjusted for inflation and discounted for any prior usage, or the replacement value, whichever is less
战区必须保持后备能力确保不间断服务backup capability must be retained in theatre to ensure uninterrupted service
拖车集装箱无须拆卸,但不作为车辆类拖车予偿还。trailer-mounted containers need not be dismounted, but are not reimbursed as trailers in the vehicle category
拟订一项具有法律约束力的国际文书对某些持久性有机污染物采取国际行动政府间谈判委员会Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for an International Legally Binding Instrument for Implementing International Action on Certain Persistent Organic Pollutants
损失和损坏是指装备和用品由于下原因全部或部分报废loss or damage means a total or partial elimination of equipment and/or supplies resulting from
排雷支持边界标定工作mine clearance in support of demarcation
提供电子数据处理能力和复制能力,包括必要的软件,运行所有总部内部的通信和管理,包括必要的数据库electronic data processing and reproduction capability, including necessary software, to run all internal headquarters correspondence and administration, including necessary databases
撒哈拉南非洲干旱地区倡议Dry-Zone Sub-Saharan Africa initiative
混凝土搅拌机,1.5立方米concrete mixer machine, below 1.5 m3,b
湿度——全年12个月平均湿度达80%或上,平均降水量超过100毫米humidity — average morning humidity 80 per cent or more, or average precipitation over 100 millimetres, all 12 months of the year
热带季风气候:气温——全年12个月的日平均高温达29摄氏度或tropical monsoon climate with temperature — average daily high of 29 degrees celsius or more all 12 months of the year
热带赤道气候:温度——全年12个月的日平均高温达29摄氏度或上。tropical equatorial climate: temperature — average daily high 29 degrees celsius or above all 12 months of the year
特遣队可保持有限的作业储备不超过批准数量的10%用于迅速替换业已损失的或在战区无法进行保养的损坏车辆operational stocks up to 10 per cent of authorized quantity designed as immediate replacement for vehicles lost or damaged beyond in-theatre repair capability
电路装置及连接最终用户的电缆wiring harnesses, and cabling to connect end users
禁止细菌生物及毒素武器的发展生产和储存及销毁这类武器的公约Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological Biological and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction
联合国检查/核查队,可由特派团团长或其代表任命的联合国工作人员和军 事人员组成。 检查队必须有充分的时间保证控制活动的连续性united nation Inspection/Verification team, which may be composed of united nations staff members and military personnel, assigned by the head of mission or by an official acting on his/her behalf must be assigned to the inspection team for a sufficient period of time to ensure continuity in the control activities
自我维持类别进出任务区时不受问责制约束,而需要进行核查和检查,确保其满足特遣队商定标准和任务规定self-sustainment categories are not subject to accountability upon entry into and departure from the mission area, but rather to verification and inspection to ensure that they meet the agreed standards and mandate of the contingent
调查委员会,调查政治犯问题和布隆迪的监狱状况Commission of Inquiry to investigate the question of political prisoners and prison conditions in Burundi
边界委员会秘书及外地办事处Field Office of the Boundary Commission
采矿及采掘业mining/extraction industry
门诊病人和住院病人保健、基本和先进的诊断服务、基本和先进的救生服务、基本和先进的外科能力和能量、充足的再补给能力及伤亡人员撤离/医疗后送的能力和能量outpatient and inpatient care, basic and advanced diagnostic services, basic and advanced lifesaving, basic and advanced surgical capacities and capabilities, sufficient resupply capabilities, as well as casevac/medevac capabilities and capacities in the mission area as per the MOU
降低五岁下幼儿死亡率储备金Under-Five Mortality Reduction Reserve
降低五岁下幼儿死亡率储备金U5MR Reserve
驻纽约的常驻联合国代表团及负责实施制裁措施的主要部委/机构的指定联络点contact points at their permanent missions to the United Nations in New York and at the ministry/agency principally responsible for the implementation of the sanctions measures