
Terms for subject Electronics containing | all forms
下按收到原样发出following transmitted as received
e为底的对数natural logarithm (lnX≈2.302581gX)
e 为底的对数logarithm to the base e
10 为底的对数common logarithm
10为底的对数common logarithm (lgX≈0.434291nX)
9为模数的余数residue modulus nine
9 为模的余数residue modulus nine
lpW 为零电平的分贝数decibels relative to one picowatt
1μW为零电平的分贝数decibels relative to one microwatt
1W为零电平的分贝数decibels relative to one watt
1V 为零电平的分贝数decibels relative to one volt
lmW 为零电平的分贝数decibels relative to one milliwatt
人为中心的文字处理器human-centric word processor
付款委托书结账settlement by payment orders
1伏为零电平的分贝decibels relative to one volt
分贝表示的幅频特性decibel-log frequency characteristic
分贝计的有效感知噪声effective perceived noise in decibels
前的保密数据formerly restricted data
变动电压进行控制variable-voltage control
四乙氧基硅烷作先质淀积硼磷硅玻璃BPSG deposition using TEOS as the precursor
地为基准的单端输人ground-referenced single-ended
太网一种办公室间通信网络,其发展初期曾称作 DIXether network
太网上运行异步传送模式ATM over Ethernet
太网上运行点对点协议point-to-point protocol over Ethernet
太网串行接口Ethernet serial interface
太网主机Ethernet host
太网交换模块Ethernet switching module
太网-光纤分布式数据接口交换模块Ethernet-to-FDDI switching module
太网媒体接人控制器media access controller for Ethernet
太网对话链路接人协议EtherTalk link access protocol
太网局域模拟程序包Ethernet LAN simulation package
太网式无源光网络Ethernet-based passive optical network
太网接口设备Ethernet interface unit
太网数据采集系统Ethernet data acquisition system
太网数据链路控制Ethernet data link control
太网服务提供商Ethernet service provider
太网用局域网控制器芯片local area network controller chip for Ethernet
太网虚拟专用线路optical Ethernet virtual leased line
太网配置Ethernet configuration
太网配置测试协议Ethernet configuration testing protocol
太网链路接人协议Ethernet link access protocol
太网集线器Ethernet concentrator
太网驱动器Ethernet driver
实验证明核实experimental verification
应用为中心的存储管理方案application-centric storage management
微处理器为基础的设备microprocessor-based equipment
托付单清算settlement by payment orders
数组为基础的语言编辑程序array-based linguistic editor
比特为单位in bit
涡流稳定电弧vortex stabilized arc
满刻度为零电平的分贝数decibels relative to full scale
环球网为中心的反潜战网络Web-centric ASW network
空间为基地的space based
网络为中心的计算network-centric computing
脆性断裂为基准的运行图brittle-fracture-oriented operating diagram
色列标准学会Standards Institute of Israel
色列-美国双边工业研究发展基金Israel-US Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation
货易货方式barter system
费米能级为基准的电子能谱化学分析技术Fermi-level referenced electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
…速率at the rate of
集群通信业务为基础的集成架构integrated framework based on the group communications service
使用数控机床加工有许多优势。加工过程比手工更精确,并且能够完全一样的方式重复There are many advantages to using CNC machining. The process is more precise than manual machining, and can be repeated in exactly the same manner over and over again
便携式太网收发机测试仪portable Ethernet transceiver tester
保护区外的短路external fault
太网optical Ethernet
太网专线optical Ethernet private line
全双工交换太网full duplex switched Ethernet
共同态密度除能量平方joint density of states divided by the energy squared
利用发电机可把机械能转变成电能The mechanical energy can be changed into electrical energy by means of a generator or dynamo
千兆比太网gigabit Ethernet
千兆比特太网联盟Gigabit Ethernet Alliance
接受的风险accepted risk
远近照亮的汽车前灯double-dipping headlight
可伸缩专用太网compacted and scalable dedicated Ethernet
千兆太网接口处理器gigabit Ethernet interface processor
千兆比特太网交换体系结构switching architecture for gigabit Ethernet
吉比太网gigabit Ethernet
同步太网synchronous Ethernet
同步太网isochronous Ethernet
同步光纤网太网Ethernet over SONET
四通道太网交换收发器quad Ethernet switching transceiver
四通道快速太网收发器芯片quad fast Ethernet transceiver chip
四通道集成太网收发器quad integrated Ethernet transceiver
在可探测限度below limit of detection
在地面above ground
在探测极限lower than detection limit
在美国大陆本土outside Continental United States
在视力范围out of vision
在这里,你可买到任何你想要的工具,从圆锯到带式砂磨机,且零售价可享受8-9折优惠You can get any tools you want here from circular saws to belt sanders at 10%-20 % off retail
地平线above ground level
地平面上的墙壁above-grade wall
城域太网metropolitan area Ethernet
基线above base line
增强型太网串行收发机enhanced Ethernet serial transceiver
平均地面上高度height above average terrain
当漫游到原籍公众陆地移动电话网国家外时禁止对内呼叫barring of incoming calls when roaming outside the home PLMN country
快速太网交换模块fast Ethernet switching module
快速太网交换集线器fast Ethernet switching hub
快速太网接口单元fast Ethernet interface unit
快速太网接口处理器fast Ethernet interface processor
快速太网网关fast Ethernet gateway
快速太网联盟Fast Ethernet Alliance
快速太通道技术fast ether channel
数字太网通用总线适配器digital Ethernet UNIBUS adapter
甚高比特率数字用户线太网Ethernet over VDSL
砂轮机可提高工件的精度及其表面的光洁度The grinding machine could raise the precision of a workpiece and improve its surface finish
离子在物质中逐次碰撞、溅射和换位/易位方式而迁移transport of ions in matter with collision cascade, sputtering and replacement/relocation events
等时太网isochronous Ethernet
虚拟专用太网virtual private Ethernet
转发器专用四通道快速太网收发器芯片quad fast Ethernet transceiver for repeater chip
连续可进入的permanently accessible
通常可进入的permanently accessible
长距离传输太网long-reach Ethernet
除战争外的军事行动military operations other war
测定的损耗indeterminate losses
高水位above high water mark