
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
买人外币计价的劳务purchase of services valuated in foreign currency
买人外币计价的商品purchase of goods valuated in foreign currency
交易所外的自动交易系统non-exchange automated trading system
人为压低人民币汇率支持出口商keep the renminbi artificially cheap to support exporters
业务职能为基础base of business function
两位数的增幅增长rise at double-digit rates
…为受益人in favor of
…为目的with the intention of
…为计价货币单位denominated in…
人民币结算be settled in the Chinese currency
人民币结算set in renminbi
人民币结算be conducted in renminbi
人民币结算的国际贸易international trade settled in renminbi
人民币结算的贸易trade settled in renminbi
人民币结算跨境贸易settle cross-border trades in renminbi
人民币计价的债券bonds denominated in renminbi
人民币计价的债务renminbi-denominated debt
人民币计价的国际黄金合约international gold contract denominated in the renminbi
人民币计价的股票stocks denominated in renminbi
人民币计价的跨境贸易renminbi-denominated cross-border trade
人民币计价的金融产品市场renminbi-denominated financial markets
人民币进行收购make acquisitions in renminbi
会计期间为基础base of accounting period
低价收盘close low
住房做抵押进行贷款borrow against the value of one's homes
保险单签发为基础polices issued basis
信用方式交易on margin
借人股份进行交易trading on borrowed stock
债务作抵销use a claim for set-off
元为单位会计制dollar accounting
先旧后新方式配售top-up placing
先旧后新方式配售placing and top-up
分期付款方式on easy terms
前信贷补充资金supplementary financing to previous credits
前年度prior year
前获得的销货利益profit on sales prior to acquisition
合理价格增长growth at a reasonable price
商业信用为融资之手段trade credit as a means of financing
商业票据支付payment in commercial papers
外币结算的交易transactions settled in foreign currency
外币计价的交易transactions valuated in foreign currency
存折抵押的贷款loan on passbook as collateral
实物付给某人pay a person in kind
实物形式in specie
实物支付pay in kind
实物资产作抵押security in physical assets
对话协商妥善处理贸易摩擦address trade frictions appropriately through dialogue and consultation
已付费用为准on a cost incurred basis
帐款抵销offsets against accounts
帐款抵销offset against accounts
应收票据担保note receivable as collateral
开盘报价open rotation
往单位成本past unit cost
往服务成本past service costs
往的改革previous reforms
成本与产品间的关系为基础base of relationship to the cost of unit
成本发生之经常与否为基础base of regularity of occurrence
扺押品担保贷款secure a debt by mortgage
投资为中心的增长模式investment-centric growth model
投资为目的的跨境人民币资金流动move the renminbi in or out of the mainland for investment purposes
... 抵借borrow money on
按金形式缴付的期权金margined premium
支付溢价为成本的提前还款权利make-whole call
支票提取的存款deposit subject to check
收入为基础的退休金制度system of income-based retirement benefits
舍弃零数整数表示in round figures
新债换旧债refunding a bond issue
最优市价成交at best
最佳价格/条件执行交易的原则principle of best execution
有价证券做抵押获得贷款take loan on securities
欧元计价的债务Euro-denominated debt
欧元计价的证券securities denominated in euro
活动为基础的管理activity based management (利用以活动为基础的成本计算制度改善一家公司的运营)
活动为基础的预算案activity based budgeting (一种制定预算的方法,过程为列举机构内每个部门所有牵涉成本的活动,并确立各种活动之间的关系,然后根据此资料决定对各项活动投人的资源)
牙还牙的报复之路path of tit-for-tat retaliation
物易物的虚晃交易banner barter transaction
特别提款权计值的欧洲辛迪加贷款SDR-denominated Euro-credits
特别提款权计值的金融资产SDR-denominated financial assets
牺牲环境的代价来换取高速增长、盲目铺摊子seek economic growth rate and big size at the price of environment
现金交易transaction to be in cash
盈余偿还的长期债款funded debt retired from surplus
管理上可控制与否为基础base of administrative control
紧缩为核心的政策austerity-centred policy
美元计算的分店报表branch statements in dollars
美元计算的国民生产净值dollar net national product
股代息dividend in specie
股换股share exchange
英镑计算的价格sterling price
要素价格表示at factory price
要素费用表示at factory cost
证券抵押的贷款loan against securities
货代款in kind
货抵充部分债务take part of the debt out in goods
质取胜战略strategy of competing on quality
资产抵销项目offsets against assets
资产抵销项目offset against assets
资产清偿债务liquidation of debt by asset
金融危机之前的增长率快速扩张expand at rapid pre-crisis rates
铁道支线为抵押之债券divisional bonds
零为基础之预算零基预算zero-based budget
非现金资产取得子公司股本non-cash acquisition of subsidiary stock
项目性质为基础base of nature of the item
风险为依据的方法risk-based approach
高价收盘close high
信用等级在投资级上的企业债enterprise obligations with the credit rating at the investment grade or above
信用等级在投资级上的金融债券financial debentures with the credit rating at the investment grade or above
允许中国企业本币进行跨境交易结算allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trade deals in their own currency
允许人民币更快速度升值allow the renminbi to rise faster
允许人民币更快速度升值allow the renminbi to appreciate more rapidly
允许进出口贸易人民币开具发票和结算allow imports and exports to be invoiced and settled in renminbi
全球经济不同速度增长的格局pattern of a multi-speed global economy
创设人民币计价的投资产品create investment products denominated in the Chinese currency
募集人民币计价的基金raise a renminbi-denominated fund
卖不出去不合用退还on sale or return
发货成本计价shipments billed at cost
be good for M to + inf.
背书转让的票据negotiable credit instruments
合伙人贷款及资本均足或无力负担变现损失partner’s loan and capital accounts sufficient or insufficient to absorb realization losses
向…施以援offer a helping hand to...
后指定日期付款payment ot a fixed future time
在本财政年度后的年度out years
在遵循一致性原则基础上制定规章及措施formulate their regulations and measures in a consistent manner
在香港外地区成立的法团银行bank incorporated outside Hong Kong
实施一套规模较小的投资为重点的刺激计划implement a smaller investment-focused stimulus package
对预算加平衡balance budget
更优价格or better
拍卖时低于贷主所定最低价为贷主买回拍卖品buy in
提供人民币计价的股票产品offer shares denominated in renminbi
政府主导的,更为商业化的体系为目标的转型government-led transition towards a more commercially oriented system
最低可接受的价格lowest possible price
欧元区外地区world outside the eurozone
欧元区外的国家countries outside the eurozone
法定期限后归回已履行的债restitution of performance after prescription
直接货币支付的利息explicit interest
直接货币支付的成本explicit costs
票据到期新票据抵偿的分录entries for a renewal note
票面额下的行市adverse parity
综合报表一后年度consolidated statements-subsequent years
美国外流通的美元dollars circulating outside the US
评价above par value
货币性资产外的资产assets other than monetary assets
银行外货币note on outside banks
销货后年度控制成数变动change during year subsequent to year of sale
随时可收回的借款at call (money at call)
定价的证券hard-to-price securities
获得信贷poor credit availability
负担的债务unaffordable debt
预防欺骗及权力滥用行为prevent fraudulent activities and abuse
香港外成立的核准法团银行approved bank incorporated outside Hong Kong